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Old 05-08-2011, 12:02 AM   #1
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Default Office 2010 Professional How to Install Snow Leopa

Snow Leopard is introduced and each of the Hackintosheers are waiting eagerly to run the newest edition of Mac OS X ten.six on their Laptop a.k.a Hack Pro. This guidebook is for many who currently have a working OSX86. This guidebook is doable due to subsequent people in no purchase SaCleoCheater (For his thread on InfiniteMac), PCWiZ & Hara Taiki (For Awesome Tools), OSX86 Island (For breaking the first install build 10A261), Netkas (No need to Introduction), Chameleon Team (For a great Boot-Loader), TeknoJunkies (For such a great information) and each of the OSX86 community without whom it’s not possible.
In the pursuing tutorial we used  Snow Leopard build 10A432 GM release (now confirmed that retail disc is build 10A432). Snow Leopard needs a Leopard Install so we need to two hard disk one with Leopard previously installed and second hard disk for Snow Leopard. Also you need to download some files needed during the installation so download the files given below. We’ll update these files regularly when the new updates will available.
Tools MediaFire RapidShare
Kexts MediaFire RapidShare
Chameleon 2.0 + EFI ten MediaFire RapidShare
Chameleon 1.0 + EFI ten MediaFire RapidShare
Misc MediaFire RapidShare
Mac OS X ten.six Snow leopard (Google is Your F.R.I.E.N.D.)
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Phase One
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Step One). Connect both of your Hard Disk one is blank and one is pre loaded with Leopard (10.5.X) currently. Boot in to Leopard and launch Disk Utility to partition your second hard-disk with GUID partition scheme. Name the partition what ever you want in this tutorial we assumed Snow.
Make sure that the new volume’s root directory is owned by the root user,Office Professional Plus 2010, just perform the following commands in terminal.
sudo –s
chown 0:0 /Volumes/Snow
Step Two). Mount the Snow Leopard DMG File, an installer window will appear here click on the free space anywhere in windows then press CMD + Shift + G . A little window will appear in the top of existing window in this little window type “Mac OS X Install DVD/System/Installation/Packages/” without quotes as given in image below and press Go.
Step Three). In the next window find the OSInstall.mpkg and double click this package file to start your Snow leopard Installation.
Note : Default OSInstall.mpkg works for GUID partitioned drive only, if you need to install on MBR then google for Modified OSInstall.mpkg for MBR, download modified one and replace with default one.
Step Four). Follow the On Screen instruction and in Destination Select Choose the Snow Partition which you created on a separate blank hard disk.
Step Five). In customization remove the unnecessary languages and Printers. Sit back and have a cup of coffee installation will take 15-25 minutes depending on your hardware. Once Installation finishes don’t reboot and follow the instruction care fully in phase 2.
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Phase Two
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In the second phase we’ll install Bootloader,Microsoft Office Pro Plus, some must required Kexts, System Files and Patching the DSDT.
Step One). Open the Chameleon Bootloader Zip you downloaded earlier and install the Chameleon-2-1.0-r431.pkg and then install the Chameleon v2 Snow Leopard Support.pkg (If Snow Support Package Shows an Error Then Follow Step Two) . Make sure to install the both Chameleon packages to Snow Drive (Where you Installed the Snow Leopard). You can change the install location at the third option while Installation in both packages.
( If Chameleon 2.0 + EFI ten gives you Kernel Panics then reinstall and try Chameleon 1.0 + EFI ten)
Step Two). If you are using PCEFI bootloader on your existing system then Chameleon v2 Snow Leopard Support.pkg will not work for you. In that case you have two options either install the Chameleon-2-1.0-r431.pkg over your current ten.5.X Installation then reboot and do the process again (from Phase One). Or launch the “ShowAllFiles” (included in Tools) and click Show. Then Navigate to the root of your “Snow” Drive and delete the “boot” file you see. and replace it with the boot file included with Chameleon Download (you downloaded earlier). After replacing the boot file again launch the “ShowAllFiles” and click Hide.
Step Three). Now patch your DSDT, launch the DSDT Patcher (Included in Tools) and select Darwin/Mac OS X in Operating System,Purchase Office 2010, Select DSDT Patch in options and before hitting the Run DSDT Patcher button make sure to change the destination as Snow Drive (Where you Installed the Snow Leopard).
Step Four). Now put each of the “kext file” you downloaded earlier and you can also add yours if you needed into  /Snow/Extra/Extensions, and copy the Extensions folder in Extra to the desktop, and drag it over “Kext Utility” which you downloaded. Kext utility will repair your permission and generate a new Extension.mkext. Move that Extensions folder and the extension.mkext back to /Snow/Extra
Step Five). Now launch EFiStudio and look for your Video Card through the drop down menu. Click add device and you will see some alphanumeric numbers,Office 2010 Professional, copy these numbers. Add the pursuing code to your in /Snow/Extra.
<key>Graphics Mode</key>
<string>1280x1024x32 </string>
<string>Alphanumeric code you generated with EFiStudio</string>
Save and Exit…
Step Six). Final Step put the SMBios.plist into /Snow/Extra.
Step Seven). Must for those who added any driver kext to Snow/System/Library/Extension, This step will rebuild the Extensions.mkext cache while booted in Snow Leopard. Reboot and go to Single User mode by typing this flag.

-x32 –s

When you are in the console,Windows 7 License, type the adhering to command
/sbin/fsck -fy
/sbin/mnt -uw /
kextcache -v 1 -t -m /System/Library/Caches/ /System/Library/Extensions/
Disclaimer : Each of the instruction and Files are correct in my information. Use this manual on your own risk, we are not responsible for any kind of damage (If Any). Use this guidebook for experimental purposes only if you likes the Mac then buy a new one
It takes days and hours of me to make this guidebook as easiest and advanced for you, In cash-back i need only a Digg to the story. So guys go ahead and add your count at the top right hand of the corner where the post starts….
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Trouble Shooting
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For those who are getting Kernel Panics try to boot in 32 bit Mode + Safe mode using following Boot flag.

-x32 –v –x -f
For complete list of Boot & ACPI Flags Check HERE.
Also check our previous article on How to Read, Understand and Solve Kernel Panic Screen
A must read fo clearing most of your doubt Basics of OSX86 for Noobs. Some Quick fixes are if you are stuck on Waiting for DSMOS then simply delete the DSMOS kext in Snow/Extra/Extensions but make sure you must have ########SMC kext.
If you are stuck on RTL8169E error then Disable Hardware LAN in your BIOS and boot again. We are collecting and making a list of Snow leopard supported drivers so stick with us.
If you have an IDE drive or your laptop contains IDE drive then Install AppleIntelPIIXATA.kext by Netkas to make your ATA/IDE work in Snow Leopard. This kext is useful for ICH6/7/8/9/10 with ahci disabled and for lappies too. This kext also helps IOATAFamily related error causing Kernel Panic.
We’ll Update this page time to time with the newest information so stick with us and keep playing with your selection of kexts.

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