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Old 05-17-2011, 11:46 AM   #2
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eucalyptus eucalyptus, evergreen plants, within a year the phenomenon of periodic shedding old leaves, most species are tall trees, a few are small trees, shrubs was like very little. Shape of a steeple-shaped crown, multi-shaped chandelier and weeping and so on. Leaves simple, entire, coriaceous, sometimes a thin layer of wax. Young leaves can be divided into state leaves, the middle of three types of leaves and mature leaves, leaves of most varieties of life, small, heart-shaped or broadly lanceolate. Chinese Scientific Name: Eucalyptus, Latin name: Eucalyptus another name: white diesel tree (Chaozhou), Mang tree (South Australia),skechers outlet, there Gali, large-leaved eucalyptus (Puning) community: Flora door: angiosperms are the key link: dicotyledonous Division of Plant Programme: Myrtaceae Myrtaceae Genus: Eucalyptus Eucalypteae distribution areas: the growth of the Australian continent most part growth in Indonesia Philippines island of New Guinea Islands
Eucalyptus Eucalyptus Eucalyptus origins and environmental pro- Misunderstanding of eucalyptus Eucalyptus Eucalyptus is a water pump by toxic eucalyptus trees under the scientific management of biological diversity also has its own characteristic distribution pattern of use of breeding habits of the Australian landscape with eucalyptus eucalyptus afforestation suitable environment for planting and transplanting seedlings and cultivation management of forest pest management and protection control the characteristics of the economic value of traditional Chinese medicine characteristics of Eucalyptus Eucalyptus unilateral prescription is the origin of Eucalyptus Myrtaceae Myrtaceae Eucalyptus Eucalyptus plants, collectively, may have originated in
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end of the Cretaceous, because in the beginning of a new World and Early Miocene pulse sequence already inclined species, it has the original type of structural features in the Department of Health, and its evolution in Australia, mainly in response to the changes in the geologic history, but also on its dry, arid and semi-arid conditions of adaptation to drought, Department of Health mainly, but also in the Department of Health and snow lines and hi. Eucalyptus adapted to drought conditions led to a series of morphological, anatomical structure formation. One of the first type of adaptation is the formation of gum leaves, hair, or bristles, but when dry to enhance this protection and less effective, so apart from a few exceptions, only in the development of young plants to be retained, a later stage wax layer of the epidermis is formed. The growth of mountain and arid areas the young leaves and mature eucalyptus leaves, branches, and sometimes have a blue-gray in the trunk of wax layer. To modern developmental stages, thickening of the stratum corneum of Eucalyptus, it is the most secure fit in order to facilitate drying conditions. It should be said, Eucalyptus regeneration traits are evolved from the Department of Health and developed on the basis of. Australia in all types of wet areas in northern, southeastern and coastal areas and Tasmania wet wet mountain should go to a lot of trees in the Health Department. Hi snow line is adapted to the evolution of the cold mountain ecology evolutionary system, which includes the growth in the dry areas in central Australia some species of living conditions in this region is the dramatic changes in temperature day and night, often during the day and high temperature (hot), night low temperature (cold), where Eucalyptus is essentially a degradation of the evolution of evolution, the evolution of procedures for the trees - Yaqiao wood ­ - small trees - shrubs. In 1982, the Institute of Tibetan Plateau Expedition comprehensive professional group of ancient plants in the western region of Sichuan Litang County, late elevation of 3700m in the new century and the beginning of the strata, No. 40 collected fossil specimens of Eucalyptus species, these fossils have eucalyptus leaves prints fossils, as well as fruit and flower fossils. Preliminary identification of fossils is the Eucalyptus heat Lu, which introduced the current domestic and Eucalyptus Eucalyptus tereticornis and Eucalyptus similar. Ten years ago, Shigatse in Tibet region and the well Gangdise narrow mountain also found fossils of Eucalyptus. Geography from the plant, one can imagine four billion years ago, dated to Late Eocene, western Sichuan and Tibet distribution of large tracts of eucalyptus plants, evergreen