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jimgghh323 11-08-2011 09:20 AM

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作品精选(20张)故事、夸张的表现方式及人物动态,演绎着一名少年海盗爱与梦想的冒险之旅。这部作品深受 鸟山明的《七龙珠》影响。   主要作品:《ONE PIECE》(又译:《海贼路飞》/《海贼王ONEPIECE》)、《WANTED!》(又译:《尾田荣一郎短篇集》)、《WANTED!通缉 英雄》、《WANTED!来自上帝的礼物》、《一鬼夜行》、《MONSTERS》、《ROMA NCE DAWN》(《ロマンス ド-ン》)   《海贼王》是继鸟山明的《龙珠》之后漫画史上又一部堪称热血旗帜的划时代作品,如果说八十年代的《JU MP》是属于《龙珠》的话,那么如今的热血漫画就是属于尾田荣一郎《海贼王》的时代,正是《OnePiec e》的横空出世,才让《少年JUMP》这位垂垂老矣的昔日王者再次找回了往日的殊荣,在尾田荣一郎这个时代 最热血漫画作者的掌舵下,《海贼王》令热血之魂再次在我们的体内苏醒。以一部《海贼王》在日本成名的新秀, 独特的画风,充满朝气和活力的故事、夸张的表现方式及人物动态,演绎着一名少年海盗爱与梦想的冒险之旅。这 部作品深受鸟山明的《七龙珠》影响。综合介绍  现在集英社漫画《少年JUMP》的主力作者之一。从九州东 海大学工学部建筑系退学后,先后担任过漫画家甲斐谷忍,德弘正也及和月伸宏的助手。1992年作品《WAN TED!》获得周刊《少年JUMP》第44届手冢赏准入选,1993年作品《一鬼夜行》入选第104届Ho pStep赏。1997年,长篇人气冒险剧《ONE PIECE》(又译:《海盗路飞》《海贼王》《航海王》等)开始在《少年JUMP》上连载。这部作品想象 力

[原 作]尾田荣一郎   [漫画出版]集英社   [发行时间]1997年背景资料  [世界设定]   在One Piece的世界中,整个海洋被一条贯穿南北的大陆和叫做伟大航道的海区划分为东,西,南,北四块海洋。   有一个人,他拥有世上一切财富、声望和权利,他就是海贼王――哥尔・D・罗杰。   传说中的One Piece就被埋藏在伟大航道。   他临死前说的一句话,驱使全世界的人进入大海――“想要我的财宝吗?想要的话我可以送给你,自己去找吧 !我把一切都放在那里了!”   于是,海贼们纷纷出海寻宝,大海贼时代来临了!!!   [追逐梦想的少年]   我要成为海贼王!   这就是我们的主人公――路飞的宣言。路飞拥有恶魔果实能力,身体可以任意伸长,但永远学不会游泳。他是 典型单细胞的家伙,单纯、热血、少根筋,不过真的是很可爱呢~~~而他的周围也逐渐聚集起一群同样有梦想、 有实力的热血伙伴――索隆、娜美、山治、乌索普、乔巴、罗宾、弗兰奇和布鲁克。故事情节  本理想成为海贼 王的路飞,误食了香克斯收藏的恶魔果实,而变成了橡皮人,橡皮果实的副作用却使他永远不能游泳。不过他的理 想仍然没有改变――成为海贼王,并且找到传说中哥尔・D・罗杰的秘宝-One Piece,冒险就此开始了……   在某个年代海盗是个光荣而又快乐的职业,虽然政府并不支持他们,但是海上的风浪和海上的美丽还是将无数 人,特别是男人的梦想完全地吸引了进去。在这个时代的某一天,海贼业忽然疯狂了起来,原来著名的海贼王哥尔 D罗杰在临刑前忽然说出了他的秘密:他将他那无法衡量的财产藏在了某个小岛上,而去这个小岛的路线就是伟大 航路。   路飞所生长的小村庄里曾经是一群以“红发香克斯”为首的海盗们的暂居地,而小小的路飞一直希望自己可以 成为他们的一员,可惜,在一次非常意外的情况下,他吃了一种叫做“橡皮果实”的恶魔果实变成了橡皮人(很可 爱啊,全身可以无限制地拉长~~~)。恶魔果实给予了他这样奇特的本领,但是吃了恶魔果实的人是再也无法学 会游泳的……   “没有关系,我只要不掉到海里去就行了……”天性乐观(或者天真单纯幼稚?)的路飞并没有放弃他的海贼 之路,他和香克斯约好,总有一天他会带着他的兄弟们成为海贼王。
”这个行业产生了浓厚的兴趣。上高中时,尾田荣一郎就开始了自己的漫画创作,为了磨练自己的画技 ,尾田
[1][1][1][1](16)三十年后的自己:变的很难以想象。   (17)不可原谅的人:不懂得打招呼的人。   (18)要好的漫画家朋友:是些以前在和月伸宏那里做助理时的同伴 ( 武井宏之、伊藤 MIKIO 等 ) ,岛仔( 岛袋光年 )。   (19)最近觉得开心的事:因为动画的关系,交了各种不同的朋友。   (20)现在最感兴趣的事:想了解「仓本聪」这个人。   (21)最近收集的东西:Play Mobile   (22)爱好:电影欣赏。   (23)将自己比喻成动物的话会是:在应该动时才会动的树獭。   (24)要养宠物会养:驼鸟。   (25) (OP 里用了很多鸟的名字 ex 达斯琪,克伊娜,柯妮丝 ) 最喜欢的鸟是:海鸥。   (26)喜欢 ( 擅长 ) 的运动:足球 ( 没有不喜欢不擅长的运动 )   (27)喜欢的食物:肉 ( 没有不喜欢的食物 )   (28)最近喜欢的食物:入口即化的起司,jordan heels cheap 水库蓄水淹死村民 称正常蓄水没必要通知(图)。   (29)假日时会:总之,就是外出。   (30)有时间的话想做:钓鱼,露营。
丰富,充满热血漫画典型元素,令其在读者和业界间均获得很高评价,被誉为继承了手冢治虫,松本零士时代奋进 精神的“日本少年漫画的强心剂”。2005年2月,《ONE PIECE》漫画单行本累计销量突破亿册大关。2010年11月单行本累计销量突破两亿册。漫人心语  其 实我第一次画海盗漫画是在中一左右,当时还未懂得什么漫画稿纸呀笔
尾田�一郎 (9)

开放分类: 人物,名人,australia ugg boots kids,漫画家,日本漫画家,海贼王 我来完善 “尾田荣一郎”相关词条:
中文名: 尾田荣一郎 国籍: 日本 出生日期: 1975年1月1日 职业: 漫画家 代表作品: 海贼王 籍贯: 日本熊本 星座: 魔羯座 血型: A型
尾田荣一郎,1975年出生。故乡在日本熊本县。自1997年起,在周刊《少年JUMP》第34期上开始连 载ONE PIECE。这是一个精彩纷呈的海洋冒险故事,受到了广大年轻读者的热烈追捧。现在集英社漫画《少年JUM P》的主力作者之一,代表作为《ONE PIECE》。
