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Old 04-13-2011, 02:34 AM   #1
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hipi8ByB is on a distinguished road
Default Spiritual, Love Relationship Guide

A simple guide of agreeable ideals and intentions as a foundation and touch stone for spiritual love relationship.
We believe that our relationship has a spiritual basis and serves the Divine and our own evolution. We experience this, manifest, as a deep and powerful desire to know love. We experience the journey of healing and liberation through love and also in the reflection of what in us is separate from love, surfacing that it might be transformed, healed and unified into the love. We acknowledge that what we feel, is ours and within us, and not 'caused' by what is outside of us. We are responsible for our feelings. We acknowledge that to make the other responsible or to blame for what we feel is not true, and does not serve,karen millen, but limits us both. We acknowledge that leaving the other to try and stop feelings that are uncomfortable or painful for us will not bring us healing. We acknowledge our own and the others right to leave. We acknowledge that trying to change the other to try and stop feelings that are uncomfortable or painful for us will not do so and does not honor them. We acknowledge and honor the other for their uniqueness, for all the ways we are alike and all the ways we are different. We commit to focus on finding resolution and creating healing especially in times of conflict within us and between us. We pledge to support the other in creating resolution and healing in themselves. We pledge to forgive and release ourselves, and the other, from conflicts, misunderstandings, and separations from the love in the past and in the future. We are committed to healing what in us limits us and is separate from love. We commit to honoring and respecting ourselves. We pledge to honor and respect the other, to the best of our ability. We trust that the Divine and our souls guide and support us. We invite and open to that support in every way it can manifest.
Ray Baskerville is a healer, meditation teacher, certified hypnotherapist, yogi and proud father. He has worked as a healer, taught meditation and yoga worldwide. Ray is also the creator and editor of an online magazine for yoga, meditation, spirituality and personal development. Please visit for more free quality articles like this.
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