broad-leaved forest, then, the climate warm and dry heat, very suitable for eucalyptus growth. Later, about a few million years ago, the strong Himalayan orogeny, western Sichuan and Tibet to make the crust uplift, eucalyptus plants not suited to cold climate and the disappearance of suitable eucalyptus gradual southward through Malaysia to reach Oceania as well as the current Australian eucalyptus plants become the main distribution center. These in the late formation of Eocene fossils, documented in Australia than the gradual formation of the new century found the earliest fossils of the same Eucalyptus 1,000 years or so earlier. This has been eucalyptus plants that originated in Australia, said, raised questions. In academic research has important value, in order to establish the geological and the study of ancient geography and ancient vegetation, provided the basis for the ancient climate. Eucalyptus is a distinctive feature of the plant variety, adaptability, wide use. Its growth environment is very broad, from tropical to temperate, with resistance at 18 ℃ for two-color, Gangni gum and snow gum resistance 22 ℃. From the coastal to the interior, from the plains to the mountains) above sea level 2000m), 250-4000mm annual rainfall areas can grow. The shape change is also large, including the world's rare height meters of trees, there are small and dense shrubs do more, there are both resistant to drought and flood-resistant species. Eucalyptus Eucalyptus Eucalyptus misunderstanding of environmental compatibility 1, Eucalyptus is the long, the land surface compaction, also appeared the phenomenon of desertification. 2, eucalyptus is the degradation, deteriorating soil and water conservation, land-poor, to be introduced when other plants can not survive. The proportion of soil erosion intensity increased year by year, landslides and floods increased. 3, Eucalyptus is the It grows, and other species can not grow, it will slowly shrink, and finally result in eucalyptus forests are bare ground, be no grass, shrubs (eg, commonly known as mud tree home, milk kan, Paederia rattan, honeysuckle, etc.), no small trees and various herbs and other materials. Other species can not survive with it. Native species decay, degradation, plant species is extremely simple, not to the majority of animals to provide food or suitable habitat, the forest animals are extremely rare or even extinct, the extremely low level of biological diversity, biological food strand breaks, ecological fragility, lack of day hostile pest control, it is susceptible to pests, causing a large area of ​​damage, cut down large tracts of natural forest planting a single tree species, age and very close to dense forest, will lead to change and other serious ecological crisis. Will suffer the destruction of eco-subversive, and difficult to restore. And do not necessarily show up in two to three years. 4, application of chemical toxicity of Eucalyptus strong Toxicity long, eucalyptus poisonous gas and is said to stimulate the cultivation of eucalyptus will be applying some of the potency and long-toxic effects of chemical product that when applied to the land where it will be difficult Clear clean, great on water pollution, human and animal consumption will cause immeasurable harm. In addition, the odor of eucalyptus to stimulate and toxic to humans, would threaten the health of local people. Eucalyptus is a water pump of scientific research shows that for every 1 kg of synthesized biomass (dry weight), pine needs to consume 1,000 liters of water, Acacia, Dalbergia, bananas, coffee requires 800 liters or more, while only 510 liters of eucalyptus. Shows a very high water use efficiency of Eucalyptus. As fast-growing eucalyptus, the total water consumption may be more than the other species, but does not constitute a crisis, such as eucalyptus Leizhou Peninsula in the total annual transpiration of annual rainfall only about 1 / 3, transpiration + evaporation volume of 1000-1100 ml / year, far less than 1,500 mm of annual rainfall will not cause groundwater decreased. Moreover, Sino-Australian cooperation project Australian Endemic Species of Eucalyptus Koala toxic to feed on eucalyptus, eucalyptus stands to reason that it should be non-toxic, but the internal organs of the koala has magical functions, he can break down toxins in the eucalyptus, and then sleep for a long time to decomposition of these toxins. Science operations will not cause soil degradation eucalyptus. All plantation species, due to the implementation of intensive management, will have a certain fertility reduction, because fast growth plantations, density, absorption of mineral