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Old 03-25-2011, 04:49 AM   #1
Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 12
nihubaiyinga is on a distinguished road
Default Marketing to Women On

It’s not something very many people know about me. I have a twin sister. Reactions to this news range from “How cool” to “There are two of you? Please God tell me you’re kidding.”

Not to worry – though we look alike on the outside, we are polar opposites in many ways. When discussing wish lists last Christmas my sister said she was hoping for a holiday in a villa in
. I asked for dental floss. At first she thought I was kidding, but I was serious. I travel all the time and I am forever running out of dental floss at the most inopportune times.

At this point she gave me a pained look and announced there was no way we could be related.

We are also very different in our approach to buying shoes. She likes flashy, fancy, and the higher the heel,,, the better. I like a medium to low heel. Don’t get me wrong, I want style,, too. But a typical work day for me could include being on my feet 20 hours straight teaching seminars, showing clients the sights in NYC or running through airports.

Heels are crucial criteria that factor into both of our shoe buying decision processes. But what’s interesting is……how many shoe websites let you sort by heel height?

That’s one of the reasons I really like The website is designed for “women who leave a larger footprint” – in other words – sizes that are harder to find whether bigger, wider, or more narrow.

What’s so great about is they have obviously taken the time to understand how their customers buy. You’ll find all sorts of ways to search – by size,, color, brand and other categories you might expect. But you can also sort by heel size, and choose from categories like bridal/dyeable,, comfort, and vegan.
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