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Old 07-28-2011, 09:59 PM   #1
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went to the inner side of the tower then and, leaning over the edgeof the parapet, called the captain of the guard. An officer Nike Basketball Shoes came from theinterior of the tower and looked up. “What is it?”he asked. “Some one is coming from the south, “explained the warrior. The officer nodded and mounted the ladder leading to the tower’s top. The warriors stopped their game then, and all went to the southern para-pet to have a look at the stranger. He was nearer now, and they could seethat he wore garments strange to them. “He is no Cathnean, “said the officer, “but he is either a fool or a braveman to come thus alKobe Basketball Shoes one to Athne. “As Stanley Wood neared the gates of Athne <a href=""><strong>chanel handbags </strong></a> he saw the warriors in thewatchtowers observing him, and when he came quite close they chal-lenged him but in a language he could not understand. “Friend, “he said, and raised his hand in the peace sign. Presently the gate opened and an officer and several warriors cameout. They tried to talk with him, and when they found that neither couldunderstand the other they formed about him and escorted him throughthe gateway. He found himself at the end of an avenue lined with low bu Nike Hyperdunk Shoes ildings oc-cupied by shops. The warriors who had brought him into the <a href=""><strong>timberland boots</strong></a> city werewhite as were most of the people on the avenue, although there weresome Negroes. Everyone appeared much interested in him;and he wassoon surrounded by a large crowd, all talking at once, pointing, feelingof his clothes and weapons. The latter were soon taken from him by hisguard, the officer shouted some commands, and the Nike Basketball Shoe warriors pushed thepeople out of the way and started up the avenue with Wood. He felt very uncomfortable and helpless because of his inability to con-verse with those about him. There were so many questions Jordan Basketball Shoes he wished toask. Gonfala might be in this city and yet he might never know it if hecould not ask anyone about her who could understand him. He determ-ined that the first thing he must do was to learn the language of thesepeople. He wondered if they would be friendly. The fact that they werewhite gave him hope. Who could they be?Their <a href=""><strong>timberland</strong></a> garb, so different from anything modern, gave him no clew. They Nike Huarache Shoes might have stepped from the pages of ancienthistory, so archaic were their weapons and their raiment;but he couldnot place them exactly. Where did they originate, these strange, rather handsome men and women?How and when did they reach this un-known valley in Africa?Could they be descendants of some Atlanteancolonists stranded here after the submergence of their continent?Vain speculations. Nike Hyperfuse Shoes No matter who they were, they were here;and hewas either their prisoner or their guest-the former, he was inclined to be-lieve. One did not usually surround a guest by armed warriors. As they proceeded along the avenue Wood observed more closely theraiment of his escort and of the people whom they passed. The Air Jordan 2011 officer incharge was a handsome, black haired fellow who strode along appar-ently oblivious of those they passed, yet there was nothing offensiveabout his manner. If there were social castes here, Wood hazarded a safeguess <a href=""><strong>How to get the Cool UGG Women's | women boots</strong></a>
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