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Old 06-15-2011, 03:09 AM   #1
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Default police italy sunglasses 5 Tips to Run Faster_4005

I know you've all seen the Nike Commercials about how x,y,z shoes will make you a faster runner...and yes, most of it IS Marketing. Here's what's really important. Running Shoes has to fit you and fit you right. Running is a very repetitive motion, if there's even the slightest uneasiness with comfort, its going to feel like hell on mile 18 and your mind will be thinking of it every motion and without realizing it, make you a slower runner. In fact, I've known friends that finish a marathon and have their little toes covered with blood from an uncomfortable shoe. Who cares you've finished a Marathon, at the end of the day, those toes are destroyed for months (even years) all for what? Something that could have easily been avoided. So while a good running shoe may not make you a faster runner per say, it certainly won't make you slow down.
Sounds easy but it works. So I've got really strange taste in music, but when I'm getting ready for a run, I have music categories for 6, 10, 12, 18 & 26 Miles. What I mean by this is certain songs make me want to run faster (this is very personal, for me its Eminem) and so when I'm running and know what song I'm at, I know if I'm on track behind track or ahead. I generally am pretty lazy starter, so I start off with some of my favorite upbeat songs carrera sunglasses clearance Are Smelly Feet A Pro, then after 5-8 minutes get tunes where the beat increases. Try it - it works.
3. Run with Music.
So I'm considered a fast runner. Not a Pro Runner by all means, but I've done Marathon's at sub-3 Hours, and my most recent Full Marathon (which was part of a Full Ironman Distance Triathlon) at 3:03 Hours.
Have fun police italy sunglasses!
To treat dryness, you should moisturize the skin once or twice daily. Foot soaking is not necessary, and tends to dry out the skin even more by leaching vital oils. Avoid placing moisturizer in between toes, as this can increase the likelihood fungus will develop. If fungus does infect the foot skin, it will cause Athlete's foot. This condition creates redness and itching on the bottom of the feet or in between the toes, and needs medical treatment to destroy the invading fungus. Sometimes over-the-counter medication works well, and sometimes prescription medication is needed. Skin can also become thinner over time. Because of this, sores, scrapes, blisters or minor cuts may need medical attention as healing can take longer. The feet should be protected for this reason by wearing properly fitted shoes at all times.Corns and calluses are caused by pressure from bones as they squeeze overlying skin against your shoes or the ground. As we age, the natural fat pad in our feet slowly move and shrink, making bones more prominent.
I start every run by saying if it's a maintenance run, challenge run or I'm feeling lucky run. By maintenance run, it basically means I'm running just for the sake of getting some exercise. Challenge Run is great when you've had a super stressful day and have lots of energy (channel that energy to your run) and increase your overall pace by .5min / mile. Feeling lucky run, is on that rare day where you have had everything fall in the right place and you try and beat your own personal record. Decide and plan your run before and finish it with the goal you'll see in a couple of weeks this will make you a faster runner.
This causes a protective build-up of skin under our feet where the bone prominence lies, as well as on the tops of the toes that are contracted up against shoes. Softening corns and calluses with a daily moisturizer and using a pumice stone or file after showering will help smooth them out. Avoid medicated corn pads, as they can burn the surrounding healthy skin. More severe corns and calluses may require professional trimming and padding, or even surgery to correct the underlying bone prominence.Nails are also part of the skin. Over time, nails can become thickened, malformed, and discolored. This may be due to a nail fungus, which can also cause pain and nail lifting. Nail fungus is difficult to treat, and infected nails are difficult to trim by oneself. Options for treatment include a prescription pill, specially formulated topical oils, or toenail removal. The nails can also look abnormal due to bruising or other medical conditions which can mimic nail fungus.
2. Running Shoes.
1. Speed-work.
People often ask me "How do you run so fast" and I never really have a very smart answer, because I've always just ran and never thought too much about my form, until recently. So, here's 5 Easy Tips to help you gain pace.
4. Run with someone faster than you.
Super important. When I run, whatever distance, I always put 20% of my running time for speed-work purposes. Here's a quick example, if I were to run a short 6-mile. I would spend the first 4-5 minutes just running (a 10 min mile most likely) then run the next 10 minutes at my normal pace 7.5min / mile, then spend 1 minute running as fast as my little legs will take me (and for the record, I do have little legs, I'm only 5"3, and I'm pretty sure I'm not quite that tall either). After that minute, I'll go back to my 7.5 min/ mile (or 8 -9 min/mile if I'm pretty exhausted) and continue that expanding the speed-work from 60 second by 15-second (or 30 second) increments.
5. Set Target Goals.
If you don't know anyone faster than you - then join a local running club or triathlon club, you'll meet plenty of fast runners. As you're running behind them, follow their pace and watch their movement / legs...without realizing it your rhythm and pace will match theirs and make your strides longer and pace faster.
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