Thread: chi -Hospital
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Old 07-27-2011, 08:16 AM   #1
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Default chi -Hospital &id=73933

Word is that today is Android day here at Google I/O. The keynote is about to begin, and it is widely expected that an announcement about a Google TV offering (or Smart TV as it;s been referred to thus far) will be made. Watch the keynote live here.If today;s keynote is anything like yesterday;s, there will be plenty of announcements coming out of this. I will be liveblogging in the notes below (as usual, please forgive the inevitable typos). We had some major connectivity issues yesterday, so hopefully that will not be repeated today. In fact this was a common problem throughout the event, with many unable to access Google;s wi-fi network, though Google claims to have taken precautions to address this for today. Notes Begin:Waiting…hot in here again. More electronica music. Here we go..Vic Gundotra taking the stage.Had 24 thousand watching yesterday;s keynote on YouTube.Innovation from everyoneTalks about early days of Android…innovation at every level of the stack. Operators should be able to compete on strength of network. If you believe in choice, innovation for everone, then welcome to Android.In 18 months – over 60 compatible devices from leading manufacturers21 oems, 49 countries, 59 carriersin Feb, announced daily run rate – 60 thousand units a day. NOw today – passed a hundred thousand a day.2nd in smartphone sales. first this quarter in total web and app usage (according to Admob) 1 billion miles navigated – turn by turn navigation goal.Some say users don;t use google search on smartphones - data shows 5x growth - across ALLsmartphone categories.Today announces crossed 50k apps in Android Market – 180k developers joined the android revolution.ANdroid Platform five major investmentsseven releases in eighteen monthsannounces android2.2 codenamed froyofive pillars – 1. speed – in froyo added just in time compiler – 2 to 5 times app speed up – shows demo of game running faster for longer.2. Enterprise – introduced 20 new features like ms exchange-friendly, device admin APIs3. Services – for devs in SDK – app data backup API. Cloud to device messaging API – you can send message to google servers that can do comlex things. when you send a message, it can trigger an android intent – shows demo – Google Maps – using Chrome browser. chrome extension – shows example of sending article to device so you can continue reading.Announces tethering and portable hotspot – your phone can be a portable hotspot. Shows using nexus one, takes a shot at the apple ipad4. Browser – third most used app on smartphones – froyo big step in "making the browser rock" 2 – 3 x javascript performance. Announces V8 for Android …takes another shot at ipad….and anotherFroyoSneak peek – tilting of Maps nav in browser -Camera – buzz app – accessing camera from web browser – apis built right into browser. – doesn;t actually work in the demo.Voice recognitionwe see a stunning number of queries from human voice input – demos how "fantastic" their capabilities have become.what;s coming next – human intentions – sneak peak – uses example "call"fifth floor restaurant. (uses call so it will call) – gets camera in browser to work.Announces flash player 10.1 and AIR support for ANdroid."It turns out that on the Internet, people use flash."Shows iPad – Nickelodeon site - just a "sea of orange." on android – full site. Thanks Adobe for working with them. "It;s fun to work with other folks in the ecoystem to meet the needs of users…much nicer than just saying no."5. Market – on average users are putting more than forty apps on their devices. THey want to move them to the sd card, and want to update them without doing it individually. Making search box better.Shows demo of game on SDcard. – Need for Speed. At the bottom of android market place – you can do update all now instead of having to update each app indvidually – starting with froyo – you can do automatic updating. – user doesn;t have to worry about it at all.Key feature adding in froyo – announcing app error reports – find and fix bugs faster.Sneak peek – what;s next for market: android market place – accessible from a browser on a pc. with sign in – you can select your phone – find an app and download it right to your android device. "We discovered something really cool…it;s called the Internet."It;s called the Android Marketplace because it;s more than apps – new category – music – find an album or song you like, and send it to the device using the Internet. Music comes right to device.Make all of your non-drm music available to your android device. i want all my music. hit button to hit all and gets whole home music library. makes it all available as a stream. AdvertisingIt turns out we know a little bit about advertising. This year is google;s tenth anniversary of providing ad solutions. we;ve learned a few things. if you want a healthy ecoystem, you need advertisers and we have hudnreds of thousands of them. we;re not new at this game…Flexible formats – we have those. advertising needs to be measured. needs to have great tools. you need to know if the money you;re spending gvies you an ROI. We have some tools like double click, analytics, adsense, adwords, – the tools the indusry knows and loves