Thread: blue ghd 4465
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Old 03-28-2011, 06:44 AM   #1
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Default blue ghd 4465

Four Candy Myths
We are a candy-loving world and there's no doubt about that. The onlyproblem is when people who aren't exactly one of us tend to make thingsugly, especially for the retro sweets varieties which we grew up withwill probably grow old still yearning for. The good news is, no matterhow they vilify those tongue treats, they just can't do much anymorebecause now we know the truth. Now we know many truths about thingsthey once said were bad about candies. Now, we don't have to feelguilty about those jelly beans and sherbets and toffees and everylittle nostalgic sweet satisfaction we may ever so often help ourselvesto because now the line is clearer between fact and myth.
First, no candy doesn't makes children go crazy. People used to believe thatif a kid had a mere bagful of sweets, he'd be all around the placehorsing around and playing like it would be the last day of hiskid-hood. In truth, there's not much, if any, truth to that. Researchers. have countered claims that candy causes hyperactivity inchildren and this is now scientifically accepted.
Second, candycauses children to lose their teeth to cavities because of their sugarcontent. Actually, these same sugars are found in many other foods suchas bread and even rice. In other words, all carbohydrate-rich foods arepotential causes of tooth decay. Candies,nike shoxs for women, whether modern or traditionalsweets, need not be singled out just because kids tend to be crazyabout them. As long as adults are responsible enough to teach theirkids about oral health, everyone will be free from cavities and happilyso.
There's also this thing about chocolates being believed toraise blood cholesterol levels because of their saturated fat content. This makes for the third myth that deserves a total junking. Yes, chocolates have saturated fat, but no, it's not the type that raisescholesterol levels because the fat is sourced from cocoa, a plant.
Lastly,nike footwear, any lover of old-fashioned sweets would be quick to refute the claimthat is also the biggest joke of all - no candy is healthy. To somebodywho grew up with such fond memories of those fat-free but equallyluscious retro candies, this is simply unacceptable. And talk aboutlicorice which, needless to say,bose microphone headphones, has been scientifically recognized asa cure for many medical conditions. Obviously, these varieties do notcontain fat or cholesterol or any other substance that may prove to bea health hazard. This definitely makes them count as snacks that are somuch healthier than what they're given credit for. Today,blue ghd, it's simply surprising that even with the century's technological conquests, some people are still misled about some of the simplest things in life. Like retro sweets and candies.Topics related articles:

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