Thread: Slendertone
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Old 08-07-2011, 04:03 PM   #1
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Default Slendertone

At one such stop,复件 (20) air max, Johanna sat with Peregrine in the shade of a tree that looked like pine but smelled of honey. Pilgrim played with his young ones, helping them to stand up and walk a few steps. She could tell by the buzzing in her head that he was thinking at the pups. And suddenly they seemed more like marionettes than children to her. "Why don't you let them play by themselves, or with their --" Brothers? Sisters? What do you call siblings born to the other pack? "--with Woodcarver's pups?" Even more than Woodcarver, the pilgrim had tried to learn human customs. He was by far the most flexible pack she knew ... after all, if you can accommodate a murderer in your own mind, you must be flexible. But Pilgrim was visibly startled by her question. The buzzing in her head stopped abruptly. He laughed weakly. It was a very human laugh, though a bit theatrical. Peregrine had spent hours at interactive comedy on Dataset -- whether for entertainment or insight, she didn't know. "Play? By themselves? Yes ... I see how natural that would seem to you. To us, it would be a kind of perversion.... No, worse than that,复件 (92) air max2, since perversions are at least fun for some people some of the time. But if a pup were raised a singleton, or even a duo -- it would be making an animal of what could be sturdy member." "You mean that pups never have life of their own?" Peregrine cocked his heads and scrunched close to the ground. One of him continued to nose around the puppies, but Johanna had his attention. He loved to puzzle over human exotica. "Well, sometimes there is a tragedy -- an orphan pup left to itself. Often there is no cure for it; the creature becomes too independent to meld with any pack. In any case, it is a very lonely, empty life. I have personal memories of just how unpleasant." "You're missing a lot. I know you've watched children's stories on Dataset. It's sad you can never be young and foolish." "Hei! I never said that. I've been young and foolish lots; it's my way of life. And most packs are that way when they have several young members by different parents." As they talked, one of Peregrine's pups had struggled to the edge of the blanket they sat on. Now it awkwardly extended its neck into the flowers that grew from the roots of a nearby tree. As it scruffed around in the green and purple, Johanna felt the buzzing begin again. The pup's movement became a tad more organized. "Wow! I can smell the flowers with him. I bet we'll be seeing through each other's eyes well before we get to Flenser's Hidden Island." The pup backed up, and the two did a little dance on the blanket. Peregrine's heads bobbed in time with the movement. "They are such bright little ones!" He grinned. "Oh, we are not so different from you, Johanna. I know humans are proud of their young ones. Both Woodcarver and I wonder what ours will become. She is so brilliant, and I am -- well,复件 (3) air max1, a bit mad. Will these two make me a scientific genius? Will Woodcarver's turn her into an adventurer? Heh, heh. Woodcarver's a great brood kenner, but even she's not sure what our new souls will be like. Oh, I can't wait to be six again,复件 (50) air max1!" It had taken Scriber and Pilgrim and Johanna only three days to sail from Flenser's Domain to the harbor at Woodcarver's. It would take this army almost thirty days to walk back to where Johanna's adventure began. On the map it had looked a tortuous path, wiggling this way and that through the fjordland. Yet the first ten days were amazingly easy. The weather stayed dry and warm. It was like the day of the ambush stretched out forever and ever. A dry winds summer,复件 (28) air max,Slendertone, Woodcarver called it.
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