are being extended to the mobile environment.Open to InnovationShows demo of backgrounds app – shows adsense for mobile apps that has been available to limited beta testers. takes advantage of small space. only one format. serves contextually relevant ad…another format for brand advertiisng – banner ad – another cateegory announcing availabled today – an expandale ad format. Available today.Another rich media – expandable ad showed – this format available today as well.Click to call ad format has tested well.Another ad format – expandable but includes map and directions and click to call – will become shorty to innovation – uses doubleclick – full screen immersive ad – trailers, tv spots, ##################, ability to tap into fandango to purchase tickets it;s not a google ad though. doubleclick is open to have any ad show up. developer and publisher have the choice. that;s openness. to learn more. Finally…one of the most powerful ways to demonstrate innovation at all levels of stack – highlights HTCEvo. In partnership with sprint and htc, google is going to make this device available to every one here. those of you watching on YouTube…sorrry.Thank you for supporting Android and openness. PLease keep building those great apps. THe next step in evolution of Android and where we;ll go next…invites of product lead for new intiative – RIshi Chandra – group product managerIntroduces Google TV – a new platform that we believe will change the future of television. Talks about present at first.For developer, there;s no bigger market than the tv market. people just love tv. TV just works. it;s easy, reliable, and gives you access to really cool stuff – sports, movies, shows. natural and predictable part of our lives that you don;t even have to think about it anymore. tv has basically stayed the same. Increasingly, more an dmore of my entertainment expereinces in the living room are happening on my phone/pc – driven by web. web has transformed pc/mobile spaces. even today, web is at very limited adoption with tv. there;s two completely separate worlds. We;re not the first to attempt to bring these together. Still pretty limited adoption. for limitation reasons like dumbing down the web for tv. and they;re all closed. and many solutions today make you choose between tv and web (input button)the answer? we believe it reqquires bringing best of web and best of tv – with that, i;m happFour ways we will redefine:less time finding, more time watching. control and personalize what you wath Make your tv content more interestingmore than just a tv.Goes into Demo with Vincent Dureau – technoical director and head of tv technologyGoogle TV starts with tv. But it works with your existing tv…you can;t take anything away, only add and enhance. you can access your dvr, guide, etc. use existing remote control. you can also use a special remote control. optimized specifically for google tv. what if we rethought the navigation of tv and made it more like the web. a search box that takes you where you want to go. want to give you same experience from google search on your television.Presenters having technical difficulties showing it.Now shows search box on screen overlayed on tv programming – "quick search box" – results are displayed over tv, you go to a result and it takes you to your channel. types in name of show – shows future results – if you have dvr, you can record it directly from quick search box. you have instant access to all your favorite shows. You can also search the web.pulls down quick search box…more technical difficulties…they keep losing connectivity. …classic. going on for a while…Everybody laughing at Nicholas cage "###### diet" piece being played on tv that is going on while they;re working everything out. connectivity back for now..(everyone asked to turn off phones)apologiessearches for HOuse…pulls up series results…pulls together all the different content from tv and from web. fox, hulu, amazon, etc. brings up free and paid a user it doesn;t really matter where you get your content. you just want quick and easy access.can record it in future on tv or go to favorite site like and go directly to amazon page – transition from tv to web is completely seamless. don;t have to swtch remotes or anything. plays trailer.can easily go back or click to live tv. sometimes you just want to browse as opposed to search. homescreen is quick launcher to all your favorite content and apps. worked with amazon, netflix, etc. on experience inside google tv- personalized Suggestions based on what you;ve watched before (netflix)…Web has more content than just favorite tv shows…explosion of online video – like long tail creators on youtube, or professional stuff like espn. Goes directly to youtube. just as easy to go to any sites on web as it is to go to any channel on your tv. just seamless, integreated. can go much further than just youtube. son like elmo on sesame street, but no other characters. you can type in elmo and get sesame street results or clips on youtube, but it gives you bookmarks as well. sesame st. has a lot of content available instantly. a custom playlist based on elmo is created. he;s dancing on stage. Another exampleForgot about missing state of the union speech but wanted to watch it. types in 2010 state of the union and gets results and goes to web results which are google results and can go right to