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Old 07-30-2011, 01:09 AM   #1
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purchase mbt shoes <a href=""><strong>fivefingers shoes</strong></a> on new sandals for 2011 From a private conversation. ** Preface to Brave New World (1948 edition buy mbt shoes ). The ######ual Branch of Social Engineering 327 But in ######ual terminology, the words connected with liberty well up like a semantic tidal wave. It is as if there were some deep urge for freedom, repressed elsewhere, and allowed to surface only in this one circumscribed sphere of existence. Indeed, the word ‘freedom’ in Swedish has come to mean almost exclusively ######ual freedom, product perhaps of an unadmitted realization that it is absent, or unwanted, elsewhere. Through ###### instruction at school for the young, and incessant propaganda in the mass media for the older generations, most of Sweden has been taught to believe that freedom has been achieved through ######. Because he is ######ually emancipated, the Swede believes that he is a free man, and he judges liberty entirely in ######ual terms. He compares his own country with others in that way. When popular journalists write from abroad, they generally pay some attention to ######ual customs, not in order to titillate the readers, but to prove that there is more liberty in Sweden. One of the curiosities of Swedish reporting from the Anglo-Saxon world is an undercurrent of denigration of its political institutions. The tendency is to mbt shoes sale demonstrate that, despite what Swedes have in the past been taught about political liberty, it is in actual fact illusory. Coupled to this is the suggestion that in mbt chapa ######ual matters the Anglo-Saxons are repressed (‘double morality’ is the usual cliche) where the Swedes are emancipated, and therefore that Sweden has the only true freedom. A writer well known in Sweden, Mr Artur Lundquist, once paid a visit to Australia, a goal of Swedish emigration, and on his return published a series of articles in the Stockholm press. Deliberately or not, he set out to denigrate Australia, as if to discourage future emigrants. He could not avoid mentioning its qualities as a pioneer country, which might be supposed to appeal to the kind of person considering a move, but he attacked it through the agency of ######uality. By showing that the Australians in that 328 The New Totalitarian field were more repressed than the Swedes, he implied that Sweden had more freedom on the whole. The Swedish government has taken what it is pleased to call ‘the ######ual revolution’ under its wing. Children are impressed at school that ######ual emancipation is their birthright, and this is done in such a way as to suggest that the State is offering them their liberty from old-fashioned restrictions. The aims of the politicians appear to be political, saying in so many words to adolescents that the party has given them their liberty, and that in gratitude they might repay with their votes. The ######ual profligacy of the Swede – ‘Swedish sin’, in the cant phrase – is by now one of the better established legends of the north. In reality, there is little to choose between the behaviour of the mbt clearance Danes, the Finns, the Norwegians and the Swedes. mbt shoes clearance They all take a mundane view of the ######ual act, regarding it with a certain pagan insouciance, and more or less ignoring the Judaeo-Christian morality of the West. This may be explained by the fact that the Church in Scandinavia never penetrated deeply enough to supplant heathen custom so that, throughout the Christian centuries, the old Norse hedonism survived among the people. If anything, it is the Norwegians who have best preserved the ancient attitudes, and who consequently treat the ######ual issue in the most natural manner. But the difference between Scandinavia and continental Europe is one of degree only. The ######ual morals of the countries of the industrial West show little difference and if, for example, the English have acquired a reputation for inhibition and repression, that is dissolving with ostentatious rapidity. It is doubtful whether there is any difference between the ######ual activity of the younger English and the younger Swedes today, except that the former may be more romantic. The distinguishing mark of the Swede is that his behaviour is a matter of official direction. The ######ual Branch of Social Engineering 329 Morals are best attacked in the classroom and, since 1956, ######ual education has been compulsory in all Swedish schools. It starts at the age of twelve, and comprises both the physiology of reproduction and the mechanics of the ######ual act. But it is not to be supposed that Swedish schools have been turned into temples of a fertility cult. It is the Pill, or rather contraception in all its forms, that is the kernel of instruction mbt shoes uk . Contraception is taught so young that children <a href=""><strong>Five fingers shoes</strong></a> understand the distinction between ######uality and reproduction at a veryearly age. When they arrive at what is dispassionately described to them as their ‘######ual debut’, they will have consequently gained the impression that coitus is sufficient unto itself, to be judiciously cultivated without the risk of undesired consequences. This is the desired effect. Swedish ###### education is not the mere abolition of technical ignorance, but a link in the mechanism of changing society. The tenor of instruction is that morality is irrelevant, and that attitudes learned at home are to be discarded. ‘We have a clear duty to support the young generation,’ writes Mrs Birgitta Linner, a prominent ###### educationist, ‘with the knowledge they need so desperately.’ To put it another way, the State has sided with youth against its elders. It is one of the few occasions in history in which established authorities (as distinct from revolutionaries) have done so. It is an original, and as far as can be judged successful, attempt to win over the young through their gonads. On the face of it, ######ual education in Sweden stems from a pluralistic attitude to society. Teachers are required to adopt a neutral pose, and to explain different moral codes without prejudice so that children may choose mbt clearance . But the effect is that an amoral view prevails, mbt stockists and what finally emerges is a physiological conception of ###### as a bodily function, to be practised in the interests of good health, like eating, drinking, keeping one’s bowels open and a reasonable amount of sport. Indeed, Swedish attitudes to ###### may be compared to the classical 330 The New Totalitarians English public school cultivation of games, but without the character-building adjunct. ‘We have no ethical standards in education, and no rules for ######ual behaviour,’ in the words of Dr Gosta Rodhe, the head of the department of ######ual