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Old 04-08-2011, 06:06 PM   #1
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Default nike high heels sneakers Mexican Blankets - Beauti

Mexican blankets are were made as far back as 2500 years ago. The ancient people used to weave these blankets with the wool of Churro sheep and yarn. They use strong dyes for the colorful stripes of these blankets. Generally the blankets were placed on the floor to serve as a mat for sitting or sleeping, but they were also worn draped across the shoulders of both men and women. Additionally, it would also be used a saddle blanket and were hung in doorways to separate different areas and rooms.
Today it is used for more decorative purposes than functionality, although they are used for clothing accessories and as yoga blankets for some. Many people prefer to use them inside of their home for table cloths, couch covers or wall hangings. They come in a number of sizes and multiple color combination's.
Because of their unique character and colorful appeal beats headphones, Mexican blankets are a great idea to give as commemorative gifts. The vibrancy of the serapes is achieved by dying each strand separately with different colors before hand-looming to create a striped effect that complement each other. The largest stripe of the blanket is always a primary color that is repeated all throughout the weaving process and is accented with complimentary colors. Every blanket in some respect tells a story.
You can even collect antique serape blankets for their beauty and as a monetary investment. It is quite a popular pastime as the blankets a such a versatile textile that you can create anything from a hammock to a handbag with these gems. There are a lot sold over the internet where you can view all sizes and colors. Some recommend buying the authentic blankets. Plenty of companies do sell serapes that are made out of synthetics but they are not as durable and colorful as the authentic ones. If you are planning to redecorate your home maybe you want to try to use some of these blanket for a true Southwestern flair.
Today these blankets are used for decorative purposes because of their very bright beautiful colors. The serape blankets which are also commonly known as Mexican blankets add flare and pizazz into any space. Their durability and versatility make them a wonderful investment. If you tire of a wall hanging you can take that same beautiful weaving and turn it into a purse or table cover. The possibilities are endless for this time honored piece that is lovely however it is used.
For more information about Mexican blankets, their history, and where to find them for the best possible deal, then visit this wonderful resource specializing in them.
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