nutrition and more, plus some local farmers all litter removed, resulting in decline in soil fertility , this is normal. Is soil fertility has declined, the land on the abandoned? Not so serious. The key is scientific management, replenishment of nutrients, the use of fertilizer, what soil to make up what is lacking, the problem is solved. Schedule: eucalyptus and other crops to absorb and take away the amount of mineral nutrient uptake compared species (kg / ha / year) take away (kg / ha / year) NPKNPK grandis (Brazil) 7,664,315 1.5 18 Ma accounted for Acacia (China) 3071011050318 corn 1603015040838 rubber 3123316316312 palm 9014150407100 coffee 110912040348 Note: Data from Australia, Professor John Davidson on table shows that both the absorption of Eucalyptus or taken away by the amount of mineral nutrients than other crops, are not material compared to most. So, to say, Eucalyptus can lead to serious soil degradation, there is no scientific basis. To Zhanjiang, for example, was established in 1954 Leizhou Forestry, planting eucalyptus has a history of more than 50 years, with an area of ​​70 acres,skechers shoes online, 90% are plantations, according to some people to say, the land here as early as The abandoned, on the contrary, where the forest is getting better, the production of eucalyptus plantation new generation high growth before the age of 70 is only 0.3 cubic meters / mu. years, has now reached 1.5 cubic meters / mu. years This is why, is to rely on science and technology, first used the new varieties of eucalyptus; the second is the use of fertilization techniques; third is now the local people to solve the fuel problem, return to the soil litter, so the more species of Eucalyptus as possible. Under the trees equally by the Eucalyptus forest biological diversity is an artificial ecosystem, but also intensive pure forest, its biodiversity than natural ecosystems, a much more certainly, but by no means to level. According to South China Agricultural Xie Zhengsheng, etc. in 5 different locations Leizhou findings eucalyptus forest, eucalyptus forest plant species collected from a total of 61 families 127 genera 150 species, proved that eucalyptus plantations on plant diversity of forest Leizhou not causing reduced. Rock Creek Forest Changtai County, Fujian Zhangzhou Hong Changfu other grandis on understory vegetation survey: forest vegetation in a total of 29 families, 49 genera 53 species, the same description The origin of the Australian eucalyptus, eucalyptus forest, rich in animal and plant resources, into the woods everywhere can be seen by kangaroos, birds and reptiles, the ground is a dense shrubs and weeds. Individual cases, according to the forest vegetation in very little, is caused by a variety of reasons, one is too dense eucalyptus species, forest, no sunlight, nutrition, competition, resulting in sparse vegetation; the second is made by the tree in some places itself before the there is no vegetation, eucalyptus grew up, and only shows the adaptability of eucalyptus; third is too much intensity of artificial tending, weeding time, highly intensive, resulting in no weeds. Eucalyptus has a good social, economic and ecological benefits of eucalyptus has a good social benefits. Eucalyptus plantation industry development, the first can increase employment opportunities in rural areas, from the seeds and seedlings, afforestation, forest management, to timber harvesting, processing and utilization of the entire process, can generate employment opportunities. It is estimated that each hectare of eucalyptus plantations can generate jobs directly 4. Meanwhile, in high yield eucalyptus forest project implementation process, so that farmers learn modern production techniques and forest management expertise, improve the quality of workers, and promoting rural economic and social progress. Eucalyptus create wealth for society. Eucalyptus wood is widely used in manufacture of pulp and paper, plywood industry, housing construction, furniture manufacturing, landscaping and so on. Substantial economic benefits of eucalyptus planting eucalyptus economic rate of return is one of the highest in many industries, so there are many other industries in South China's business owners or self-employed have invested in the development of eucalyptus plantation industry. Scientific cultivation of eucalyptus, but also has a good ecological benefits. First, the eucalyptus plantations is a huge carbon pool, according to research, each hectare of eucalyptus 9 tons per year to absorb carbon dioxide while releasing oxygen. In the degradation of the earth to create a eucalyptus, can improve soil structure, soil