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Old 06-14-2011, 02:46 PM   #1
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Default in time for the October 22 release of Windows 7.

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The world was shocked when Microsoft announced that Windows XP to Windows 7 upgrades would not be supported by everybody's new operating system darling. A lot of us were scratching our heads on this one, since we keep hearing about how businesses haven't upgraded from XP to Vista,office 2010 Standard product key, and how the OS of choice for netbooks has also been XP.

LapLink now says it can fill that void with a brand new version of its PCMover software.

LapLink CEO Thomas Koll visited our offices this week to explain that PCMover is the only tool that migrates data, settings, and programs from XP to Windows 7.

Windows' built-in Windows Easy Transfer will handle the first two, but it still requires you to copy programs and data to an external storage device beforehand. PCMover simplifies the process with an in-place transfer option,Office Home And Business 2010 Product Key, as long as your drive has enough free space. The Windows 7-certified software also can handle 32-bit to 64-bit upgrades, which are not supported natively by the Windows 7 setup process.

Koll claimed that PCMover could save businesses up to $300 per Computer upgrade. The software will cost $19.95 per transfer, with bulk and family pack discounts. It will be available in early October, in time for the October 22 release of Windows 7.

This post originally appeared on AppScout.
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