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Old 03-30-2011, 12:08 AM   #1
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Default Microsoft Office Pro Obama Celebrates “Sunshine W

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The Japanese are hunkering down in sealed homes as radiation from a variety of hydrogen explosions spreads with the air from the wake of their horrifying earthquakes and tsunami, France is pleading for military intervention as Gaddafi forces attack Libyan rebels,Microsoft Office 2010 Keygen, and our individual spending budget is barely limping together with no guide from him, but hardly ever panic, President Sunshine is aware of just what to do: celebrate Obama’s noted commitment to transparent Government:
This isn’t the first undeserved award President Obama has won, but it’s still sure to surprise journalists and open-government advocates. Politico’s Mike Allen, reporting on President Obama’s schedule today, writes that later this afternoon, “the President will accept an award from a coalition of good government groups and transparency advocates to recognize ‘his deep commitment to an open and transparent government — of, by,Microsoft Office Pro, and for the people’ in conjunction with Sunshine Week. There will be a pool spray at the top [brief photo opportunity].”
Of course,Microsoft Office 2010 Home And Student Product Key, Obama’s notorious vow to run “the most transparent” administration in history has been an extraordinary failure,Office Professional Plus 2010 X86, as AP reports today:
The administration refused to release any sought-after materials in more than 1-in-3 information requests, including cases when it couldn’t find records, a person refused to pay for copies or the request was determined to be improper under the law. It refused more often to quickly consider information requests about subjects described as urgent or especially newsworthy. And nearly half the agencies that AP examined took longer — weeks more, in some cases — to give out records last year than during the previous year.
The AP noted that the Obama administration even censored a cache of internal e-mails describing — ironically enough — its Open Government Directive, after the e-mails were requested by the news service.
Obama will accept the award at 2:55 ET.
Earlier this week,Office 2010 Pro 64bit,Keith Koffler of The White House Dossier reported on the Obama administration’s systematic bullying of reporters who don’t tow the line, calling it “an assault on free speech”. Today he offers Obama some free advice: Obama Needs to Speak on Japan. Today.
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