荣一郎先后为甲斐谷忍(《翠山警察故事》)、德弘正也(《不文泰山》)、和月伸宏(《浪客剑心》)这三位漫 画家做过助理。这对尾田荣一郎的帮助很大,jordan heels,使他的画法融合了名家之长,形成了自己的风格。作品  以一部《海贼王》在日本成名的新秀,独特的画风, 充满朝气和活力的
嘴呀之类的正规的画漫画方法,只懂得用铅笔画在笔记本上。而当时踢足球的我刚好体会到"团体"这种东西带来 的乐趣,于是便第一次以海盗题材把这个画出来了。可是我却明白,我对"海盗冒险"所抱着的想象太丰富,就一 本笔记本也画不完。结论是,用一期完的形式来画海盗是不可能的。困苦的我于是这么想:"还是留待在JUMP 连载时才画海盗吧!"因为这个缘故,这个漫画就作为我对连载所抱有的一股"干劲"而给画了出来 ,ray ban rare prints。其实之前我也画了一个同样叫做《ROMANCE DAWN》的作品,但因页数关系没法在这书里刊登。删减那个一期完漫画的理由是因为它正是《ONE PIECE》的雏形。《ONE PIECE》这个连载漫画,说清楚就是用很多页将那个一期完漫画仔细地画出来,所以我认为,既然如此,不如 刊登这个有少许地方改变了的《ROMANCE DAWN》。我打算有机会的话,再在《ONE PIECE》里刊登另一个《ROMANCE DAWN》。顺带一提,60岁老汉在家睡觉时被亲戚砍死,借着以上两个海盗漫画的机会,我辞去了和月伸宏老师的《浪客剑心》的助理一职,向连载方面发展。具体介绍   (0 0 )外号:尾田一(自称)   (01)生日:1975/1/1   (02)血型:A型。   (03)籍贯:日本熊本。   (04)小时候是个怎样的少年:是个爱抓虫的少年。   (05)喜欢的科目:美术/不喜欢的科目:数学。   (06)学生时代参加过的学会:足球部。   (07)过去喜欢的JUMP 漫画作品:七龙珠。   (08)给自己最大影响或最尊敬的漫画家:鸟山明老师。   (09)想当漫画家的原因:因为我以为漫画家不工作/什么时候开始有这种想法:4岁。   (10)如果当不上漫画家,会从事的职业:没想过。   (11)喜欢,尊敬的历史人物:织田信长 ( 没有尊敬。因为姓的读法一样,所以下意识地喜欢他。)   (12)崇拜的人物:鸟山明老师。   (13)座右铭:没想过。   (14)到目前为止别人说的话中最深刻印象的话:「画的东西很传神呢!」   (15)真实存在的海盗中留下印象并喜欢的:爱德华 ・迪奇 ( 黑胡子 )
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参考资料 1
评价  所谓漫画就是漫画,路飞长大以后摇着条小船就出海了,可一路上还真让他找到了许多身怀绝技的朋友: 目标成为第一剑客的索隆,有着非常优秀的航海直觉的娜美,一流的海上厨师香吉士,弹无虚发(基本上)而且特 别善于说大话的乌索普,驯鹿医生乔巴,善于解读历史本文的妮可・罗宾,造船工改造人弗兰奇,和已经是骷髅的 音乐家布鲁克,当然要得到这些伙伴是非常不容易的,路飞一路千辛万苦地和其他海贼们打斗,他唯一的长处就是 那笑对死亡和永不言败的精神!   伟大航路!这是一个任凭再优秀的海贼也无法预料其危险的地方,这是一个目前还没有人可以到达的地方,这 是一个摧毁人类一切常识信心和勇气的地方……可是路飞他们终于进入了,One Piece的故事将要完全展开了。被误会是助手的漫画家:真岛浩  《妖精的尾巴》的作者    姓名:真岛浩   性别:男   生日:1977年5月3日   星座:金牛座   血型:B   出生地:日本长野县简介  其实,真岛浩与尾田荣一郎没有任何关系,“抄袭”、“助手”之说纯属无稽之 谈   对于不太熟悉真岛浩的读者而言,有一件事情是经常发生的。那就是在阅读他的作品时,往往会和另一位名家 ――《ONE PIECE》的作者尾田荣一郎混淆。究其原因,是因为他们两人的画风实在太相似了,并且随着真岛浩画工的精 进,这样的感觉越来越强烈。从人物的神韵、表情、轮廓、动作,到构图、上色、分镜……无不让人产生雷同之感 。此外,真岛浩笔下的角色性格也总是让人看见《ONE PIECE》的影子。因此一直以来,坊间都流传有他跟尾田师出同门的传说。一会儿有人说他们都曾担任过和月 伸宏和武井宏之的助手,一会儿又说其实尾田才是真岛浩的师父。“真岛浩模仿尾田”、“《RAVE》作者抄袭 ”之类的留言更是不胫而走。   然而实际情况又是怎样的呢?援引自日本权威资料站“维基百科”的说法,真岛与尾田其实没有任何关系,一 切相似不过只是巧合。至于抄袭那更是无稽之谈。须知日本漫画界有着极为严厉的版权意识,即使只是插图上的无 意借鉴都可能造成一位作者的的身败名裂,更何况是像真岛浩这样有着一定影响力的漫画家?只要细细品读过他们 的作品,就不难发现二者之间的差异,对当事人而言,这才是公平的判断态度。结语  目前,真岛浩的《FAI RY TAIL》走势良好,最新单行本已经出版到了第21卷。有趣的是,在《RAVE》的连载结束前发表结婚宣言 的真岛浩,又在2007年的《FAIRY TAIL》连载上发表了自己做父亲的宣言。语气中,不难感受到他的幸福,犹如他每次受到支持者的来信时所由 衷感叹的“能够成为漫画家真是太好了”那样幸福。衷心希望这位热爱漫画事业的作者能够更上一层 楼,ray ban sunglasses,直至有一天实现他所信奉的座右铭“将天空涂成自己所喜欢的颜色”。 更多相册贴吧相册
尾田简介作品综合介绍漫人心语具体介绍作品:海贼王简介背景资料故事情节评价被误会是助手的漫画家:真岛浩 简介结语 贴吧相册 尾田简介  尾田荣一郎生于1975年1月1日,生肖属兔,星座是魔羯座,从四岁起,尾田荣一郎就对“漫画 家

