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Old 04-04-2011, 12:04 PM   #1
Join Date: Mar 2011
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proxy545 is on a distinguished road
Default Microsoft Office 2007 Key Iowa GOP Will Impeach Ob

Wonkette Iowa GOP Will Impeach Obama,Windows 7, For Accepting Nobel Prize by Ken Layne There has only been one particular president in American Heritage who was plainly headed for impeachment and conviction and removal from workplace: Richard Nixon, the worst crook to ever slither within the White Household. Even 4 decades later — and after many of his loathsome henchmen went on to scheme and manipulate within another 4 Republican administrations — Nixon is both the very low standard America has set for Criminal Presidents and the only example, ever before, of presidents so guilty that they’ll actually resign rather than face justice. And that’s why (?) Republicans have, at any time since, spent all their time trying to make up some reason why a Democratic president should be impeached. For example, did you know Barack Obama must be impeached because, uh, the Iowa Republican Party wants to “change” the 13th Amendment.
Ha ha, you are probably thinking, “Oh jesus christ they want to make slavery legal again, and then impeach Obama for being a runaway slave?”
Not exactly,Office 2007 Professional Plus Key, but still pretty close on the Craz-E-Meter.
The Iowa GOP is not trying to overturn this amendment to reinstate slavery. Instead,Microsoft Office Pro Plus, it wants to reintroduce the “original 13th Amendment” first offered by senator Phillip Reed of Maryland in 1810. The amendment states that “if any citizen of the United States shall accept, claim, receive or retain any title of nobility or honor” from a “foreign power,Microsoft Office 2007 Key, such person shall cease to be a citizen” and “shall be incapable of holding any office of trust.”
And then,Office Pro 2007, after the very simple process of removing an amendment to the U.S. Constitution and then replacing it with an 1865 draft of that amendment, Barack Obama can be impeached for accepting the Nobel Peace Prize. [Think Progress]
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