biomass increased planting areas and to improve micro-climate, ecological environment changes. Leizhou Peninsula, Trinidad Chidi past, environmental degradation, the forest coverage rate is only 8% from 1954, creating a large number of plantations, the existing 300 acres of eucalyptus forest coverage rate reached 24%, significantly improved the ecological environment, known as the South important agricultural sub-tropical city. Own characteristics evergreen tall tree (with a few species of small trees), can grow to 100-110 meters, up to 152 meters, is the world's tallest trees. Hi ray, hi humidity, drought, heat, chill, very sensitive to low temperature. Some species originated in tropical, cold intolerance degrees below 0; some species native to the warmer climate zones, the ability of -10 degree temperatures. Most of the requirements above the annual average temperature is 15 ℃, the coldest month of not less than 7 ~ 8 ℃. Myrtaceae Eucalyptus plants known. Evergreen trees, bark thick and persistent, or smooth and mid-off. Two types of leaves, young leaves sessile state while the students, mature sickle-shaped or oblong leaves. A volatile aromatic oil. Flowers bi######ual, bell-shaped calyx tube and ovary connate; petals and calyx lobes connected into a cap body; stamens many, anthers cordate or kidney-shaped, straight crack or hole opening; faceplate exist; ovary inferior, 2 to 7 rooms, ovule majority. Capsule hidden in the pot-shaped or prominent calyx tube calyx tube; faceplate edge of the solid formed when the fruit. Seeds numerous, only a few fertile. A wide variety of eucalyptus, 522 species and 150 varieties. Born in sunny plains, hillsides and roadsides. Leaf collection whole year. Southern and southwestern China have cultivated. Eucalyptus crown small, high transmittance, is conducive to the growth of grass under the trees. Crown small, the transpiration is also small, is a water-saving species. Can grow in a variety of soils, the majority of both species to adapt to acidic soil, but also to adapt to alkaline soil, and the most suitable soil is fertile alluvial soils. Generally grow in areas of 500 mm annual precipitation, annual growth of well over 1,000 mm of precipitation. Born in appropriate acidic red soil, yellow and deep alluvial soil, but in the soil deep, loose, well-drained good place to grow. The main rooting depth, wind resistance. Most wooden crown tumor, a storage role of nutrients and sprouts. Usually 3 to 4 years after planting to flowering and fruiting. Distributed in more than seven hundred kinds eucalyptus known, the origin of most of the growth in the continent of Australia,
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small part of the growth of the neighboring island of New Guinea and Indonesia, and a distribution in the Philippine Islands. Introduction of the 19th century all over the world, there are currently 96 countries or regions have cultivated. Evergreen forms, one year old leaves fall off a cyclical phenomenon. Most species of tall trees, a few small trees, were like little shrubs. Shape of a steeple-shaped crown, multi-shaped chandelier and weeping and so on. Leaves simple, entire, coriaceous, sometimes a thin layer of wax. Young leaves can be divided into state leaves, the middle of three types of leaves and mature leaves, most of the young leaf is the raw state, small, heart-shaped or broadly lanceolate. Habits of the majority of subtropical plants. Hi light, good humidity, drought, heat. Chills, very sensitive to low temperature. Some species originated in the tropics, not temperature resistant to 0 degrees or below; some species grow in warm climate zones of the original, the ability of -10 degree temperatures. Can grow in a variety of soils, the majority of both species to adapt to acidic soil, but also to adapt to alkaline soil, and the most suitable soil is fertile alluvial soils. Eucalyptus Shuzi beautiful garden use, evergreen, growing very rapidly with coppice and improve the ability of the marshes. Landscape trees should be. Leaves containing aromatic oils, a repellent effect of sterilization, can be refined sesame oil, or sanatorium areas, residential areas, hospitals and public green good green trees. Twigs and bark contains tannin, tannin can be extracted; bark and wood can also be used to make pulp. Long flowering eucalyptus, honey flow capacity, is an important honey plant. A variety of Eucalyptus wood properties, generally tough durable, for sleepers, pillar, bridge, construction, pulp and wood-based panels and other materials; leaves can distill essential oils, production eudesmol, citral, etc., in the spices, medicine There are a wide