图片精粹(20张)   (31)绝对要去一次的地方:蒙古、马尔代夫、印度。   (32)是户内派还是户外派?是渴望户外的户内派。   (33)减压方法:描绘有趣的漫画。   (34)喜欢的地方:小院子,cheap nike heels。   (35)日常生活中,感到幸福的时候:画出有趣漫画的时候。   (36)除了「ONE PIECE 」外还想画的漫画:机械人漫画。   (37)大家都不知道的秘密:就是 ONE PIECE 标题的秘密。   (38)被人指责的习惯:集中精神,就会伸出舌头。   (39)用一句话来总括自己的性格:很不错。   (40)读者来信中,令你开心的字眼:「谢谢你。」   (41)想对读者说的话:「谢谢大家一直以来的支持。」   家庭状况   妻子:尾田千秋(稻叶千秋)   关于休刊事宜   漫画《海贼王》从1997年到2010年,连载的13年间仅仅休载过33回,除了09年休载过7回以外 ,其他一年间最多休载4回,可以说是相当勤奋。另有自称“尾田老师的友人”的日本网友透露,尾田本次休刊也 有部分是身体原因。近年来,尾田老师的工作量一直都相当大。因为最近规模宏大的顶上战争篇,更使他的身体处 于超负荷工作的状态,jordan heels outlet 视力。于是周围的人都劝他在顶上战争篇完结时休一次长假,最初订的时间本来是至少三个月,不过被尾田强行缩短到 一个月。(就目前这种出一卷单行本就刷新一次销量记录的情况来看,尾田的工作压力应该不是一般的大。在日本 ,漫画家疲劳过度不得不暂时封笔,甚至过劳死的情况也时有发生,oakley multi lens sunglasses 丈夫快递衣服藏冰毒 妻子取件被刑拘。而著名动画监督今敏骤然离世也让人再次关注起动漫人的健康问题)。这种为fans着想的精神很让人感动( 富奸你怎么不羞愤啊……)。所以作为fans的我们也只有耐心等待,希望老师在经过一个月的长假以后,能够 以健康的状态重新投入工作,为我们带来更精彩的故事。作品:海贼王简介  [中文名称]海盗路 飞/海贼王/海盗王/航海王(简体中文正版)   [日文名称]One piece   

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g3sh7sf0mf 11-08-2011 10:06 AM

Yellow like
The fossil was named It stands 4 meters 8 meters in length, ivory, 2 meters long, like two swords, so called Stegodon. Stegodon few million years ago is widely distributed in foreign countries also found its fossils. Yellow like the skeletons, the world has discovered the bones of saber-toothed as the most complete one. Section of Yellow River as an proboscis Stegodon truth is, is already extinct on the planet as a elephant. Incisors thick, parallel, bending small. Skull square, flat frontal plane,skechers shoes online, the nose has a
Yellow like the data profiles describe the characteristics of the historical distribution of body fossils of the Yellow River as the current status of the fossil history articles dry rivers and lakes everywhere. One day, a saber-toothed elephant drinking water in the river, the slip into a quagmire, have been gradually buried in sediment, over time,skechers shape up shoes, sediment accumulation of more and more thick, so it's bones to be intact . And a complex geological evolution of the region was uplifted as a plateau, the Yellow River like to see a bright future. Like the fossils of the Yellow River in Gansu region is that people understand the topography, climate, valuable information is one of the important results to explore paleontology. It is very famous in China, Chinese language teaching in primary schools to be dedicated as a text tells the story of the Yellow River. Yellow like fossils on display at the Beijing Natural History Museum is currently paleontology hall. The fossil was named It stands 4 meters 8 meters in length, ivory,skechers shoes, 3 meters long, like two swords, so called Stegodon. Stegodon few million years ago is widely distributed in foreign countries also found its fossils. Yellow like the skeletons, the world has discovered the bones of saber-toothed as the most complete one. Like the fossils of the Yellow River in Gansu region is that