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If you are searching for a whole technique to set up, see our checklist of GNU/Linux distributions which are entirely absolutely free software.Download GNU If you're on the lookout for an entire process to install, see our checklist of GNU/Linux distributions which are completely cost-free program.To look for person complimentary program packages, each GNU and non-GNU, make sure you see the Totally free Program Directory: a categorized, searchable database of zero cost software package. The Directory is actively taken care of through the Free of cost Software package Basis and incorporates inbound links to plan home pages exactly where offered, as well as entries for all GNU deals. An additional list of all GNU deals is below. Free computer software documentation inbound links are listed individually.We also preserve a checklist of high-priority zero cost software package jobs. Please benefit with these jobs if you can. For other tips on how to contribute to GNU, this includes taking more than unmaintained GNU deals and aiding with enhancement, see the GNU help wanted page.When you're creating a GNU bundle, otherwise you are contemplating of starting,Office 2010 Professional Plus Product Key, you may be thinking about GNU Program Developer Sources. If you would want to make your software package an official GNU package, see the evaluation knowledge and submission kind. For information and facts to the licenses utilised for GNU software program, and on other free of charge software system licenses, see our Licenses page.As a final point, here is a quick listing of absolutely free software for Microsoft Windows, for that Windows user who would love to try totally free software program.How to get GNU application GNU software is available by a few unique methods:Download it from your internet or by way of FTP: we present resource code for all GNU computer software, free of charge of cost. (Please also make a donation on the FSF, if you can, to help us write more free of cost program.) Get a copy from a friend. (Similarly please make a donation once you can.) Download a wholly zero cost GNU/Linux distribution. Purchase a desktop computer with a wholly 100 % free GNU/Linux procedure preinstalled from one particular of your vendors that presents this. Get the enhancement resources for a package and produce them, to assist with growth. Numerous GNU deals always keep their enhancement resources at the GNU hosting internet page savannah.gnu.org. Some deals use other supply repositories, or have none in the slightest degree. Each and every package's web site pages should really give the specifics. All GNU packages Right here is known as a checklist of all present GNU deals, making use of their package deal identifiers (rather than extended names) for brevity, and sorted alphabetically. For those who have corrections to or problems about this list, make sure you e-mail <maintainers@gnu.org>. 