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Old 08-12-2011, 06:29 AM   #1
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Thumbs up Witness: Soldiers cried out when hit by gunfire (AP)

FORT LEAVENWORTH, Kan. &ndash; A soldier testifying at a hearing for a U.S. soldier accused of killing five fellow service members in Iraq says he heard soldiers crying out as they were hit <a href=""><strong>Cheap Juicy bags On Sale</strong></a> by gunfire. Sgt. John Russell is accused of opening fire at a combat stress clinic near Baghdad in May 2009. He's facing charges that include five <a href=""><strong>Juicy Couture Outlet </strong></a> counts of premeditated murder. Sgt. Dominic Morales testified Tuesday that he and two other soldiers took cover in an office as Russell walked through the clinic shooting. Morales says he heard soldiers who were hit, crying out: <a href=""><strong>sports sunglasses | ######## Ray Ban Outlet Online On sale Replica Ray ...</strong></a> "Oh God. Oh God." The father of one victim was overcome during the testimony and left the courtroom. A military judge is hearing the case in Kansas at Fort Leavenworth, where Russell is being held.
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