Thread: chapa mbt
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Old 07-24-2011, 03:17 PM   #1
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Default chapa mbt

They were on the forest side of the castle yard, between the old and new walls. Johanna could see a patch of green hillside,复件 (88) air max1, drizzly clouds hanging low. About a hundred meters away was the old wall. In fact this was the same stretch of stone where Scriber had been killed. Even if the damn cannon didn't blow up, no one had any idea how far the shot would go. Johanna was betting it wouldn't even get to the wall. Scrupilo was on this side of the gun now, trying to light a long wooden firing wand. With a sinking feeling in her stomach, Johanna knew this couldn't work. They were all fools and amateurs, she as much as they. And this poor guy is going to get killed for nothing. Johanna came to her feet. Gotta stop it. Something grabbed her belt and pulled her down. It was one of Woodcarver's members, one of the fat ones that couldn't walk quite right. "We have to try," the pack said softly. Scrupilo had the wand alight now. Suddenly he stopped talking. All of him but the white-headed one ran for the protection of the berm. For an instant it seemed like strange cowardice, and then Johanna understood: A human playing with something explosive would also try to shield his body -- except for the hand that held the match. Scrupilo was risking a maiming, but not death. The white-headed one looked across the trampled heather to the rest of Scrupilo. It didn't seem upset so much as attentively listening. At this distance it couldn't be part of Scrupilo's mind,复件 (92) air max1, but the creature was probably smarter than any dog -- and apparently it was getting some kind of directions from the rest. White-head turned and walked toward the cannon. It belly-crawled the last meter, taking what cover there was in the dirt behind the gun cart. It held the wand so the flame at its tip came slowly down on the fire hole. Johanna ducked behind the berm.... The explosion was a sharp snapping sound. Woodcarver shuddered against her, and whistles of pain came from all around the tent. Poor Scrupilo! Johanna felt tears starting. I have to look; I'm partly responsible. Slowly she stood and forced herself to look across the field to where a minute ago the cannon had been -- and still is! Thick smoke floated from both ends, but the tube was intact. And more, White-head was wobbling dazedly around the cart,chapa mbt, his white fur now covered with soot. The rest of Scrupilo raced out to White-head. The five of him ran round and round the cannon, bounding over each other in triumph. For a long moment, the rest of the audience just stared. The gun was in one piece. The gunner had survived. And, almost as a side effect ... Johanna looked over the gun, up the hillside: There was a meter-wide notch in the top of the old wall, where none had been before. Vendacious would have a hard time disguising that from enemy inspection! Dumb silence gave way to the noisiest affair Johanna had seen yet. There was the usual gobbling, and other sounds -- hissing that hovered right at the edge of sensibility. On the other side of the tent,复件 (98) air max2, two Tines she didn't know ran into each other: for a moment of mindless jubilation, they were an enormous pack of nine or ten members. We'll get the ship back yet,复件 (89) air max! Johanna turned to hug Woodcarver. But the Queen was not shouting with the others. She huddled with her heads close together, shivering. "Woodcarver?" She petted the neck of one of the big, fat ones. It jerked away,新建 文本文档 (34), its body spasming. Stroke? Heart attack? The names of oldenday killers popped into her mind. Just how would they apply to a pack? Something was terribly wrong, and nobody else had noticed. Johanna bounced back to her feet. "Pilgrim!" she screamed.
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