Goes to example of watching NBA game. want to check out fantasy scores, etc. now you can do it right from your tv and put it in picture in picture mode. You can go anywhere on the web while you;re watching the game.Applause.Another example – more entertainign expereinces than just video in the living room – music, games, photos, social….now you can do this with open access to web. Your tv is now the best photo viewer in the house because you can launch any photo site. Think about gaming.We can now create an experience- the most compreshenseive, personalized, accessible entertainment experience out there. How thisis made to al work:The hardware will be very familiar – sets, set top boxes, will use with your existing boxes….broadband connectivity, easy integration, strong processor – wifi built in. Connect your regular box to the google tv box. Implemented special IPprotocol. can do enhanced 3d graphicsGoogle TVinput devices – all include a keyboard and pointing device. Designs – You can use your Android phone – over wifi – you can also speak to your tv through this. does voice search for good morning america, and brings up results on tv.You can have multiple devices controlling the tv at the same time so you don;t have to fight over the remote.Watches video on his phone, pushes it directly to tv. Applause (makes joke about how flash works). THis is just the beginning - going to publish ip remote control protocol so developers can build own apps on devices to enhance the google tv experience- more applause.GOogle tv has three components – android (built on 2.1 and later versions over time), the browser (chrome), FLASH – full Flash 10.1 pluginAndroid – can deliver web apps but also android apps. you can take your favorite mobile app and just have it work on your tv. Can access android apps through the quick search box (access pandora, market, etc. on tv)applause.If your app doesn;t require phone specific hardware, it should work on the tv. Brittany Bohnet, Google TV Team introducedYou can push apps to google tv.You can also create new experiences on google tv – web apps/android apps(frameworks) – we have some work to do – the android market and sdk will be avialable shortly after availablility. Intor Ambarish Kenghe, product manager Google TVyou can optimize for the tv screen. many apps will run on google tv as they are. they will publish guidelines for how apps/sites can be enhancedwill provide APIs…directly switch to tv channel you like, record tv show, etc. INtroduces Hunter Walk, Director, YouTUbeannounces development of youtube leanback – turns videos into expierences you can lean back and enjoy – it just starts playing – no browsing, searching, clicking – works just like a tv would play. – personalized video feed.favorited by friends, gets pushed in your stream – makes the living room social – don;t just rely on your friends, they give you what they think you will like as well – stuff you subscribe to on youtube – turns prefrences in to subscritions waitng for you – you can also browse default channels. you can add your own channels – a channel dedicated to unicorns or sports. – as youtube adds new content…my rentals – pay for stream – access your personal video feed in hd anytime you want – will launch a beta of this on youtube website that you can check out. Bryan Perez, SVP and GM NBA Digitalshows how and google tv are working together to bring nba to your living has info fans would want on their tv – scores, video, etc. highlightsBest quality for higher screen can pause/play/stop video. with the dvr integreation, you can click on the schedule – you can set your dvr to record. Brittany comes back to show android apps.Google labs product – started as audio podcast app for android phone – announcing its coming to your tv – listendon;t name your apps to early – listen and watch. – you can search, subscribe, access your queue, access new feature called explore – you can discover new video podcastslive hd video podcasts right on your tv. works on tv and phoneaccess all your subscriptions on all your devices – they all stay in sync. syndicate search results in quick search box. type in podcast in quick search box, get more results to search within the app itself…find the content you love mostanother app take close captioning feed from tv and google translate apis – can now translate with google tv. subtitles for whatever language you want.GOogle TV- open platform – looking forward to some really exciting stuff from potential for YOUtraditonally living room/tv ecosystem has been closed/fragmented/inaccessible. you;ve never had a chance to engage. OUr goal with google tv is to create new category of devices built around openness. for users for developers and for content owners. create new expereinces around your existing content and disrtiubtion. We need the help of the entire tv ecosystem to push it forward. happy to announce it will be open souce into both android and chrome source trees.How is it coming to market?partenred with leading consumer electroncis brands and leadin tv ecosystem brandsSony make.believe tv and blu-ray player – full line of integrated tvs/blu rayLogitech – companion box – integrate google tv with your existing setupIntel – chip – powers all these devices with atom – coming in FALL 2010Also partnered with Dish Network – working for several months on this platform – working on