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Old 05-07-2011, 11:21 PM   #1
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Default 中英文对比 英报称中国半心半意

  China smoking ban is all puff and no penalties 中国禁烟令不处分办法China's latest effort to break the smoking habit of millions of its people looked doomed to fail yesterday � there are currently no penalties for those caught flouting a new ban on smoking inside public venues.
  昨天,中国攻破大众吸烟习惯的最新尽力看起来注定要失败,armani jeans,由于对那些违背公共场合吸烟禁烟令的人,目前尚没有惩罚措施。
  There are 350 million smokers in the country and the tobacco industry employs millions more. The tax revenues from tobacco are a major income source for state coffers, which means the government is no hurry to have people quit.
  中国有3.5亿烟民,而烟草行业的雇员人数有上百万之多。来自烟草行业的税收是国库的主要收入起源,这 象征着政府并不急于让人们戒烟。
  Smoking is a national pastime in China, where offering a cigarette is still the first step in a long friendship in the countryside, and where restaurants, bars and concert halls are thick with the fug of cigarette smoke. Cigarette cartons are commonly exchanged as gifts and a modern tradition at some wedding ceremonies is for brides to hand cigarettes to all the men at the ceremony and then light them. More than half of Chinese men smoke (including almost half of all male doctors) and 2.4 per cent of women, although that figure is rising.
  在中国,sale gucci,吸烟是风行的消遣方法。在城市,敬烟仍然是树立友情的第一步。餐馆、酒吧和音乐厅经常烟雾围绕。香烟通常 是人们彼此交流的礼物,cheap a&f hoodies。在一些婚庆仪式上,新娘像男性来宾敬烟并为之点烟,这已经成为一项古代传统。中国有2.4%的女性和超过 一半的男性吸烟(所有男性医生中也有简直一半人吸烟),all the jordan shoes,这些比例还在进步。
  The authorities have already, largely successfully, stopped people smoking in hospitals, schools and on buses � although there are plenty of exceptions.
  Under the new ban from the health ministry, owners of bars and restaurants must have visible non-smoking signs, warn people of the dangers of smoking, and encourage their staff to dissuade people from smoking.
  依据卫生部新的禁令,酒吧跟餐馆的经营者必需张贴显明的禁烟标识,忠告人们吸烟的迫害,并激励其员工劝 告顾客废弃抽烟。
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