Thread: What's a twink
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Old 06-18-2011, 06:37 PM   #1
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Default What's a twink

Below is the explanation for Twink from WoWWiki: ,Workplace

Twinks are player characters who have gained the best powerful gear for their level with enhancements such as expensive weapon enchants, leg patches and BoE / BoP greens, blues or epics. Twinks are mainly used in PvP fighting and Battlegrounds. Twinks obtain their items through rare drops,, drops off of bosses in instances,monster beats by dre headphones, rewards from quests that are difficult to complete at their level,monster turbine headphones on sale, and from the Auction House. Twink items on the Auction House can be expensive. Twink enchantments can only be performed by high-level characters. Therefore,The logic of the leadership, twinking usually requires significant assistance from high-level alts,dr.dre headphones, friends,What is the secret of office workers fight, and / or guild members. However, there are examples of self-made twinks that generate the necessary gold from Auction House trading or other in-game methods.
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