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Old 04-16-2011, 12:50 PM   #1
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Are Anonymous Proxy Servers 1000. 000000E+0ffective? | A Computers-and-Technology Article
Surfing the web is a very rewarding activity, you get to tap into the unlimited reservoir of knowledge and information stored in the borderless domains of cyberspace. Malware or virus is not necessary for this to happen. The shocking fact reveals that nearly all of your vital information can be obtained such as you country of origin,christian louboutin handbags, your browser history and other critical information. Cookies can be added to track your personal habits as you move from one machine to another but there are other, far worse problems,oakley sunglass lenses!
Amazed at how they actually got this information from you?
Each visit to a website will definitely expose part of your data. Unfortunately,abercrombie & fitch london, this data will be intercepted and used by people who have malicious intentions.
How do you prevent it?
Take comfort that you can actually surf the web anonymously if you wish. Obviously,fierce abercrombie, no one can offer complete protection but these methods do offer some form of safety measurements that anyone can use to make their surfing experience a safer and more enjoyable. This is when anonymous proxy servers come to the rescue. Proxy server replaces your IP. This has the effect of masking your IP address and making it much harder for people to track you.
How do you we get a proxy sever? You can purchase a proxy server form vendor. You can search for free proxy services online. ShadowSurf and Guardster are good tools to try; Guardster comes in both free versions and the paid version. Try ShadowSurf, it is a free service. There is box where you can enter the URL you want to keep anonymous. Those are good tools to assist you remain anonymous.
There is a new development about how Anonymizer reacts to the breaking news regarding Google's willingness to filter the Internet for the Chinese government. An interesting development is that this company actually claims that a new anti censor application is being develop that will soon allow all Chinese citizens to surf the Internet free from censors.
Are anonymous proxy servers the ultimate answer in making you 100% safe? No it is a wiser choice than surfing without one. So, what are other issues that need to be taken into account when trying to keep information private? Three other items come to mind when trying to keep your information private. It is advisable to use an encrypted connection if you are serious to protect your identity and important data. You can gain more information, by surfing the web. After each session, delete all cookies. Sometimes you can remove JavaScript, Java, and active content to reduce the risk. This action will cause your surfing experience to be stifled to some extent so choose wisely.


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