Thread: GHD Keighley
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Old 08-13-2011, 08:19 AM   #1
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Default GHD Keighley

He looked sideways, up at Johanna,复件 (42) air max2,GHD Keighley, then continued more slowly. Johanna didn't remember much of the ceremony, so much of her attention was on White Head. Woodcarver said something long and unintelligible. Somehow they both ended up with intricately carven decorations on their collars, and were headed back toward the rest of Scrupilo. Then she was aware of the crowd once more. They stretched as far as she could see under the forest canopy -- and every one of them seemed to be cheering, Scrup's cannoneers loudest of all. Midnight. Here at the bottom of the valley there were three or four hours of the dayaround when the sun dipped behind the high north wall. It didn't much feel like night, or even twilight. The smoke from the fires to the north seemed to getting worse. She could smell it now. Johanna walked back from the cannoneers section toward the center of camp,beats dre cheap, and Woodcarver's tent. It was quiet; she could hear little creatures scritching in the root bushes. The celebrating might have gone on longer, except that everyone knew that in another few hours they would be preparing for the climb up the valley's north wall. So now there was only occasional laughter, an occasional pack walking about. Johanna walked barefoot, her shoes slung over her shoulders. Even in the dry weather, the moss was wonderfully soft between her toes. Above her the forest canopy was shifting green and patches of hazy sky. She could almost forget what had gone before, and what lay ahead. The guards around Woodcarver's tent didn't challenge her,Dre Beats Tour (Black) High Resolution In-Ear Head, just called softly ahead. After all, there weren't that many humans running around. The Queen stuck out a head, "Come inside,Monster Beats Tour, Johanna." Inside, she was sitting in her usual circle, the puppies protected in the middle. It was quite dark, the only light being what came through the entrance. Johanna flopped down on the pillows where she usually slept. Ever since this afternoon, the big award thing, she had been planning to give Woodcarver a piece of her mind. Now ... well the party at the cannoneers had been a happy thing. It seemed kind of a shame to break the mood. Woodcarver cocked a head at her. Simultaneously, the two puppies duplicated the gesture. "I saw you at the party. You are a sober one. You eat most of our foods now, but none of the beer." Johanna shrugged. Yes,Core Cardio & Balance, why? "Kids aren't supposed to drink before they're eighteen years old." That was the custom, and her parents had agreed with it. Johanna had turned fourteen a couple of months ago; Dataset had reminded her of the exact hour. She wondered. If none of this had happened, if she were still back at the High Lab or Straumli Realm: would she be sneaking out with friends to try such forbidden things? Probably. Yet here, where she was entirely on her own, where she was currently a big hero, she hadn't tried a drop.... Maybe it was because Mom and Dad weren't here, and following their wishes seemed to keep them closer. She felt tears coming to her eyes. "Hmm." Woodcarver didn't seem to notice. "That's what Pilgrim said was the reason." She tapped at her puppies and smiled. "I guess it makes sense. These two don't get beer till they're older -- though I know they got some second-hand partying from me tonight." There was a hint of beer breath in the tent. Johanna wiped roughly at her face. She really did not want to talk about being a teenager just now. "You know, that was kind of a mean trick you pulled on Scrupilo this afternoon." "I -- Yes. I talked to him about it beforehand.
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