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Old 05-22-2011, 03:33 PM   #1
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Default Office Professional Plus 2010 Sale Installing MeeG

# cd <directory with downloaded image-writer file>
# chmod a+x ./image-writer
# ./image-writer <image file>
# dd bs=4096 if=<image file> of=<usb drive>
diskutil list

Linux developers Follow the steps on this page for downloads and installing MeeGo on your Netbook and you'll be ready to go mobile,Windows 7 Home Basic Product Key IT Professionals,Cheap Windows 7 Professional!
Windows Instructions Use a Windows app to install the MeeGo OS on your currently Windows OS computer.
Steps for loading the MeeGo live image on your netbook, nettop, or PC:
Download the latest live image.
Byte-copy the image to a USB drive.
Boot the image on your netbook, nettop,Office Home And Student 2010 Key, or PC. System Requirements CPU: Intel Atom or Intel Core 2 CPU (support for SSSE3)
Note: MeeGo will not work on non-SSSE3 CPUs
Platforms with the GMA-500, Nvidia, or ATI graphics chipsets are not supported
A tested netbook or nettop platform About Live Images
The MeeGo live image is designed to be used with a USB drive. A netbook or PC can be booted from the USB drive without modifying its hard drive or configuration. This lets you test drive an image before installing it. When you are done, just remove the USB drive and reboot. If you like what you see, you can then install MeeGo from the same live image.
1 Download the Live Image
The live image is available from the netbook downloads page. Save the image to a known location, so you can access it in step 2.
2 Byte-copy the image to a USB drive
You will need a USB drive with at least the capacity of the downloaded image.
Note: A byte-exact copy of the image must be placed on the USB drive. It is not sufficient to simply copy the image file to the drive. Be aware that the contents of the USB drive will be completely erased.
Linux Instructions
Be sure the USB drive is unmounted before proceeding. Some Linux distributions auto mount the USB drive when it is inserted, which can cause corruption when writing.
Use either of these two methods:
Image Writer (recommended, requires Python >=2.4)
Image Writer is a small python executable script that detects your USB drive and writes the image to it. The advantage of using image writer is that it will not inadvertently overwrite your system hard drive. Download Image Writer

Use 'dd' from the command-line
Caution: 'dd' will overwrite any destination including your system hard disk. Make sure you know the correct value of <usb drive> before proceeding.

Proceed to Step 3: Boot the image
Windows Instructions
There is a simple way to put the MeeGo image on a USB drive.
Download the Win32DiskImager.exe program: (zip file)
Unzip the file and extract the contents to a known directory
Run W32DiskImager.exe (screenshot) Select the MeeGo image file (.img)
Select the drive letter which corresponds to the USB key
Click the "Write" button to byte-copy the image to the USB drive.
Proceed to Step 3: Boot the image
Mac OS X Instructions
Be sure the USB drive is unmounted before proceeding. OS X auto mounts the USB drive when it is inserted,Office 2010 Key, which can cause corruption when writing. You can press the eject icon in Finder or drag the USB icon to the trash.
Use this method (thanks to Many Ayromlou for the instructions):
Open a Terminal (Applications -> Utilities -> Terminal)
Run to get the current list of devices
Insert your flash media
Run again and determine the device node assigned to your flash media (for example /dev/disk2)
Run (replace N with the disk number from the last command; in the previous example, N would be 2)
Run (replace /path/to/downloaded.img with the place you downloaded the image. You'll need your password for this.
(where N is the number we found above) and remove your flash media when the command completes
You're done! Proceed to Step 3: Boot the image 3 Boot the image on your netbook,Office Enterprise 2007, nettop,Office Professional Plus 2010 Sale, or PC
Insert the USB drive into your netbook, nettop, or PC and reboot. Make sure that the boot order tries the USB drive first.
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