people understand the topography,shape ups skechers, climate, valuable information is one of the important results to explore paleontology. Because the fossil was found in the Yellow River region, and over millions of years, it became a fossil, it was found that, after the CAS Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology, scientists discover, organize and research, Scientists its morphology and location found it the name Historical distribution Presumably, at 300 million years ago, not now drying in Gansu province, rivers and lakes everywhere. One day, a saber-toothed elephant drinking water in the river, the slip into a quagmire, have been gradually buried in sediment, as time goes on, like the Yellow River sediment accumulation

more and more thick, so it's bones to be intact. And a complex geological evolution of the region was uplifted as a plateau, the Yellow River like to see a bright future. Shape characteristic of the Yellow River as the world's most complete elephant fossil preservation, but also the Asian elephant fossils found in the largest, and its height of 3.81 meters, the skeleton length (base of incisors to the end of the sagging Department) 4.52 meters. It is also found in the world as the best preserved fossils, which only lowered the body to the tail bone is not found. Scientists analyze the possible when it is stuck in the tail of sediment exposed on the outside, so rotten, and not saved for the fossils. So why, as the other bones in the Yellow River has experienced 250 million years is also well preserved in it? The scientists analyzed the Yellow River sediment as being buried, the larger the area had no change in the earth's crust, without running water moving, and do not stand do not keep lying position, which proved a more buried in the Yellow River as quiet environment. Today it stands high above the ancient animals in China, it is designed specifically for the museum exhibition hall, so that people up to see its majestic appearance.
of the Yellow River like
250 million years ago in the distant Gansu Province, County, United Water has an approximately 60-year-old old elephant to the river water, slide into the river accidentally buried by sediment After millions of years, it became a fossil, it was found that, after the CAS Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology, scientists discover, organize and research scientists based on its morphological characteristics and find places named it as the So why, as the other bones in the Yellow River has experienced 250 million years is also well preserved in it? The scientists analyzed the Yellow River sediment as being buried, the larger the area had no change in the earth's crust, without running water moving, and do not stand do not keep lying position, which proved a more buried in the Yellow River as quiet environment. Today it stands high above the ancient animals in China, it is designed specifically for the museum exhibition hall, so that people up to see its majestic appearance.
