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Old 06-12-2011, 02:26 PM   #1
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Default Jill has been asking me

Jill has asked me Miejiao steady summer job,2011 Supra Shoes, ambitioning to put the contents of my Tieshanglai. Just see at Bo Yang,Cheap Supra Shoes, memorize Do not must laugh too noisy. Ha ha, I laugh under the first. Xiaojie you are free to their view, can not peruse repeatedly ask me.
from ....
A: Hey, summer job recruiting ...
B: Hey ..... summer job recruiting you to the next MA?? my coffee next summer jobs to young D MA???
A: Yup
B: La ~ UM .... aboard the rocks I want to do summer jobs .....
A: Oh ... you want to summer job ~
B: Yeah ... summer job .....
A: ah ... on the rock you want to do D La ~ ~ ah baa summer jobs???
B: I do ... by the the huge summer jobs must do it .. if I want to um .. baa agreeable coffee ~ ~ ~
A: do Mieye ah??
B: um .... ah ... I'm timid
A: Well you cannot obtain me to your coffee 啵 summer job ......
B: I want to ... antique summer job,Supra Skytop II Shoes!
A: the elderly it? summer jobs coffee .... ED
B: I ... I .... coffee .. his arms are the same old summer job can be done to Haola .... I want to do for the elderly ... ah .. there are elderly sister???
A: ... summer old coffee Boo,Supra TK Society Shoes!!
B: summer ... summer ... old coffee baa??
A: ... summer old coffee ...
B: Oh ... oh ... I do the second 啦 ..
A: D Mieya you want to do?
B: I would like to bring my God ..... ..
A: ... summer coffee God who sent
B: D an microphone too??
A: ED wild ... God first sent the New Year summer café MA ~ ~ ~ ~ to have both sister
B: then ah??
A: Yes !!!!!
B: Wild have ah??
A: Your microphone early in the morning ... well ... there are wild
B: Oh ... .. my summer job .. .. I would favor to warm ...
A: coffee lukewarm summer .. children ....
B: Solutions to warm??
A: It was warm summer both dead sister spicy .. next!!?? you Baa do next?? microphone? Hello?!!
B: I want to work ....
A: Oh .. work Miedou work done below the MA .... .. Well received results Rights Rights below D MA?!!
B: Yeah .. I work ... UM ...
A: Well working Miedu earnings ... you do ..
B: Yeah ... I Do no Miedou Well done ... I do my work coffee coffee ye ....
A: baa work it?,Supra Skytop III Shoes!!
B: I have sent blankets ... .....
A: Summer School D felt spicy .. do Mieye sister!! D ah .... the public have died KAM to the thorny fruit of Health D, Zhong Ma!
B: Yeah ??... and ritual
A: Terrier ceremony for me now ... well okay??
B: work have to be clearly ah??
A: stalk me now ... Wuxi ah??
B: Oh .....
A: You do wild with excellent difficulty to come out and walk ah??
B: I Do .. I want summer jobs tin be .....
A: Yeah??? fast D 啦 .....
B: shelters .....
A: to lest the cold sister ... baa thirty die LALA .... .... live at asylums who left Lebanon were friends ...
B: pull the snout cold fruit D. ...
A: You Mi Wan Ye ah !!!!!!
B: D you do to my summer jobs microphone coffee???
A:!! have left the first morning than you! it to human as summer jobs coffee!
B: D Oh .. do you have ten periods nine youth people .. uh uh I to D to do my work .. its summer ..... want me to kinky fruit D!! !
A: I have to kinky ....
B: I know you will .... If both D Li microphone???
A: Well!!! you do not attempt to me to!!! Well I am in the enterprise baa kinky!!!
B: You Wupa ~ ~ .. for .. for I can .....
A: You prostitution??
B: Yeah ~ ~
A: You baa prostitution he?,Supra Pilot Shoes!!
B: smile .... EE Yin Yin Yin Yin entire child groaning .... .... .... Song of a Wanderer Hey .. Hey .. Hey .. Hey .. Yeah! Summer Engineering Center jobs ... Hey .. ED .... either summer job Eren
(beep .... beep .... beep .... beep ....)
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