3dldf a2ps acct acm adns aeneas aetherspace alive anubis archimedes aspell auctex autoconf autoconf-archive autogen automake avl ballandpaddle barcode bash bayonne bazaar bc bfd binutils bison bool bpel2owfn ccaudio ccrtp ccscript cflow cgicc chess cim classpath classpathx clisp cobol combine commoncpp config coreutils cpio cppi cssc dap dc ddd ddrescue dejagnu denemo dia dico diction diffutils dionysus dismal djgpp dmd dominion dotgnu-forum dotgnu-pnet dr-geo ed edma electric emacs emacs-muse emms enscript eprints epsilon fdisk ferret findutils fontutils freedink freefont freeipmi freetalk fribidi gama garpd gawk gcal gcc gcl gcompris gdb gdbm gengen gengetopt gettext gforth ggradebook ghostscript gift gimp gleem glib global glpk glue gmediaserver gmorph gmp gnash gnat gnats gnatsweb gnome gnowsys gnu-arch gnu-c-manual gnu-crypto gnu-queue gnuae gnubatch gnubg gnubiff gnubik gnucap gnucash gnucomm gnue gnugo gnuit gnujdoc gnujump gnukart gnulib gnumach gnumed gnumeric gnump3d gnun gnunet gnupg gnupod gnuprologjava gnuradio gnurobots gnuschool gnushogi gnuskies gnusound gnuspeech gnuspool gnustandards gnustep gnutls gnutrition gnuzilla goldwater goodbye goptical gorm gpaint gperf gprolog grabcomics greg grep gretl groff grub gsasl gsegrafix gsl gsrc gss gtick gtk+ gtypist guile guile-dbi guile-gnome guile-gtk guile-ncurses guile-rpc gurgle gv gvpe gxmessage gzip halifax hello help2man hp2xx httptunnel hurd hyperbole icecat idutils ignuit indent inetutils intlfonts jacal java-getopt jdresolve jel jwhois kawa kopi leg less libc libcdio libextractor libffcall libgcrypt libiconv libidn libmatheval libmicrohttpd libredwg librefm libsigsegv libtasn1 libtool libunistring libxmi lightning lilypond liquidwar6 lispintro lrzsz lsh m4 macchanger mailman mailutils make marst maverik mc mcron mcsim mdk melting metaexchange metahtml mifluz mig miscfiles mit-scheme moe motti mpc mpfr mtools myserver nana nano ncurses nettle network ocrad octave oleo orgadoc osip packaging panorama paperclips parallel parted pascal patch paxutils pcb pem pexec pgccfd phantom_home phpgroupware pies pipo plotutils polyxmass powerguru proto proxyknife pspp psychosynth pth pythonwebkit qexo quickthreads r radius rcs readline recutils reftex rottlog rpge rush sather sauce scm screen sed serveez sharutils shishi shmm shtool sipwitch slib smalltalk smarteiffel snakecharmer social solfege sourceinstall spacechart speex spell sqltutor src-highlite stalkerfs stow stump superopt swbis sxml sysutils talkfilters tar termcap termutils teseq teximpatient texinfo texmacs thales time tramp trans-coord trueprint units unrtf userv uucp vc-changelog vc-dwim vcdimager vera vmgen vmslib w3 wb wdiff websocket4j webstump wget which womb xaos xboard xhippo xlogmaster xnee xorriso zile Decommissioned GNU packages GNU packages are occasionally decommissioned, generally because they've been superseded by, or integrated into, other packages. If you have got time and interest in resurrecting any of these, make sure you contact <maintainers@gnu.org>. Here is the checklist; we leave the old project pages up (when they existed): aroundme, 3dkit, abcsh, awacs, cfs-el, checker, cons, dgs (display ghostscript), dld, dr.genius, elib, ffp, fhp, free (gnu.zero cost), gcron (see mcron), gfe, ggv (see gv), gicqd, giptables,Microsoft