range of industrial uses; many eucalyptus bark, wood, leaves contain tannin, can be used for boiler cleaning and retarders; addition of eucalyptus wood is good firewood, nectar and shelter plants and green with trees. Eucalyptus crown small, high transmittance, is conducive to the growth of grass under the trees, it is conducive to insects, and will have a bird. Crown small, the evaporation of water is also small, is saving the tree. CCTV-7-related agricultural programs have done a report, to clarify all misunderstandings for the eucalyptus. Garden art in China, is regarded as auspicious eucalyptus plants. As with the banyan tree, the so-called main title-Wear, children and grandchildren, as people of the dragon. Eucalyptus has many uses, for the source of origin, Australia has many advantages. There are also theories that it absorbs water, causes water depletion; rapid growth, nutrient absorption too fast, poor nutrition will result in land, other plants can not grow. So there is a lot of the growth of local eucalyptus, other species will be almost none. Eucalyptus can also bactericidal repellent, and therefore does not in mosquito-eating insects, no insect-eating birds. It must be clear measure of eucalyptus planting, take it seriously. Breeding with the planting, grafting, cutting and other methods Tissue Culture Propagation. Australia and the eastern coast of eucalyptus in Australia, dense lush forests, tourists from all over the world for this amazing. However, few of them know that the vast forests of eucalyptus 90%. Eucalyptus is a natural gift, Australia gift, Australia is a gift dedicated to the world. Australia hundreds of millions of years of seclusion created its unique flora and fauna. Although there is no mature mammalian evolution, there are 100 kinds of marsupials, kangaroos is their famous also not by name, eucalyptus is a worthy representative of them. Australian eucalyptus forest of origin types are: dry sclerophyll forest types of trees (see photo), wet sclerophyll tree types, savanna types, dry sclerophyll tree types, alpine meadow type. Eucalyptus happy light, generally sparse foliage. Most of the requirements above the annual average temperature is 15 ℃, the coldest month of not less than 7 ~ 8 ℃. Generally grow in areas of 500 mm annual precipitation, annual growth of well over 1,000 mm of precipitation. Born in appropriate acidic red soil, yellow and deep alluvial soil, but in the soil deep, loose, well-drained good place to grow. The main rooting depth, wind resistance. Most wooden crown tumor, a storage role of nutrients and sprouts. Usually 3 to 4 years after planting to flowering and fruiting. Bare root seedlings and seedlings of Eucalyptus container seedlings sub-two. Generally green all around through the points by the bed after sowing annual bare root seedlings; large area of ​​forest is more use of container seedlings. Usually in the spring and early summer planting season, or after the rainy season. In accordance with the objectives of the operation, the number of mature tree growth characteristics and to determine the age and diameter harvesting. Cutting methods are generally massive clear cutting. Is the eucalyptus coppice management features, the early rapid growth, stem form, straight, middle income fast and so on. Australia is the planet's most arid land, low carbon, high-iron soil was dark red; Australia's climate and is very dry, but the eucalyptus in this difficult but can thrive in the natural environment. According to research, Australia has more than 500 varieties of eucalyptus,skechers women, a high can grow to more than 100 meters, straight, straight, short of only one or two meters, was shrubby. To survive, Eucalyptus in the formation of long-term evolution of the growth of many unique features: In order to avoid the hot sun, reducing water evaporation, eucalyptus leaves are drooping and sunny side; to cope with frequent forest fires, the nutrition of Eucalyptus pipelines are buried deep in the wooden floor, the seeds wrapped in a thick wood shell where after the fire was not as long as the heart of the trunk of the burnt wood dry, the rainy season arrives, vibrant again. Eucalyptus seed is not only not afraid of fire, but it's wood with fire roasted cracked shell, easy to take root. Eucalyptus as Phoenix, after the fire was not only a new life, and grow better. If you do not like Eucalyptus and food to extinction, people of course will not see the koalas only eat eucalyptus leaves naive image. Local indigenous people are inseparable from the whole body is a treasure of eucalyptus. Eucalyptus can be a water storage tank, there is a eucalyptus tree is