education in the Directorate of Schools. It will be recalled that, as the central authority of a monolithic organization, it dictates the activities of all schools in the country. Dr Rodhe may be described as the executive officer of government ######ual policy. ‘We don’t care at what age children start going to bed with each other,’ continues Dr Rodhe, ‘as long discount mbt trainers as they are prepared. We don’t tell them that they’ve got to wait until such and such an age to start their ###### life. Statistics tell us that the average age is about sixteen, so that is the age when teachers have been circularized to start instruction in birth control. But if they know that children in their school are more advanced, then they have to adjust their syllabus. The new school is not terrified of thirteen-year-olds starting ######ual intercourse; what we are worried about is if they are not prepared. So some teachers will explain birth control methods to twelve- and thirteen mbt uk -year-olds. ‘We do not approve of the view that coitus is the highest expression of human love; or a kind of consummation. Its importance has to be reduced.’ ‘But does a child require no rules at all?’ ‘No. You can’t make special rules for ######ual behaviour, because ######ual behaviour can’t be isolated from life: the one affects the other. Rules mean repression. And the repression of ######uality leads to aggression. Conversely, by introducing ######ual freedom, we remove aggressions. In America, they do the opposite. They allow aggression but prohibit ######uality.’ ‘But isn’t there some evidence that ######ual discipline encourages creative work? I mean, using Freudian terminology, you would talk about the sublimation of ######ual urges.’ ‘Oh yes, I know that repressed ######uality can <a href=""><strong>five fingers</strong></a> lead to creative The ######ual Branch of Social Engineering 331 activity. But the dividing line between this and aggression is indistinct.’ ‘There is a staggering amount of talk and dissection of ###### in Sweden. I don’t know of any other country where the sheer volume of discussion is so great. Don’t you think that this destroys feeling?’ ‘Perhaps. But we don’t want children starting their ###### in a cloud of emotion. Emotion has got to be removed from ###### mbt shoes australia . What we want is that children talk it over, cheap mbt shoes and come together rationally.’ ‘Yes, I understand that. Leaving aside what might be called educational and philosophical talk, there remains a great deal of public debate. Again, I don’t know of any other country in which there is so much. It’s almost as if there’s nothing else to discuss.’ ‘Yes, you’re quite right. You see, since there’s a lack of tension in Swedish politics, younger people have got to find release and excitement in ######ual tension instead.’ ‘Would you say, then, that ######ual restraint was related to political tension? After all, despotisms sometimes have puritanical ideas. Russia, for example.’ ‘Oh, but you’ve taken a very bad example there. There is a pretty widespread resort to drink and ###### in Russia as a release from political tyranny.’ ‘Which, on your own showing, suggests a similarity between Russia and Sweden.’ ‘Yes, there is. But with one important difference. In Russia, political activities are prohibited by despotism, whereas in Sweden there is no excitement in politics, by mbt shoes sale common consent.’ Dr Rodhe’s views are those of the ruling establishment. They are also those of the dominant faction of a public controversy. ######uality has, in Sweden, become an issue of politics. On the permissive side are ranged the forces of progress. That comprises the left wing; Social Democrats and beyond, 332 The New Totalitarian liberals and the radically minded of other parties. Opposing them are the forces of reaction, which means principally the Church mbt shoes review and the die-hard conservatives. A polarization of this type is naturally profitable to the politicians on the side of permissiveness. It is only to be expected that, in an environment where ######ual licence has become the norm, there is political gain in upholding that licence. Conversely, there is only obloquy to be obtained from denying it. By a not uncommon process, licence has become precept and Swedish ######ual policies have not so much brought emancipation as replaced one convention by another. If the old morality entailed repression, the new permissiveness has led to compulsive ######uality. There is, among Swedish schoolchildren a pressure to have ######ual intercourse, whether they want it or not. Even if a boy and a girl might prefer a platonic relationship, they will nevertheless usually force themselves into a ######ual one. It is the custom of their society, and the hidden fear is that, without immediate coitus, normality cannot exist. Similarly, in Brave New World, a small schoolboy is considered for observation because he runs away from a girl who wants to start one of the customary ######ual games. The educational theories of Huxley’s fantasy laid down that every child had to have constant ######ual intercourse in order to be well adjusted. Feelings were outlawed: only the physical act counted. <a href=""><strong>Stop Resisting – Run in Comfort with Skechers Resistance Runner Shoes</strong></a> One of the instructional mbt discount manuals issued to Swedish schoolchildren at the end of the mbt shoes online 1960s, Togetherness, had this to say about ######uality: ‘Every human being has a ######ual urge, or let us call it appetite, that has to be satisfied . . . the need to eat is common to all human beings. It is the same with ######ual needs. ‘All people, however, do not manage to live together with a partner in a regular ######ual relationship. Inability to find a partner, divorce, age, etc., can put obstacles in the way. Cheap mbt shoes Nevertheless, the ######ual urge can be strong, and it may have to be relieved somehow, for example by masturbation with The ######ual Branch of Social Engineering 333 or without the reading of ########ography.’ This is a ######ual primer for young teenagers approaching their first intercourse. If Swedish schools do not exactly ‘have steel and rubber benches conveniently scattered through the gardens’,* at least the educational authorities imply that adolescent copulation is officially approved as a sport for the well-adjusted. But this attitude is not confined to education and growing up. The benefits of ######ual emancipation have been extended to the whole population. This may sound trite and commonplace, the obvious comment being that they could have taken the necessary steps themselves. But in ######, as in all things, the State wants to be in control. It wishes to appear as the bringer of good, and the leader for others to follow. Where abstinence is preached, there is rebellion in the bed.
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