Office Home And Student, gnochive, gnotary, gnotepad+, gnubios, gnucad,Microsoft Office Professional 2007 Activation, gnufi, gnupedia (see wikipedia), gnusql, gnustep-db, gnuts, goose, gphoto, graphics, grover, gtkeditor, gtkeyboard, guss, hegemonie, lengualibre, leonardo, libopts (see autogen), mana, messenger, mgcp, mll2html,Office Pro 2007, obst, octal, p2c, patchwork, pips, poc, rat, songanizer, sweater, toutdoux, webpublish, xbase, xinfo,Microsoft Office 2007 Ultimate Key, xmhtml, zebra. |
转载自 70141173 2010年02月27日 13:22 阅读(loading...) 评论(0) 分类:个人日记 1.吃了辣的东西,感觉就要被辣死了,就往嘴里放上少许盐,含一下,漱下口,就不辣了; ­ 2.牙齿黄,可以把花生嚼碎后含在嘴里,并刷牙三分钟,很有效; ­ 3.若有小面积皮肤损伤或者烧伤、烫伤,抹上少许牙膏,可立即止血止痛; ­ 4.经常装茶的杯子里面留下难看的茶渍,用牙膏洗之,非常干净; ­ 5.仰头点眼药水时微微张嘴,这样眼睛就不会乱眨了; ­ 6.嘴里有溃疡,就用维生素C贴在溃疡处,等它溶化后溃疡基本就好了; ­ 7.眼睛进了小灰尘,闭上眼睛用力咳嗽几下,灰尘就会自己出来; ­ 8.洗完脸后,用手指沾些细盐在鼻头两侧轻轻按摩,然后再用清水冲洗,黑头和粉刺就会清除干净,毛细孔也会 变小­ 9.刚刚被蚊子咬完时,涂上肥皂就不会痒了; ­ 10.如果嗓子、牙龈发炎了,在晚上把西瓜切成小块,沾着盐吃,记得一定要是晚上,当时症状就会减轻,第二 天就好了; ­ 11.吹风机对着标签吹,等吹到商标的胶热了,就可以很容易的把标签撕下来; ­ 12.旅行带衣服时如果怕压起褶皱,可以把每件衣服都卷成卷; ­ 13.打打嗝时就喝点醋,立杆见影;­ 14.吃了有异味的东西,如大蒜、臭豆腐,吃几颗花生米就好了;­ 15.治疗咳嗽,特别是干咳,晚上睡觉前,用纯芝麻香油煎鸡蛋,油放稍多些,什么调味料都不要放,趁热吃过 就去睡觉,连吃几天效果很明显;­ 16.手腕长粗的MM想带较细的手镯,就不能硬带,应把手上套上一个塑料袋再带上手镯,非常好带,也不会把 手弄疼,取下也是同样的方法; ­ 17.栗子皮难剥,先把外壳剥掉,再把它放进微波炉转一下,拿出后趁热一搓,皮就掉了; ­ 18.插花时,在水里滴上一滴洗洁精,可以维持好几天;­ 19.把核桃放进锅里蒸十分钟,取出放在凉水里再砸开,就能取出完整的桃核仁了; ­ 20.把虾仁放进碗里,加一点精盐、食用碱粉,用手抓搓一会儿后用清水浸泡,然后再用清水冲洗,即能使炒出 的虾仁透明如水晶,爽嫩可口;­ 21.炒肉时,先把肉用小苏打水浸泡十几分钟,倒掉水,再入味,炒出来会很嫩滑; ­ 22.将残茶叶浸入水中数天后,浇在植物根部,可促进植物生长; ­ 23.把残茶叶晒干,放到厕所或者沟渠里燃熏,可消除恶臭,具有驱除蚊子苍蝇的功能; ­ 24.夹生饭重煮法:可用筷子在饭内扎些直通锅底的孔,洒入少许黄酒重焖,­ 25.若只表面夹生,只要将表层翻到中间再焖即可;­ 26.巧除纱窗油腻:将洗衣服、吸烟剩下的烟头一起放在水里,待溶解后,拿来擦玻璃窗、纱窗,效果真 不错; ­ 27.只要在珠宝盒中放上一节小小的粉笔,qq团购,即可让首饰常保光泽; ­ 28.桌子、瓶子表面的不干胶痕迹用风油精可以擦拭; ­ 29.出门时随时在包里带一节小的干电池,若裙子带静电,就把电池的正极在裙子上面擦几下即可去掉静 电; ­ 30.不管是鞋子的哪个地方磨到了你的脚,你就在鞋子磨脚的地方涂一点点白酒,保证就不磨脚了; ­ 31.亨调蔬菜时,如果必须要焯,焯好菜的水最好尽量利用。如做水饺的菜,焯好的水可适量放在肉馅里,这样 既保证营养,又使水饺馅味美有汤; ­ 32.夏天足部容易出汗,每天用淡盐水泡脚可有效应对汗脚; ­ 33.夏天游泳后晒晒太阳,可防肌肤劳损等疾病发生; ­ 34.夏天枕头易受潮滋生霉菌,时常曝晒枕芯有利健康; ­ 35.多吃薏米小豆粥等潮湿健脾,可防暑湿; ­ 36.防失眠:睡前少讲太多话,忌饮浓茶,睡前勿大用脑,可用热水加醋洗脚; ­ 37.金银花有疏散风湿功效,金银花水煎取汁凉后与蜂蜜冲调可解暑; ­ 38.吃过于肥腻的食物后喝茶,能刺激自律神经,促进脂肪代谢; ­ 39.睡眠不足会变笨,一天需要睡眠八小时,有午睡习惯可延缓衰老; ­ 40.双手易变得干燥粗糙,用醋泡手十分钟可护肤; ­ 41.夏天擦拭凉席,用滴加了花露水的清水擦拭凉席,可使凉席保持清爽洁净。当然,擦拭时最好沿着凉席纹路 进行,以便花露水渗透到凉席的纹路缝隙,这样清凉舒适的感觉会更持久; ­ 42.早餐多食西红柿、柠檬酸等酸性蔬菜和水果,有益于养肝; ­ 43.爽身止痒洗头或洗澡时,在水中加五六滴花露水,能起到很好的清凉除菌、祛痱止痒作用; ­ 44.葡萄含有睡眠辅助激素,常食有助睡眠; ­ 45.夏天多喝番茄汤既可获得养料,又能补充水分,番茄汤应烧好并冷却后再喝,所含番茄红素有一定的抗前列 腺癌和保护心肌的功效,最适合于男子;吃酸性物质马上刷牙会损害牙齿健康;­ 46.因外伤碰破皮肉时,在伤处涂上牙膏进行消炎、止血,再包扎,作为临时急救药,以药物牙膏效果最为显著 ; ­ 47.将白醋喷洒在菜板上,放上半小时后再洗,不但能杀菌,还能除味; ­ 48.喝酸奶能解酒后烦躁,酸奶能保护胃黏膜、延缓酒精吸收,并且含钙丰富,对缓解酒后烦躁尤其有效 ; ­ 49.皮鞋包皮放久了发霉时,可用软布蘸酒精加水(1:1)溶液擦拭即可; ­ 50.发生头痛、头晕时,可在太阳穴涂上牙膏,因为牙膏含有薄荷脑、丁香油可镇痛; ­ 51.蜡烛冷冻二十四小时后,再插到生日蛋糕上,点燃时不会流下烛油; ­ 52.白色衣裤洗后易泛黄,可取一盆清水,滴上二三滴蓝墨水,将洗过的衣裤在浸泡一刻钟,不必拧干,就放在 太阳下晒,即可洁白干净; ­ 53.过多食用生葱蒜会刺激口腔肠胃, 不利健康,最好加一点醋再食用; ­ 54.及时补充水分但应少喝果汁、可乐、雪碧、汽水等饮料,含有较多的糖精和电解质,喝多了会对肠胃产生不 良刺激,影响消化和食欲。因此夏天应多喝白开水或淡盐(糖)水; ­ 55.每天早晨用豆腐摩擦面部几分钟,坚持一个月,面部会变得很滋润; ­ 56.空调室内温差不宜超过五度,即使天气再热,空调室内温度也不宜到24度以下; ­ 57.加酶洗衣粉剂放在温水中需要较长的分解时间才能使洗衣效果更佳; ­ 58.夏天,人的活动时间变长,出汗多,耗能过大,应适当多吃鸡、鸭、瘦肉、鱼类、蛋类等营养食品,以满足 人体的代谢需要; ­ 59.头痛时把苹果磨成泥状涂在纱布上,贴在头痛处,症状可减轻; ­ 60.皮包上有污渍,可以用棉花蘸风油精擦拭。­ |
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