empty, many of which have filled the trunk of drinkable water. In the absence of water, and the indigenous people with a wooden stick knocked the trunk, you know there is no water. Eucalyptus flower was Ying-like, pink. Eucalyptus flowers to produce honey bees feed on high-traffic, beekeepers hive can be pulled from a nearly 20 kilograms of honey. Eucalyptus Eucalyptus leaves contain some of the brain, is an important pharmaceutical material, you can also make fruit sugar as an additive. Indigenous people also made use of eucalyptus dry wind, blowing their hearts sorrow and joy. With the development, more extensive use of eucalyptus, to build a house, furniture, when the poles and railroad ties, really powerful. It can be said, no eucalyptus, no Australia. But the Australians did not give them exclusive nature of this precious gift, but offered it to the world. From the 19th century, eucalyptus seeds to germinate in the Mediterranean coast, and quickly in Africa, Asia and the Americas development. China is already the introduction of eucalyptus species, and widely grown in the southern provinces. Eucalyptus rapid growth, hard wood, in China, environmental protection and development of timber industry is playing a very important role. Addis Ababa in Ethiopia, is a very common species of Eucalyptus, it is said, Mengni Creek II capital in Addis Ababa soon found that although many flowers here, but can be used as firewood and the trees not much. Therefore, he moved the capital to mind the meaning of initiation. News spread, it was made to the monarch into: find new capital and its not
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such as in situ wide tree planting. He accepted the proposal, from the 1905 introduction of the faster growth of eucalyptus, and called on people is widely planted. At the same time, he decided, by the State to provide low-cost tree seedlings, planting of trees shall be exempted from land tax. Thus, less than 20 years, the eucalyptus is not only covered the whole city, but also in cities around the formation of a wide green belt. Building materials and firewood issues are resolved, no relocation of the capital. At present, the Addis Ababa's eucalyptus forests total more than 50 square kilometers, 90% of the wood needed for the building depend on eucalyptus to resolve. Also known as the Eucalyptus can sometimes grow to 152 m (usually 100-110 meters), is the world's tallest trees. Eucalyptus Eucalyptus afforestation is Myrtaceae Eucalyptus species, collectively, are Myrtaceae Eucalyptus Eucalyptus, native to Australia, our main plant in Yunnan, Guangdong, Guangxi and Sichuan and other provinces. Varieties of eucalyptus planting, direct dry eucalyptus, lemon eucalyptus, Eucalyptus robusta and Eucalyptus foliage type coins, 5 species of eucalyptus leaves can be extracted eucalyptus oil (aromatic oil), leaves and essential oils can be used as medicine, have anti-inflammatory, stomach, expectorant, carminative effect. Wood has a fine quality, corrosion-resistant, termite-resistant heartwood is widely used in buildings, bridges, shipbuilding, port, paper, mining, livestock shelter, fuel and other industries, economic and ecological benefit is significant. With the western development and the Yangtze River, Pearl River shelterbelt project implementation, to accelerate progress in returning farmland to forest, eucalyptus planting area gradually expanded prospect. Eucalyptus trees are happy light. Wood red, shiny, no special smell, texture staggered structure dense, hard material weight, easy to bend, bent wood very suitable for timber. Can be used for furniture, flooring, sewing, tool handles, and farm tools. The paper fibers are good raw materials, the path of high value wood burning can be used as fuel, used widely. The world famous one of the three fast-growing species, and its adaptability, variety of wood species, uses a wide range of high economic value, it is very rare short-cycle industrial timber species, generally 5 to 8 years can be harvested using. Hi appropriate warm weather environment, eucalyptus, but the heat intolerance, poor growth to climate overheating; Yunnan, mainly at an altitude of 1200-2400 meters in area, cold is not strong, only a short time capability of the low temperature of about -7 ℃, if - After 2-3 days at 5 ℃ will produce different degrees of frost damage, light twigs die, who will be the whole plant dead weight. Eucalyptus likes the light and shade can influence the growth rate slightly. Hi rich moist acidic soil. A good environment in Kunming, 1 year up to 1.5-2 meters high seedling, 3 years old up to 9 meters, 10 years old is 20 meters high, 20 years old about 30 meters high, after gradually slow the growth, flowering and fruiting can be 6 years old, 15 years into the full fruit period. Seed sowing in November-December, spring next year, but also in the July-August seed, when planted. 