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Old 08-02-2011, 12:42 AM   #1
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Default A Third Party Review Of Lia Sophia Fashion Jewelr

If you're retarding out this story, contingencies are you're seeing for information on Lia Sophia. While Lia Sophia has been nigh for extra than 30 annuals, it has recently started to get a lot of buzz, principally behind some of their products were seen in Oprah Winfrey's "O" Magazine. In this uncomplicated, third party review, I'll go into some information on the company that will aid you make an taught determination, whether you're musing about appropriate a distributor. I'll also go into how you can location yourself along of 95% of your rivalry, should you decide to combine.
First of all, let's cover some details about the tangible company. Lia Sophia (previously known as Act II Jewelry) is a company that sells various types of jewelry through a network business marketing prototype. While Act II Jewelry had been in business for quite some time, it wasn't until Victor Kiam bought them in 1986 that they started to watch real success. While the company still carries on the vision of their late governor, Kiam's son,christian louboutin shoes How to Match Red Hermes, Tory Kiam, is now leading the company into the future. Today,Lia Sophia Review - Is the Lia Sophia Opportunity the Right Fit For Your Home Business , meantime the company is based in Wood Dale, Illinois, Lia Sophia is growing and amplifying either in North America and in portions of Europe. It's also important to mention that the company is pride members of the Direct Selling Association (DSA).
As far for their products go, Lia Sophia sells assorted types of jewelry from gold jewelry, silver jewelry and mixed metals jewelry. The musto numerous chips of jewelry to mention in this short reiterate. However, I will say that they sell anything from bracelets to earrings to pendants to pendants to rings. Recently, Lia Sophia has been featured on CNBC and Oprah Winfrey's "O" Magazine. On their company website, there are too many photos of celebrities wearing Lia Sophia jewelry including Laura Prepon, Maria Menounos, Stacey Keibler and Taryn Manning. In addition, always Lia Sophia products come with a lifetime certify, which is excellent from a marketing perspective.
When it comes to their business opportunity, you can chance a distributor at purchasing a starter outfit for $149. There are several ways you can get awarded as a distributor including various admission procedures throughout the year, cash bonuses, free jewelry and trips. In addition to that, you can earn surplus benefits for being a hostess favor hosting honors up to 40%, more discounts on jewelry and even free jewelry. For the right person, who has a passion for jewelry, Lia Sophia can be a fun and advantageous business adventure.
In closing, Lia Sophia is an established company that sells good products. However, inverse apt what you may have been differentiated, namely has very mini to do with whether you will be successful alternatively not. While it's obviously beneficial to you to have a stable corporation supporting your business, what really determines whether you will succeed or no, namely your aptitude to sponsor people into your business, your ability to market jewelry and your ability to create a group. And,steve exasperate shoes platform wowww Chinese investors anxiety namely this acce, one of the biggest factors to accomplishing those 3 things namely your ability to market. If you don't know everything approximately marketing, you'll have a hard period erection your Lia Sophia business. It's critical to your success that you obtain the right marketing exercising so you tin brand yourself and generate an infinite stream of quality leads. Of course, you can build your business using traditional, offline techniques but, as the average human getting began, calling ashore your warm market will only take you by far. If you can combine telling offline strategies with the ability to produce 10-30+ leads a day online, there's not telling how successful you can be with your Lia Sophia business.
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