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Old 08-01-2011, 05:50 PM   #1
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Default How to Tell Designer Handb-magnetic snap chanel ba

Some women won't mind buying replica handbags while some women love only designer handbags. To them, how to tell designer handbags from replica handbags is crucial.
One of the easiest ways to tell if designer handbags are real or ######## is by the price. It is very hard pressed to find a genuine Louis Vuitton handbag for fifty dollars.  You should expect to pay at least three hundred dollars or more for designer handbags by famous designers. Some designer handbags made by these designers cost into thousands. Only replica Gucci handbags, replica Prada handbag, etc. cost only 100 dollars.
Another good indicator of a real or ######## handbag is the packaging.  Counterfeit bags are often purchased without those protective bags,magnetic snap chanel bag, tissues, or boxes surrounding them.  True designer bags are generally sold in gorgeous wrapping.  Also,chanel handbags authentic, many designers will set their special bags in a plastic cover that is not to be removed until the bag is ready to be worn.  If your bag does not come with such a cover, be wary of its actuality.  Both of these tactics will be hard to do if the bag is not yours, and you have no way of seeing how much was spent on it or if it came beautifully packaged.
If you are trying to spot handbags replica on other people,chanel 2.55 bag, there are other clues we can look for. Checking to see what kind of label the bag has is a good way to be able to tell if it is a fraud. True designer handbags generally have the designer label on the inside. Right along with the label is the tag indicating where it was made. Most designer bags are made in Italy or France.
Another way to tell if your designer handbag is a ######## is by looking at the bag for anything different. For example,chanel wallet purse on a chain price, if any of the letters, monograms, or numbers emblazoned on the bag is slightly different at all, then you can bet it is a replica handbag. For example, if you are looking at a Coach bag that bears the signature "C" all over it,chanel wallet on chain, you will know it is not genuine if the "C's" are misaligned, or if the pattern of the "C's" do not match up where there are pockets or folds.  You should not have paid into the hundreds for your Coach handbag if the patterns are crooked and the stitching is wrong.  This is not only true for Coach bags, but all designer handbags. If the stitching and the seams are sloppy then you can bet that the handiwork on this bag is not real.
Article source: Online New Style, fashion Life and Jewelry Talk.
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