100 kg of seeds per fruit may be 1.5 kg, grain weight eucalyptus 2.8 grams of dry eucalyptus straight 1.5 grams of seed germination rate of 90% or more. 1, the mother-bed nursery. Choose to do the soil fertile seedbed vegetable field, in mid-March planting, fine the entire geographic entropy, entropy width 1.2-1.6 meters. The seeds soaked for 48 hours, with the sand mix seed sowing in the seedbed on the dirt covered with a fine 1-2 cm thick. After pouring enough water covering film, 7-10 days after sowing excavated, soil moisture, ventilation, prevent heat burn seedlings. When the seedlings grow to 5-10 cm high, removing film hardening; seedlings grow to 30-40 cm high, should select a rainy day transplant, easy to survive. In the central Yunnan Province in early June to early July the best transplanting. 2 bags of seedling nutrition. Nutrient soil bags after a good soaking seeds will be sown in the bag (2-3 capsules per bag), then covered with a layer of fine manure, pouring enough water covering film, pay attention to ventilation and to retain water. During the seedling growth Dingmiao, pull out the weak seedlings, leaving one of each nutrient bags. Seedlings grew to be 10-20 cm high when transplanted, usually early March seeding, transplanting the rainy season in early June. 3, the seedbed management. Seedling emergence until after the removal of all the weed beds. Prone eucalyptus seedling blight, early onset of the enemy Nixon with 70% per mu 500 times (100 kg per mu with liquid), spray or pour beds 2-3 times, each time interval of 10-15 days . Management of a young tree transplanting and transplanting. Rainy season in early June after the transplant, pond depth 40 cm in diameter and 40 cm, 300 plants per acre (spacing 1 × 2 meters), enough to set roots after transplanting pouring water, earth than the surface to prevent accumulation of water rot and soil compaction, which will help the growth of saplings survived. 2, fertilization and pest control. Survived after 50 kg per mu, or with ordinary superphosphate fertilizer 40 kg, 10 kg of urea, in Tong Zhou application. Eucalyptus vulnerable to yellow ant infestation in the post-transplant survival, with 10% Diazinon Granules 500 grams per acre or 3% phoxim mixed in 1 kg of fertilizer per acre, the facilities at the Tong Zhou and soil mix, can be yellow ant control hazards. 3,skechers shoes, saplings management. After surviving the young trees should be banned grazing in a timely manner shovel hoe weeds around trees, loose soil conditions, keep the soil loose. Seedlings grew to 2-3 years after pruning each year 1, revised lower than the thin branches, is conducive to ventilation
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transmission, to maintain the growth of seedlings. 4 years later to extract the essential oil of leaf collection. 1 afforestation, reforestation to choose. Select below 600 meters above sea level, easily accessible, gentle slope, soil more deep, loose fertile land barren hills. 2, site preparation. Ken hole site preparation, hole size is 40 × 40 × 40 cm. 3, density. Spacing: 2 × 3 m, 112 per mu. 4, Base Fertilizers. Within the first half of the plant,shape up skechers, the first hole to hole with topsoil back to 10 cm high, 0.5 kg of fertilizer per plant then was applied, note that even fertilizer applied to withdraw, no piles, and then fill in soil to the soil surface will cave. 5, seed. Provenance requirements behaved, Ⅰ grade seedlings. 6, planting. Eucalyptus plantation with seedlings mountains, delicate as seedlings, transportation, and be particularly careful when planting, select the rainy days, when the first plant nutrition bags removed, boosting the nutritional soil so reluctant to leave his hands, carefully placed in cavity and casing from the lateral compaction, fine soil and then the seedling root compression, appropriate nutrition soil depth to just cover the last 3-5 cm of its surface covered with fine soil and make it a Turtle shape to prevent rain plot water, causing death of seedlings rot. 7, top-dressing. Dressing 3-4 times per year. Interval should not be too short or too long, generally every 2-5 weeks is appropriate. Stop on by top-dressing of nitrogen fertilizer on the seedling lignification of great influence to improve the seedlings to low temperature and drought resistance, so fertilizer should be 6-8 weeks before the onset of the end of frost, the first time