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Old 08-11-2011, 10:25 PM   #1
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Default Dre Beats Studio

All the people lost at Straum and Relay. But she had three friends, and a love. Alone in a tiny ship bound for the Bottom, she was less lonely than she'd been since leaving Sjandra Kei. More than ever in her life, maybe she could do something to help with the problems. And then she guessed,复件 (7) air max1, part in sadness, part in joy,复件 (78) air max1, that years from now she might look back on these months as goldenly happy. .Delete this paragraph to shift page flush CHAPTER 26 And finally, almost five months out, it was clear there was no hope of going on without repairing the drive spines. The OOB was suddenly doing only a quarter of a light-year per hour in a volume that tested good for two. And things were getting worse. They would have no trouble making it to Harmonious Repose, but beyond that ... Harmonious Repose. An ugly name, thought Ravna. Pham's "light-hearted" translation was worse: Rest In Peace. In the Beyond, almost everything habitable was in use. Civilizations were transient and races faded ... but there were always new people moving up from Below. The result was most often patchwork,复件 (89) air max2, polyspecific systems. Young races just up from the Slowness lived uneasily with the remnants of older peoples. According to the ship's library, RIP had been in the Beyond for a long time. It had been continuously inhabited for at least two hundred million years,复件 (63) air max1, time for ten thousand species to call it home. The most recent notes showed better than one hundred racial terranes. Even the youngest was the residue of a dozen emigrations. The place should be peaceful to the point of being moribund. So be it. They jigged the OOB three light-years spinward. Now they were flying down the main Net trunk towards RIP: they'd be able to listen to the News the whole way in. Harmonious Repose advertised. At least one species valued external goods, specializing in ship outfitting and repair. An industrious, hard-footed(?) race, the ads said. Eventually, she saw some video: the creatures walked on ivory tusks and had a froth of short arms growing from just below their necks. The ads included Net addresses of satisfied users. Too bad we can't follow up on those. Instead, Ravna sent a short message in Triskweline, requesting generic drive replacements, and listing possible methods of payment. Meantime, the bad news kept rolling in: Crypto: 0 As received by: OOB shipboard ad hoc Language path: Baeloresk->Triskweline, SjK units From: Alliance for the Defense [Claimed cooperative of five polyspecific empires in the Beyond below Straumli Realm. No record of existence before the Fall of the Realm.] Subject: Call to action Distribution: Threat of the Blight, War Trackers Interest Group, Homo Sapiens Interest Group Date: 158.00 days since Fall of Relay Key phrases: Action,DRE BEATS STUDIO,mbt lami black, not talkText of message: Alliance Forces are preparing for action against the tools of the Perversion. It is time for our friends to declare themselves. At the moment we do not need your military pledges, but in the very near future we will need support services including free Net time. In the coming seconds we will be watching closely to see who supports our action and who may be enslaved to the Perversion. If you live with the human infestation, you have a choice: act now with a good possibility of victory -- or wait, and be destroyed. Death to vermin. There were plenty of secondary messages, including speculation about who Death to Vermin (aka the "Alliance for the Defense") had in mind. There were also rumors of military movement. This wasn't making the splash the fall of Relay had, but it did have the attention of several News groups.
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