wendedfuheu |
11-08-2011 11:31 AM |
Abstract Landscape Paintings | Mary's Landscape Art Info
Continuing Michael Albala's discussion of abstract landscape paintings, <a href="http://hospital.99mr.com/hangzhoushijiangganqujian"><strong>烧伤专科</strong></a> he says:* Every work of art – whether completely realistic, completely abstracted, or somewhere in between – relies on certain aesthetic devices:* value, color, composition, shape and texture of the paint itself.* In a representational work, <a href="http://hospital.99mr.com/zhejiangshengtaizhouhaiyu"><strong>*韩整形美 容</strong></a> these are firmly attached to the subject, giving it the descriptive structure necessary to be perceived as an actual subject. As the painting becomes more abstract and the narrative subject becomes <a href="http://hospital.99mr.com/zibohongtaiyixuemeirongzh"><strong>淄博鸿泰</strong></a> less obvious, the visual experience shifts increasingly toward the aesthetic devices themselves.* Thus an abstract or semi-abstract landscape painting may be more about movement <a href="http://www.yemle.com/user/marcewo1nzc/share"><strong>*汉东方丽人</strong></a> and color than it is about a waterfall or sunset (or tree).