General of the Army
Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 1,662
See the subject to know what to difficult to manage, because there are so many tasks to complete. The author had wanted a statement, because only 26 letters, not a comprehensive summary of management issues. Therefore, the managers select the best or only with the heart understanding the management of the Road to Road strain, can be handy, relax.
A - Agent (agent) the principal - agent relationship is the most basic modern management relations, managers must be good at finding the right people, to the right place, and became his own best agent, you can freeing themselves to focus on strategic issues such as global, win-win.
B - Basis (basis) Everyone knows the importance of fundamentals, but in the pursuit of expansion or development process, there must be too much haste, less speed the emergence of new examples. Might be needed to resolve the basis of the organization before the foundation of leader - intelligence and character.
C - Communication (Communication) Communication is the basis for other management skills, to some extent also the Chinese managers to improve one of the areas most in need. Through good communication, managers can exert more influence to ensure the realization of organizational goals.
D - Decision (Decision) management is decision making. The development of information technology, managers are always faced with too many options and possibilities rather than no choice, so the actual situation of ever-present need to find the most suitable solution, if necessary, to rely on intuition.
E - Execution (perform) the implementation of good ideas can play only through the power of good, good goal be realized only through the possibility of good execution. Implementation is often the most difficult part, the need for capacity, confidence, patience, need to solve the problem of art. Ability to execute is to manage the level of scale, but also the current manager of China's most scarce resources.
F - Flexibility (flexibility) in the fast eat the slow times, quick response and flexibility are essential competitive weapon. Not only in the time dimension needs to ensure
G - Gap (Gap) between the management of the organization is to promote progress and maintain tissue viability of the weapon. Should always be concerned with the ideals and objectives, and the gap between the benchmark in every step to achieve transcendence.
H - Helpfulness (help) to be good managers succeed by helping others to get their own success. At the same time, God helps those who help themselves, their managers are bound to be days of hard work, the benefit, enter the virtuous circle of high-speed track.
I - Image (image) in the propagation speed and range than anyone imagined era, the organization will determine the image of the fate of the organization, managers, administrators decided the fate of their own image and organizational development, requiring a high degree of attention and the rich effective management.
J - Jeopardizing (damage) as against the current progress, regress just like waterfalls. Even in the case of the situation is excellent, the manager must pay attention and vigilance of potential damage and take preventive measures. Especially those who damage the organizational culture, words and behavior, must not drift.
K - Knowledge (knowledge) managers need not only a commitment to lifelong learning, but also to grasp the breadth and depth of balance. Knowledge management techniques become more mature, but how to become individuals and organizations with the resources and the creation of wealth, or wisdom, which is before the
L - Lever (lever) managers to be clear trend, configured resources, make the best use of the power of leverage. Good at problem solving skillfully deflected the quiet chic, very close to the management of the Dao.
M-Multi-culture (multiculturalism) is not only cultural differences between countries need to understand and properly deal with, in the vast territory of China, the cultural differences between regions also can not be ignored. Managers need to establish a unified culture, but also there is a tolerance for all cultures, so that the cultural conflict in a reasonable and inclusive organization in the promotion of progress.
N - Neck (neck) the management of not only the bottleneck problem, but there are some people who like the same as the neck or events. But they are not the head of head movement, the surface is not important but the links between affect and grass-roots level, must be handled properly.
O - Object-oriente * (object-oriented) management functions in the five Management control, is to ensure that goal is not to be deviated from, although as the situation requires managers to constantly adjust the strategy, but always maintain a clear understanding of the target. Meanwhile, the good the goals broken down into small goals, so that others can continue to achieve the successful achievement of small goals to achieve the ultimate goal.
*--* olitics (political) culture, politics is an important part in the final analysis is an influence. In the era of knowledge and networking, management, more needs to develop policies to influence personal charm. Managers need to improve overall quality, expanding the scope and increase the impact strength.
Q - Quality (quality) managers to pay attention to quality in a broad sense, not just the product or service quality. On management practices and measures to promptly track and assess the implementation of quality assurance; quality of life of members of the organization should also pay attention to ensure that members of the happiness index in the environment, create more high value.
R - Resource (resource) management premise is that there is limited resources, the management of the object is the resource. Managers not only to external resources dedicated to fight for more and more to achieve the most rational allocation of internal resources to ensure the best input-output ratio.
S - Simplification (simplified) organizations need not only to prevent large cumbersome and inefficient, small organizations also need to prevent some people's preference for power caused by institutional retardation. In establishing a reasonable system, to find the right people, the simplification is to improve the resilience and competitiveness of the inevitable choice, this is Jack Welch, one of the secrets.
T - Technology (technology) all current new management ideas, management models, are based on information and communications technology development foundation. Managers also need to maintain a deep understanding of technology, can play new ideas, new patterns, and wield the initiative in competition.
U-Uniqueness (unique) core competency is impossible to imitate or copy someone else's ability, the fundamental is unique. According to the characteristics of managers to organize, find out the location of the value chain, and constantly strengthen the unique ability to obtain long-term success.
V - Voice (voice) and encourage managers to pay attention to the voice of the organization, especially negative, dissenting voices, and creating a democratic culture and good communication channels, which is organized activity guarantee. Meanwhile, we should be good to express their ideas clearly, so that each member can hear your own voice.
W - We (our) full respect for individual rights and freedoms, based on the members of each . And is active, the courage to bear the main responsibility, not the accusative of.
X - X-factor (unknown) is full of competition, uncertainty and risk, there must be a reasonable risk-taking and good risk management skills, good chance of risk.
Y - Young (Young) allows organizations to maintain the status of the young, full of passion and imagination, the courage to demonstrate for each really my style, you need the mentality of everyone young and need more healthy organizational culture.
Z-Zoom (magnification) in the evaluation of someone or something when trying to avoid amplification effect, which may have to improve the system, to evaluate the objective attitude. Also note that