Join Date: Feb 2011
Posts: 498
22, according to British media reports, 31-year-old Canadian woman, aged 3 years ago, Janice risk of bone cancer during pregnancy, in order to removed the huge tumor in the pelvis, she was forced to accept a high risk surgery: upper and lower body was cut into two halves, remove tumors and lesions, the then nail them back to 240. After surgery, Janice installed and artificial prosthetic left leg, pelvis, miraculously survived. Recently, Janice voluntarily come forward to take tenacious public service ads, called cancer patients do not give up hope.
tumor size over 20 cm
According to reports, Janice, 31-year-old from Manitoba, Canada, and her husband Darryl birth to a daughter and a son . In early 2007, when Janice With 2 tire suddenly felt severe pain in lumbar spine, but the doctor diagnosed as pregnancy-induced sciatica. Water broke 3 weeks ago, Janice was taken to hospital due to intolerable pain.
found, upon examination Janice with malignant chondrosarcoma located in the pelvic cavity of the tumor as much pizza as big as over 20 cm in diameter!
world's first Local experts on Janice tumor disease is incurable, because the tumor is located in the pelvic radiotherapy or chemotherapy can not only kill, they can not be removed through traditional surgery. Finally, from the United States, Minnesota, the experts believe that using a patient's body will be the world's first
However, if you want to remove the tumor, and clear the left part of the pelvis, left leg and the lower lumbar spine lesions, etc., must be Janice's body cut in half. This is unprecedented in the international medical history and has never been a doctor who has done so in the living high-risk surgery, there is no guarantee patient safety of medical practitioners.
to her husband and two young children, Janice decided to accept the world's first such reconstruction. Operation is divided into 2 times, first to remove the tumor and the lesion, and 12 doctors took 20 hours, a total of 20 bags of blood used. A week later, Janice received the 2nd surgery, doctors use the left leg was amputated on the good convergence of the spine and leg bones, nails and screws to 240 to be fixed, will be and the left leg prostheses and artificial pelvis access to the body.
miracle recovery shot public service ads
Janice went through rehabilitation for up to 3 years until May of this year before resuming normal life. Not long ago, she and her husband Darryl also jointly celebrate the 10th anniversary of the two married.
using wheelchairs, crutches and a microprocessor chip security prostheses, Janice is now not only walk freely, but also to send their daughters to school by car every day. Following the success of surgery Janice, so far, three patients received the same surgery, but only one woman survived. Janice said: Newspaper roundup