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Old 06-15-2011, 05:26 PM   #1
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Default U -shaped life namely splendid apt aid you obtain

research shows that people's behavior at different ages are also different. Elderly people less inclined to argue with, but also in a better access to determination the clash. They are better able to control their emotions and approve Unfortunately, anger is not so excellent. Because the elderly kas long asthey are more close to necrosis, so they can better Old understand what is most essential to myself
la-la, when asked on what to think, people are likely to French player 莫里斯舍瓦 Eliya and the same state of mind to answer: . not many stronger. But in truth, humans do not be afraid to grow old. Life is not the slopes from the sun is tall all the way to a long and slow to fall into the ravine of death. Instead,Lacoste Arixia FD Trainers, it is a U-shaped curve.
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When people start into mature life, they generally still very happy. From youth to middle age, life has been in decline until the bottom of the valley, also known as midlife crisis. Here are commonplace. People think of things in the back. Although the process of aging, people lose someone they value the youthful, agile advent of wonder and young, they are also harvested in this life in pursuit of the thing: happiness.
this novel breakthrough from a fashionable branch of economics,Lacoste Trainers UK, it is trying to be better than money in a way to measure the quality of life. Conventional economics synonymous with money as the rich, but some economists do not believe there is a direct relationship between money and happiness, they are resolved to hit the center of the problem, with the well-being to measure the happiness of their own.
penetration of these ideas to the plan zones, the first starting from Bhutan, the notion of Gross National Happiness index guiding the planning process of the nation. In 2008, French President Nicolas Sarkozy inquired the two Nobel Prize victor Amartya Sen and Joseph Stiglitz have developed a more widely than the gross servant production to measure the citizen meet sense indicators. Then final month, David Cameron, the British prime minister to make a sub-conventional gesture of a human face, announced that the British Government to live and work will start to collect citizen diagrams.
Survey of American society, Survey chiefly involves two categories: people with the assessment of personal living conditions, and their sensibilities at some point. The 1st problem is similar: In common, how do you muse approximately your life? The second problem is similar: Yesterday, you happy / satisfied / offended / Anxiety? The first problem is said to be measured is the world's people live and work conditions, the second amount is the person morale and psychological satisfaction. It answers to the questions of these two categories is not forever the same: case in point, often with babies of their own higher overall satisfaction with life, but they are the day before the investigation was presumable to rage alternatively worry are also higher.
happiness depends on four units
statisticians screening data from the hunk of serviceable information, like gold the same. They are trying to answer an perpetual question: How can happiness?
This seems to rely on 4 chief factors: gender, individuality, the external environment and age. Women in general will be slightly happier than men, but they are more easily frustrated. 1 / 5 to 1 / 4 of women will be frustrated at some stage of life, and only about 1 / 10 of the men will like this. That is, women are more likely than men or have utmost emotions, or a small number of women than men bad mood, and most women than men happy.
in the thinking of economists, particularly the two emphatic personalities: neuroticism, extroversion. Are more disposed to neurotic guilt, and anger and anxiety, and easier to unhappy. They are often low emotional intelligence, which qualify them to establish relationships or dealing with poor performance, which in corner make them more unhappy.
oriented personality is the opposite. Interested in group work and appointments often than during the day to the office door closed, people reside home at night more fun. The personality specifics may help explain some cultural differences: a learn in contrast to the several groups of British, Chinese and Japanese, found that Britons generally higher than the Chinese and Japanese export-oriented, and more fun.
then look at the environment. All kinds of entities in life, such as interpersonal relationships, training, earnings and health, will influence people's feelings. Married people sentiment, but this effect was smaller than the unemployment caused by the depression. In the United States, people accustom to think that a lower sense of well-being of blacks, while the latest figures show that people now believe that dark or Hispanic Americans,Womens Lacoste Observe Trainers, more happiness. No children with children who are more than happy. Higher level of schooling are more happy, but once they do not think the earnings factor, this achieve faded. In other words, education seems to make people convert wealthy because the only people happy. In addition, the wealthy are happier than the meager, but in the end how many happiness is still controversial.