in a month after planting, select the rainy days of training with the seedlings when weeding stump topdressing urea, urea at 3-5 grams per plant from the seedlings was 5 cm horizontal distance for the loop facilities, applicator fertilizer,skechers shape ups, prevent spread to the leaves of seedlings, otherwise severe burns and even death of seedlings; the second time by 6-10 grams per plant; the third time by 6-10 grams per plant; the fourth time by more than 10 grams of urea per plant facilities Caesar. Finally covered with a thick layer of fine soil 5-7 to prevent fertilizer losses. Management and protection and cultivation 1, management and protection. Should arrange for someone specifically to deal with after planting to prevent harm to humans and animals, the time for three years. 2, tending. Tending the second, the first after one month training in stump planting tillage, weeding, weeding the second time in June and then asked lawn, in addition to sprouting, extending through hole, the hoe ask the depth of 10 cm or more. Due to natural pruning of Eucalyptus good, in general, without artificial pruning, so as not to scar on the trunk, resulting in poor stem form; individual apical dominance or obvious damage to the top of sprouted seedlings have two or more branches, the plastic should be pruning to promote the formation of the trunk. Eucalyptus pest pest control is a common soil dwelling termites, mainly large black-winged termites, followed by large yellow-winged termites. Although other ant species are found in the forest, but not enough to cause harm. 1, the damage law. Eucalyptus Young, the root of the neck termite damage first, then gradually shift from the soil surface and above ground, and then along the circle of peel fresh root surface treatment, down roots, and the trunk base of the cortex, the young trees die nutrition can not be transported up and down . Serious, up and down along the trunk build exposure, resulting in tree death. 2, the control methods. Case-based, bait trapping. (1) plantation, in the hole put 3-4 grams of carbofuran (carbofuran) with basic fertilizer and soil mixture fill hole, 0.35 kilograms per mu medication. (2) after planting, the 2 grams of carbofuran (carbofuran), the tree stump in the horizontal distance from 5 locations along the tree stump ring facilities, drug 0.22 kilograms per mu, be careful not to touch the powder trees, so as to avoid injury. Economic value per mu 7 ~ 8m3, about 5.6 tons, valued at 2,800 yuan (500 yuan / ton), the investment cost of 300 to 350 yuan / mu, timber taxes and fees 1,400 yuan, about 1,000 yuan / mu of the profits. The characteristics of a Eucalyptus, grow fast. Is the world's fastest-growing Eucalyptus species grown, the growth season, 1 day to 3 cm tall, one month can grow 1 m high, the maximum length of 10 meters a year. Brazil has the world's best growing eucalyptus plantations, the highest growth rate of 7.8 cubic meters / year. Mu experimental forest in Hainan, China, the highest growth rate of 4 cubic meters / year. Mu. 2, a very short rotation. Nordic spruce plantation rotation period of 70 years. Our rotation pine plantation is 20-25 years, fir rotation is 15-20 years, while the southern provinces rotation eucalyptus plantations for 5-7 years, particularly Peninsula, and some even shortened to 3-4 years. Because of rapid growth, the production of timber is mainly used for labeled wood, paper or fiberboard as industrial raw materials, therefore, short-cycle path is very popular business model material. 3, mature. Eucalyptus adaptability, suitable for intensive cultivation and high yield, the current World
Eucalyptus pictures (5)
widely planted all over the world, there is a set of mature planting, management techniques, as long as the appropriate species, measures are in place to will get high yield. 4, fewer pests and diseases. As Eucalyptus is exotic species, the current large-scale cultivation in the history of China, not long, therefore, very few large areas of pests and diseases, much better than in the case of poplar. But in recent years, expansion and development of pest situation trends. 5, good economic returns. The economic benefits of eucalyptus plantations is currently the leader in China's forestry industry. To Zhanjiang, for example, planting eucalyptus can achieve a net profit of 200 -500 yuan / year. Acres, in recent years, rising prices of eucalyptus wood chips, forestry, decreasing taxes, increasing the profits of planting so good here , was willing to 100 yuan / mu price Rent species of eucalyptus, eucalyptus plantations can be seen profitable.
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