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Old 05-18-2011, 09:54 AM   #2
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That is the follow around my continue article Kiosk Complete Screen Stand out for 2007/2010. Here I'll outline the way to create an absolute Full Screen try to find Excel 2007/2010. Suggestions an Index in the topics i will cover. I may include Value snippets in addition to my common sense behind the Code Post use. I am hoping you discover it helpful. 1. Covering the Procedure Taskbar2. Iterating WorkSheets within Kiosk Mode3. Getting out Kiosk Mode1. Hiding that System TaskbarOk you'll find many options with regards to Hiding that System Taskbar but i am governed slightly in a respect in that ,Myrtis Woo, because we will hook in to Excel azines own Complete Screen watch we cannot make it happen and work with API message or calls to Move/Resize that Excel Software MDI Windows to only cover that Taskbar. So we understand that we must completely obscure the Taskbar every launch; we now must ascertain just how. One approach is to buy a handle towards Taskbar Windows and transform off. Another method would be to toggle/auto-hide that Taskbar like you'll do manually which has a right-click Properties and set that auto-hide that taskbar checkbox. The key reason why that I choose the latter is the fact that: a) Home windows 7 COMPUTER ITSELF has several issues fully hiding the beginning Button (you can certainly almost undertake it,Aurea Pinkelton, but you'll still get a smallish curve in the Button that is unsightly. Well which is what We have found,Hyon Killary, that or maybe the Button continues to be completely accessible - it is just a bit of an pain. b) If for virtually every reason you are not able to restore that Taskbar users won't thank you to make them get into Control -panel and resetting that Taskbar from the Taskbar & Commence Menu Configurations. c)
Lastly I found that within 2007/2010 in addition to OS such as XP,Herta Morehead, Vista or maybe Windows 7 it is possible to launch Complete Screen which has a toggle and also the Taskbar is still hidden because Excel fills all the Screen once you Call Use. DisplayFullscreen = Accurate. Therefore it really is for that above reasons i always chose in addition to still utilize the following value in my personal Kiosk Software in the VBA Module through: HideTaskbar()UnhideTaskbar()Option ExplicitPrivate State Function _SHAppBarMessage Lib "shell32. dll" _(ByVal dwMessage So long,Concetta Wilmont, _ByRef pData Because APPBARDATA) Because LongPrivate Const ABS_AUTOHIDE So long = &H1Private Const ABM_GETTASKBARPOS So long = &H5Private Const ABM_GETSTATE So long = &H4Private Const ABM_SETSTATE So long = &HAPrivate Const ABM_SETAUTOHIDEBAR So long = &H8Private Sort RECTleft Because LongTop Because Longright Because LongBottom Because LongEnd TypePrivate Sort APPBARDATAcbSize Because LonghWnd Because LonguCallbackMessage Because LonguEdge Because Longrc Because RECTlParam Because LongEnd TypeDim abd Because APPBARDATADim abd_retval, _abd_setval Because Long' AutoHideTaskBar:: units the appdardata, lParam struct to be able to autohide that system taskbarPublic Below HideTaskbar()abd_retval = _SHAppBarMessage(ABM_GETSTATE, abd)abd. lParam = _abd_retval Or maybe ABS_AUTOHIDEabd_setval = _SHAppBarMessage(ABM_SETSTATE,Carmelina Marinella, abd)End Sub' RestoreTaskBar:: restores that autohide procedure taskbar into a normal statePublic Below UnhideTaskbar()abd_retval = _SHAppBarMessage(ABM_GETSTATE, abd)abd. lParam = _abd_retval Without ABS_AUTOHIDEabd_setval = _SHAppBarMessage(ABM_SETSTATE, abd)End Sub2. Iterating WorkSheets within Kiosk ModeRight etc to Iterating WorkSheets within Kiosk Method. Well obviously you'll find hidden that Taskbar and launched Complete Screen. In my personal Kiosk Menus I add the power to obscure Gridlines,Macie Withy, Headings, WorkSheet Tab etc. I won't cover which here as it is rather elementary VBA coding that you perform these assignments. What I'll cover and reveal to you though is actually some value on the way to iterate Stand out WorkSheets skipping more than Hidden or maybe Very Covered Sheets both forwards and backwards. There are many functions around to browse a method but I want to to create a solution to do also.
First we all need to begin an Enum in the VBA Value Module branded b_functions because follows (I get given my personal two Navigator types a distinctive integer connected with 3 with regard to Previous,Wilhelmina Rasmusson, surf backward in addition to 2 with regard to Next, surf forward): no browser enum:: for worksheet navigationPublic Enum NavigatorxlNavigatePrevious = 3xlNavigateNext = 2End EnumWe will utilize the types over to pass right into a Function referred to as Browser (Direction) by the employment of the subsequent code (we won't return any value): Iterate that WorkSheet ForwardsCall b_functions. Browser(xlNavigateNext)Iterate that WorkSheet BackwardsCall b_functions. Browser(xlNavigatePrevious)Here is a Function which does the task. ' Cell phone browser:: dynamically choose a published or information (hidden, quite hidden ignored) by using browser buttonsPublic Perform Browser(ByVal Route As Navigator)' varsDim post,Darnell Gockerell, _J,Alyse Bemben, _K Because IntegerDim DefaultSheet Because String no selected sheetDefaultSheet = ActiveWorkbook. ActiveSheet. NameJ = ActiveWorkbook. Linens. CountWith ActiveWorkbookFor post = one particular To JIf DefaultSheet =. Sheets(i). Title ThenSelect Circumstance DirectionCase xlNavigatePrevious no leftIf post > J -- (J -- 1) ThenWhile. Sheets(i -- 1). Accessible = xlSheetVeryHidden Or maybe _. Sheets(i -- 1). Accessible = xlSheetHiddenIf post - one particular = J -- (J -- 1) After that i = a couple of: GoTo select_prev In addition i = post - 1Wendselect_prev:. Sheets(i -- 1). SelectExit ForElseFor E = J To be able to i Action -1While. Sheets(K). Accessible = xlSheetVeryHidden Or maybe _. Sheets(K). Accessible = xlSheetHiddenK = E - 1Wend. Sheets(K). SelectExit ForNext KExit ForEnd IfCase xlNavigateNext no rightIf post 0 ThenKillTimer 0, m_TimerIDm_TimerID = 0** COMPLETE EXIT VALUE HERE **End IfEnd SubPrivate Residence Get TimerIsActive() Because BooleanTimerIsActive = (m_TimerID 0)End PropertyPrivate Below TimerEvent()If Use. DisplayFullScreen = Bogus ThenStopTimerEnd IfEnd SubWell which about wraps the idea up for the moment. Mark Kubiszyn.
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