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Old 05-30-2011, 05:39 AM   #2
Commander In Chief
Join Date: Feb 2011
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sandy6565 is on a distinguished road

Could He Be the One Chap. 16

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emy Thanks!!!! :)
Esmeralda Thank you!!! :D
candice thanks, I抦 so glad you like it :D
chally Thanks SO much!! :) I抦 really glad you抮e liking the story :D
Ameera Yay! Thank you!!!!! :D
Kathyrn Thank you! But it抯 not the ending yet?:) I hope you like chapter 16 :D
Emily Oh you抮e welcome :D And thanks a ton!!!! I really think you抣l like what抯 I抳e got planned for the story later on :D
Kurterina Thank you!! I抦 so glad you loved it! I was definitely expecting a lot of sad/mad comments because of chapter 15抯 ending?but I抳e still got a lot planned. Enjoy :D
Beatrice I know that feeling. Lol?I definitely like the idea of Jayden getting hit by a bus? Or maybe an eighteen wheeler. :D thanks so much!!
Nikkitasha L sorry? Don抰 worry thought. There抯 still more!
shamsa thanks! I抦 glad you liked it!
Dancer4eva lol, don抰 worry it抯 not the end yet. :)
Refia Thank you so much!
abc123 thanks for commenting. J I hope you like this chapter
(the boy pic is Jayden, the girl pic is Seth抯 sister Sarah)

I抦 sorry it took so long to do this, I just really wanted it to be right and it took me forever to get down the words I wanted, so here it is finally. I抦 sorry for the wait. I hope you guys like it :)
Chapter 16
After a little more talking, mom finally let Seth and Alia come inside, after telling me I could still go to the dance. By then, we had only two hours to get ready for the dance.
Seth went back to his house and Alia ran to my room, opened the closet and pulled out the dresses. Hers was the bright blue, mine was a darkish lilac color. I loved it.
Alia rushed to the bathroom and changed there, while I changed in the bedroom. I took off the bandage on my leg, and decided that my "wound" still looked pretty gross. The one on my arm was fine, but I had to rewrap the one of my leg with white gauze. Alia came running back and twirled her way into the room. She stopped in front of the mirror and smiled. "Your leg doesn抰 look bad with the bandage on. It looks fine." She knew exactly what I had been thinking, as usual. Then with an excited laugh she said, "Make up and hair time!"

Sariah and Sarah were helping us out with the make up and hair. Sariah was doing mine, Sarah was doing Alia抯. Sariah sat me on the bed with the hair stuff she had bought while I was at school. She plugged in a hair curler and waited for it to get hot.
"So?you excited for the dance?" Sarah asked, trying to break the silence. Alia answered. "Yes!" She was bouncing around, while Sarah was waiting for the straightener to heat up. They started talking about make up colors that would look good with the dress, and what color toenail polish, since Alia had chosen blue strappy heels. They were so cute.

"You ok?" Sariah asked me quietly, as she started curling pieces of my hair.
"Not really." I answered honestly.
"I understand, sort of. Everything will work out." She half smiled. I smiled back.
"I know." She curled another strand of hair.
"So what kind of heels do you have?" She asked.
"Um I think they抮e called platform heels or something. I don抰 really know. They抮e in the closet. I don抰 really care what type of heels they are corset tops, if I like them I get them."

Sariah laughed. "Same as me. I guess I抣l see them when I抦 done your hair and makeup."
It took another half hour for her to finish my hair. When she was done, she let me look in the mirror. What she had done was gorgeous! I absolutely loved it. She had curled all of my hair into ringlets, then pinned all of it, except for a few tiny strands, up into a French twist type of thing.
"Wow! Where did you learn to do hair like that?" I asked. Staring at myself in the mirror.
"I don抰 know. It just comes naturally to me." She smiled. "Mom抯 great with hair too. It must run in the family. Now, stop talking so I can do your makeup."

She grinned at me and started applying makeup. About a half hour later, she was done. Alia looked over at me and her mouth dropped open. "Wow. Lexi you look hott!" She looked so shocked.
"Oh, so I don抰 look hott every other day?" I asked, faking sadness.
"No! You do! Just right now. You look, wow!" She shook her head, causing Sarah to mess up the eyeliner.
"Crap!" She grabbed some eye make up remover and dabbed carefully around Alia抯 eye.

An hour later, we were both ready, me in my lilac colored, knee length, strapless, beautiful flowy dress, my black heels, my gorgeous hair and amazing makeup; Alia in the bright blue dress, same as mine, her blue and silver heels, and awesome hair, (Sarah had straightened it completely and cut it to a little below her shoulders) and of course, beautiful makeup. The eyeliner smudge was completely gone.

"Wow." Mom said when we walked to the living room. "You girls are both so beautiful!" She hugged us both. Steve was sitting on the couch, wearing black dress pants, black dress shoes, a white tie with a green tie, and a black suit coat.
"Wow. You look nice!" I smiled. Alia nodded her agreement.
"You looked pretty good too." He smiled back. The door bell rang. Sariah peeked out the window.
"It is Jake, for you Alia!" Sariah grinned cheerfully. Sarah rushed forward to fix a few strands of hair and fix a wrinkle in the dress before letting Alia go open it.

"You look beautiful Alia." Jake said when she opened the door. He looked cute too, in a suit and a blue tie. The color of his tie, matched the color of her dress perfectly. It was so cute. Mom pulled them inside and started taking pictures. "You抣l thank me for this in years to come." She said club dresses, when Alia complained teasingly.
They finally left, Alia calling over her shoulder, "See you at the dance." While Jake opened the car door for her. Only a few seconds later the doorbell rang again. This time Sarah peeked out while Sariah anxiously fiddled with my dress and hair, tucking a few strands that had fallen back into place, straightening my dress in some places, and fluffing out in others. I finally pushed her away. "Sariah, calm down. Thanks to you corset dresses, I look amazing."

She smiled and backed off after a hug. "I love you! Have fun!"
I opened the door, Seth was standing there with a rose. "You look so beautiful." He said. I smiled and took the rose, giving him a hug. I brought the rose inside and set it in a vase. We left, after mom attacked us with the camera too.
Seth抯 Point of view.
I was nervous, walking up to the front door with a rose in my hand. I knocked on it and saw the curtain flicker. A few minutes passed and I stood there, getting more and more nervous by the second. The door finally opened, revealing the most beautiful sight ever. Alexia. Her dress hung to her knees, showing off her legs and her very beautiful arms.
"You look so beautiful." I said, handing her the rose. She took it with a cute smile and hugged me. After her mom took us in for pictures ######y lingerie, we left, I opened the car door for her of course.
I got in and we drove off. We got to the dance, the car ride had been peaceful, not much talking but it wasn抰 an awkward silence. Alia and Aris were standing at the doors to the school with their dates, both looking nice, but definitely not as gorgeous as Lexi, in my opinion.

So what'd you think??? Please comment :)

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