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Old 04-17-2011, 02:19 AM   #1
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Default Office Professional Plus 2007 Key Step 7 Form 471

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Step 7: Form 471 Receipt Acknowledgement Letter
Applicants and service providers receive a Form 471 Receipt Acknowledgment Letter (RAL) to confirm receipt of a timely-certified Companies Ordered and Certification Form (Form 471).

Applicants should carefully evaluation the RAL and must notify USAC of any data entry errors by the date specified in the letter.

If data entry or ministerial and clerical errors have occurred applicants may make allowable corrections to their Form 471 without submitting a new Form 471. The applicant must make the correction(s) to the RAL Allowable Correction Section and submit the correction(s) to USAC within 20 days of the letter date above the recipient's address in the RAL. Although we may be able to process corrections after that date, it is to your advantage to submit RAL corrections as soon as possible so that we have accurate information when we begin your assessment.

If a non-allowable correction on the Form 471 is identified, the applicant must certify a new Form 471 within the filing window.

Options for RAL Corrections
To make allowable corrections to a Form 471 mark up a copy of the Form 471 Receipt Acknowledgment Letter (RAL) and return it to USAC. Allowable corrections can be submitted to the PIA reviewer or, if PIA assessment has not started, to one of the following:

To email corrections, scan the appropriate pages of the RAL and email the resulting document using the Submit a Question tool from our website following these steps and the instructions on your screen:
Click “Continue” Under “Topic Inquiry” choose “Other” and click “Go” Choose “Other” and click “Continue” Complete your contact information and select the “Yes” radio button
Remember to sign and date the pages of the RAL that included changes. Also, in the text of your message, include your Form 471 Application Number, your Billed Entity Name and Billed Entity Number,Office Professional 2010 Key, and your name and contact information (email,Windows 7 Enterprise, fax, and/or phone).

To fax corrections,Office Professional Plus 2007 Key, use the following fax number:

(973) 599-6526

Remember to sign and date the pages of the RAL. Also, on the fax cover sheet, include your Form 470 Software Number, your Billed Entity Name and Billed Entity Number, and your name and contact information (email, fax, and/or phone).

To mail corrections, use the following address:

RAL Corrections
Schools and Libraries Division - Correspondence Unit
30 Lanidex Plaza West
PO Box 685
Parsippany, NJ 07054-0685

View a sample Form 471 Receipt Acknowledgement Letter [, 86kb].
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