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Old 05-17-2011, 08:28 AM   #1
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Default 24 hours television box sets

"the best of new-who ""Matt Smith just reeks of brilliance. He's strange, funny, has a lot of heart, yet still seems like he is an alien from a totally different planet. Yeah, David Tennant had some brilliant years as The Doctor but the new series has never been better, and Matt Smith proves to be the best Doctor yet. Steven Moffat shows his exceptional skill as a showrunner; he manages to tie together the entire season without making it confusing for newcomers and casual viewers. He also proves to be far superior to previous showrunner Russel T. Davies at writing season openers and closers, writing the best premier and finale so far. Of course the season is not perfect, and like every show there are a couple of dud episodes (like Victory of the Daleks or Vampires of Venice). However, there are some episodes unlike any of the previous seasons (The Lodger) and some concepts they usually get wrong that they pulled off brilliantly (Vincent and the Doctor).One more little thing: lots of people expected episodes from Moffat Married with Children series dvd as great as his work in the past. Yeah, I agree, none of his episodes this year were as stand-out as Blink or The Girl in the Fireplace,"" but the overall excellence of this batch of episodes totally makes it worthwhile for me. """""
"Disjointed Daleks & a Dashed DVD Box Set ""It's always difficult when a new Doctor Who comes into the picture, but I found it excruciating when Matt Smith took over the role because he doesn't seem comfortable with the part. Everything seems completely disjointed in season five--there are things that work brilliantly on their own, but not when you combine them. The pairing of the 11th Doctor and the character of Amy Pond is tremendous, but they don't fit well with any of the story lines. River Song is a great character to bring back, but she is too strong for the portrayal Matt Smith is delivering. Amy's fiance, Rory (Arthur Darvill) is one of the highlights of the series, he presents a good foil for Doctor Who.There are some puzzling changes to season five. Why are the Daleks different colors? Why is the light in Doctor Who's sonic screwdriver green? The most disturbing change is in the episode "The Time of Angels" when Doctor Who, a "man" who loathes violence, fires a gun. This DVD box set seems to have been put together fairly quickly. The DVD cases are held together by tape, and the descriptions of the episodes can all be found in a handful of words on the inside flap. There is no concise guide to the extras, which are themselves Glee dvd box considerably lacking. There are in-vision commentaries (as South Park box set 1-13 opposed to audio commentaries) on only six of the 13 episodes, and Matt Smith is not on any of them. The Doctor Who video diary, which is the personal video diary of the actor playing the Doctor, is barely present, and the parts of the video diary that did make it onto the DVD include Matt Smith talking about how much he hates making the video diary. Matt Smith must have been behind in his video diary because there is footage from Arthur Darvill and Karen Gillan (Amy Pond) on the DVD. If you can wait until the price on the box set goes down, then you should wait. If you're a die hard Doctor Who fan, then this is something you will probably want to have in your collection as soon as you can. Just be warned,"" the quality of this box set complete It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia box set is far below its predecessors. If you have not seen this regeneration there are some major changes that go beyond the Doctor's personality. """""
"Dubious at First ""As a younger viewer I never saw the original show. I began watching with Christopher Eccleston as the doctor and enjoyed the show very much. When David Tennant took over the reins I fell in love. After three magnificent seasons with Tennant heading the show I became dubious that anyone could step into the role and maintain the quality of the show. Enter Matt Smith; Smith is a very young actor who has the burden of playing a very old soul. It is easy to see the Doctor evolving from the serious Eccleston to the funny, but sometimes stern Tennant, to the almost effervescent Smith. Anyone who has watch since the beginning of the new series knows that this is due to his interactions with his companions, and this brings up to Karen Gillan's role as Amy Pond. Now I love Billie Piper in the role of Rose Tyler; she was strong, vulnerable, loving, and beautiful to watch. Amy Pond is nothing like Rose Tyler, but she is all of the things I have just mentioned and more. She's spunky, she's independent, and she knows she can pretty much make the Mad Men dvd seasons 1-4 Doctor do anything she wants him to. All in all, season 5 introduces some incredibly appealing characters, and some ridiculously fun story arcs, most notably to reintroduction of the character River Song,"" the mysterious character from season 4.Season 5 is the first season I am purchasing because it's not available through my instant watch service yet. I had not really realized how much I loved this season until I found myself getting more and more excited as I got closer to season 5 when re-watching the series. It's a sneaky season that way. """""
"Doctor Who Keeps in Going...Great! ""Got the DVD three days ago and watched every single episode in an orgy of fun. Watched all the special features too.There's a new Doctor Who with Matt Smith as The Doctor,"" and Karen Gillan as his companion. Thoroughly enjoyed this season as I have enjoyed all the other seasons.Doctor Who is the best science fiction I've ever seen on television. """""
"Beautiful Babies ""That's what it is like watching Six Feet Under 1-5 the new Doctor and his companion,"" like watching watching beautiful baby English archetypes. The season felt zippy and less storytelling than the David Tennant episodes. Time Lords lie seem to be the message of this season. Because you would never ever let anything bad happen to Van Gogh even at his own hand if you'd met him and he's so wonderful. """""
"The best quality DVDs so far. I have ordered from other venders and have had to return DVDs because of their quality. Not true with this place. It was in perfect condition and came quickly. Thanks for the great experience!,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"
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