U-shaped curve of the birth
Finally, the age factor. If you ask a group of more than 30 years of age and a group of more than 70 years of age, which they trust a group of people happier, the result is that the two groups said more than 30 years of age are more happy. If we grant these two groups of people assess their own class of pleasure of life, then they preferred more than 70 years of age life more pleasure. Scholars quoted in the Pete Townshend wrote the lyrics of the age of 20, blog having all the amusement.
people who believe in It depicts the state of the human mind and satisfaction in middle age peak and then a keen decline until well into the grave. Reversed this waveform is a recent concept. Warwick Business School economics professor Andrew Oswald said:
Since then, the world U-shaped curve of increasing interest, the idea scatter throughout the world. Dartmouth College economics professor David Branch Flower and Oswald of the 72 countries of the figures. Life of every country to enter the age of lowest life different lowest Ukraine comes the latest in the 62-year-old Swiss lowest life comes first, but the extensive bulk of countries in the 35 years of age who are more than 40 years old to early 50s, while most are not happy. The average age of the world is 46 years old.
not only about the situation of well-being of people approximately the world showed U-shaped trend, the spirit and psychological satisfaction study also showed the same trend. This year, Stony Brook University, Arthur Stone, Joseph Schwartz and Walid Roderick and Angus Sidi Princeton University promulgated a periodical co-Dayton, the situation will be fine living Lok divided into positive emotions and negate emotions and of emotional life in the human show what changes. Fun and happiness in the middle-aged kick bottom and bounced; pressure being increased in the early 20s when, and then decreased significantly; anxiety reached a pinnacle in the middle, then sharply; sense of anger were tested in a downward trend throughout life; slightly melancholy sense of the rise of the middle-aged, and then declined.
antique age getting better
has not ruled out the potentiality that these trends are not the result of changes in assorted stages of life, but the differences among various groups dictates. The reason why a 70-year-old European Council and a 30-year-old European feel different, may not be because he was bigger, but for of his childhood experience of the Second World War, afterward the experience also with young people are different. However, more data, the more they can refute the outlook that group differences. The experience of Americans and people of Zimbabwe bear little resemblance, whatever, the findings of the two countries have shown the national U-shaped. In addition, whether the group actually had one impact ashore distinctions, then the U-shaped curve in the span of 40 years will not always show the data.
Some may be some additional explanation that unhappy people dying young. Difficult to testify if this statement was established, but given the very low probability of dying in navel old, this controversy can not explain the basic U-shaped curve. U-shaped bend might simply reflect the impact of the outer context. After always, it is often subject to the same elements. For instance, more than 40 years of old ordinarily have a massive teen children. Whether middle-aged bad mood and impatient young people living under the same dome reasoned it? As different example, older people tend to have more money. Than the present position of if they meet the result of accumulation of money?
answer is no: the removal of money, employ, and child factors, U-shaped curve is still unchanged. Therefore, people will be more happy in middle age is naturally not the external environment, but the result of changes itself.
research shows that people's behavior at different ages are also different. Elderly people less inclined to quarrel with, but also in a better way to resolve the conflict. They are better able to control their emotions and accept Unfortunately, anger is not so great. For example, in an study, researchers gave volunteers to play some people mention bad things about recording them. Old and young have shown a similar hurt, but the elderly are less angry, less to defend what they view with an old man's words: / p>
different interpretations on this phenomenon. Stanford psychology professor Laura Karsten Sen spoke of the She said, because the elderly kas long asthey are more close to death, so they can better They focus on meaningful asset now, not so fantasy long-term goal.
there are other explanations. Perhaps the die to see peers who are still alive decision to maximize the remaining period. Perhaps, the elderly gradually face up to their strengths and disabilities, and gave up the idea to succeed. Perhaps, to accept the fact that aging itself is a relief. American philosopher William James once said: Whether caused by U-shaped curve
What is the cause that it no merely limited apt the clash of psychological appearances. Happiness is not only elated human, yet too makes a male healthy. King's College London, John Weinman, instructor of psychiatry of a team of volunteers apt record the degree of psychological pressure,Lacoste Trainers 2011, and then obtain them some small wounds. Volunteers psychological accentuate the minimum rate of wound healing psychological stress than those who speed the healing of the largest volunteer doubled. Carnegie - Mellon University, Sheldon Cohen, volunteers in the trial so chilly. He base a happy volunteer is not effortless than getting the flu, even now infected, the omens are less. Thus, when the aged than juvenile folk, body,Lacoste Swerve Trainers, and their agreeable mood may be competent to make up for this shortfall.
output capacity than the happy people are lusty. Oswald and two colleagues along showing an interesting film to make a group of volunteers to pluck themselves together, and then on their psychological tests and their average rendition and see a movie or do not feelingful to watch anybody film of voluntary Comparing the extravaganza of those. Interestingly,Lacoste Protect Laser Trainers, a heap of volunteers watching movies 12% higher than others. Thus draw a conclusion: the elderly in a good mood can help them recompense for the decline in cognitive skills deserving to lower productivity. All over the world trying to solve the problem of aging fatigue coerce, this is value bearing in mind.
aging population in adult countries is often looked for economic burdens and problems to be solved. U-Life Theory from the outlook of a more affirmative see at this issue. Growing old world aura that our readers ought be the hereafter (average age 47 years) was particularly encouraging.
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