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Old 03-28-2011, 12:57 PM   #2
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Default Co Ai Muon Dit Nhau K

But -
There was a fierce pride now in that dark voice, and for the first time Thibor felt himself unsure. He knew nothing of the castle there might easily be many men lying in wait the open door gaped like the maw of some unknown beast.
Harry whispered a familiar, distant voice in his mind. I thought I recognized you The voice sped closer, rapidly grew stronger. But whats this Are you trespassing
Another day wont hurt, Luchov stood up, and Ill also see to it that from now on you have an assistant. It cant be good for a man to have to deal with a creature like that on his own. Some of us - he glanced meaningfully at Vyotsky, - would have broken long ago, Im sure . . .
But on the north-facing side of the house it was. Trevor Jordan instinctively crouched down, then began to run at an angle towards the rear of the building. Ken Layard, hampered by his flame-thrower load, was slower off the mark.
Jazz stepped back, gasping, and bumped into Vyotsky. The big Russian grasped his shoulders, steadied him. And in the tank the things hands sprouted hooks that scrabbled at the glass its face collapsed to a black leathery mask with a convoluted snout and huge, hairy pointed ears, like a great bat webs grew between its limbs and body, forming wings. It sprang high, thudded against the tough glass ceiling of its tank, flopped down on the deep sandy bed.
He snatched up his SMG from the hard ground, tilted its barrel downward and shook it. A few tiny pebbles and a trickle of dust fell from the barrel and Jazz prayed there was nothing bigger lodged in there. Then he was down on one knee, seeking out Gustans fleeting, double-silhouette, finding it and aiming, and at last squeezing the trigger. The gun responded with a chattering diatribe of loud, lead obscenities, all hurled at Gustans lower legs. Shaithiss lieutenant went down as if pole-axed, raising a cloud of dust where he screamed and flopped in the shadows of a low pile of rocks, and in the next moment Zek came scrambling free of him.

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