enhanced google tv experiene – integrate dvr and content into google tv expereincepartenred with best buy – to get these prodcuts into your hands in an easy way.Today you can start taking your existing sites and enhancing them for thetv experinceInearly 2011 will update android market with google tv sdkin sumer 2011 – open sourceIntroducesEric Schmidt20 years ago i sat in this room and people talked about the notion of getting your tv guide integrated with your tv….We;ve been waiting a long long time for today.It took the internet – fast cps, architecture around software, open source, all the platforms you;ve seen.It;s much arder to marry a fifty year old tech with a new tech than we thought…Saw full potential of cloud computingOne other thing we needed – a whole ecosystem of partners – brings up CEOs of Intel – Paul Otellini.Howard Stringer -CEOof SonyJerry Quindlen, CEOof LogitechCharlie Ergen CEOof Dish NetworkBrian Dunn CEO of Best BuyShantanu Narayen, CEO of AdobeSchmidt: the atom processor really key:why is it so specialOtellini – a version of atom – full processing capability of intel, software, web compatibility – specialized circuitry for these devices – for things that are expected like hd video, high performance grpahics, etc. Eric:was this the use you intended for the processorotellini – one of the uses – two thousand uses – smartphones, smart cars, etc. transformational technology.makes things smarter.Eric:flash is used by roughly a hundred percent of the web…what is flash going to be used for/ why are we fighting for flash?Shantanu:engaging expereinces on the web – getting that content/apps to any device – smarthpone on android, tv, pc….this is about creating family harmony…elmo/nba – all in flash – for all the content creators, we;d love to give them an opportunity.eric: what is special about flash and this platform – is there something that flash does special here that makes it more interactive?shantanu:working on 10.1 – announced today with android – key issues – performance – power of web – hd video, it;s been a ton of work with sony/google – to make sure it;s optimized for platformseric: sony is television for me:are people going to go out and buy new tvs because of this?what is the state of the tv industry? much broader than i thought. maybe possible people will spend as muchime or more watchingsomethingother than tv on their tvHOward:when you put all this wev;e done in the worlds first internet tv all of that will be seamless – opportunities mind boggling. ….launching in the fallEric:xmas buying season?HOward:best buy…Eric:we use sony as the defintiion of innovative company – passion of innovation started form founding of firm. using thiskind of platform more boradly? going forward/integration of all thedecvces not just google tvHoward:banter about sony/google device doing well in japan (better than apple)…Eric:jerry, for the people that aren;t running out to best buy to buy a new tv, – logitech much bigger ecosystem than i thought.jerry: innovating through line of remote controls been very successful = biggest opportunity in living room – combination of tv content/web – bringing it together in seamless platform – create a whole new ecosystem of peripherals around google tv.Eric:what will i do with the box? (this is like an infomiercial)Jerry:with the box you will get a contoller, integrates with keyboard, will ship in fall as well – this year. for hd tv households in us – you are the target for this product. ERic:charlie – you;ve been in this industry for 30 years – you;re the fastest growing satellite network….(paid tv network) how will this tech change the viewing experience, your business?Charlie:opens opportunity, will grow business, giving customers what they want or what they may not know they want but will – a lot of people now go to other room to watch other stuff on their computer – we;ve been thiking about this for ten years – web tv – ahead of its time.eric – in many ways it showed thepathCharlie – we started workign with google on advertising – happy to get invovled with google tv process early on. your dvr will fucntion in more seamless way. if we build a better product, hopefully good things happenEric:measuremen, accountabilty, advertising – what are some things you;ve learned running an analyticat businessCharlie – can make recommendations – from advertiser pov, want to reach customers – we can give them a better path, roi. Brian:xmas season most important time….this is an entirely new category….going to be an enormous consumer appetite – from best by perspective – we;re pretty excited – 20k geeks in case everything doesn;t work perfectly. Eric:my sense in watching this is that it will be such a new idea for people thatyou;ll have to demonstrate it to them.Brian: agrees. once you actually see what you can do, it;s like "i need one". i do think it;s going to be broadly accepted. Howard:It really is a very big deal. Brian: plays up personalization.Eric:the reason we wanted to do this announcenent here – we need you to take this platform and build extraordinary things. we have the tools, volume, economics scaleThis is a very very exciting beginning…timberlandMemory has not been hospitalized numerous, many years , and I listened the meteor shower final night , How I hope to go to the sky was remove, emulating a wish ah.

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