Thread: mbt sport
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Old 08-11-2011, 05:04 AM   #1
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Default mbt sport

The fabric of Jefri's pants' knees was already torn apart on the rough stone. He hustled faster, the stabbing beat of rock on knees barely penetrating his consciousness. He bumped into the puppy ahead of him. The puppy had stopped, seemed to be twisting sideways. "There's a fork. I say we ... what should I say, Jefri?" Jefri rolled back,, knocking his head on top of the wormhole. For most of a year,mbt sport, it had been Amdi's confidence,mbt salama, his cheeky cleverness, that had kept him going. Now ... suddenly he was aware of the tonnes of rock that were pressing in from all directions. If the tunnel narrowed just a few centimeters,mbt changa shoes, they would be stuck here forever. "Jefri?" "I--" Think! "Which side seems to be going up?" "Just a second." The lead member ran off a little ways down one fork. "Don't go too far!" Jefri shouted. "Don't worry. I ... he'll know to get back." Then he heard the patter of return, and the lead member was touching its nose to his cheek. "The one on the right goes up." They hadn't gone more than fifteen meters before Amdi started hearing things. "People chasing us?" asked Jefri. "No. I'm mean, I'm not sure. Stop. Listen.... Hear that? Gluppy,, syrupy." Oil. No more stopping. Jefri moved faster than ever up the tunnel. His head bumped into the ceiling and he stumbled to his elbows, recovered without thinking and raced on. A trickle of blood dripped down his cheek. Even he could hear the oil now. The sides of the tunnel closed down on his shoulders. Ahead of him, Amdi said, "Dead end -- or we're at an exit!" Scritching sounds. "I can't move it." The puppy turned around and wiggled back between Jefri's legs. "Push at the top, Jefri. If it's like the one I found in the dome, it opens at the top." The darn tunnel got narrow right before the door. Jefri hunched his shoulders and squeezed forward. He pushed at the top of the door. It moved, maybe a centimeter. He crawled forward a little further, squished so tightly between the walls that he couldn't even take a deep breath. Now he pushed hard as he could. The stone turned all the way and light spilled onto his face. It wasn't full daylight; they were still hidden from the outside behind angles of stone -- but it was the happiest sight Jefri had ever seen. Half a meter more and he would be out -- only now he was jammed. He twisted forward a fraction, and things only seemed to get worse. Behind him, Amdi was piling up. "Jefri! My rear paws are in the oil. It's filled the tunnel all up behind us." Panic. For a second Jefri couldn't think of anything. So close, so close. He could see color now, the bloody smears on his hands. "Back up! I'll take off my jacket and try again." Backing up was itself almost impossible, so thoroughly wedged had he become. Finally he'd done it. He turned on his side, shrugged out of the jacket. "Jefri! Two of me under ... oil. Can't breathe." The puppies jammed up around him, their pelts slick with oil. Slick,mbt sandals clearance! "Jus' second!" Jefri wiped the fur, smeared his shoulders with the oil. He extended his arms straight past his head and used his heels to push back into the narrowness. Then the stone closed in on his shoulders. Behind him, what was left of Amdi was making whistling noises. Jam. Push. Push. A centimeter, another. And then he was out to his armpits and it was easy. He dropped to the ground and reached back to grab the nearest part of Amdi. The pup wriggled out of his hands. It blubbered something not Tinish and not human. Jefri could see the dark shadows of several members pulling at something out of sight. A second later, a cold, wet blob of fur rolled out of the darkness into his arms.
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