of the Yellow River like
Yellow like the fossils of the Yellow River in Gansu as the fossil is that people understand the area topography, climate, valuable information is one of the important results to explore paleontology. It is very famous in China, Chinese language teaching in primary schools to be dedicated as a text tells the story of the Yellow River. Yellow like the fossils currently on display at the Beijing Natural History Museum paleontology hall. In 1973, several of China's western Gansu Province, farmers in digging sand, suddenly found a white and ivory. They immediately reported to the local government, and later in the local government under the command of digging, the fossil was finally completely exposed: This is the skeleton of an elephant, it is slanting inserted in the sand, foot stones. Because the fossil was found in the Yellow River region, so named as the Note: the Yellow River as the Yellow Stegodon division's scientific name is Stegodon. Fossil history of the Yellow River as the skeletons, the world has discovered the bones of saber-toothed as the most complete one. Section of Yellow River as an proboscis Stegodon truth is, is already extinct on the planet as a elephant. Incisors thick, parallel, bending small. Skull square, flat frontal plane, the nose has a Slowly over the occipital bone. There are 7 cervical, 20 thoracic, five lumbar vertebrae. Spine single peak, the highest point in the shoulder. Stout limbs, feet to five. Lower molar crown, the enamel layer thick. It all parts of the skeletal bone joints, bone epiphysis and adjacent bodies were completely healed. It is a large body, thick incisors long, curved around the acetabular branch obvious narrow obturator, pelvic surface is not smooth enough, was pear-shaped.
of the Yellow River like
It is assumed at 300 million years ago, not now drying in Gansu province, rivers and lakes everywhere. One day, a saber-toothed elephant drinking water in the river, the slip into a quagmire, have been gradually buried in sediment, over time, sediment accumulation of more and more thick, so it's bones to be intact . And a complex geological evolution of the region was uplifted as a plateau, the Yellow River like to see a bright future. Like the fossils of the Yellow River in Gansu region is that people understand the topography, climate, valuable information is one of the important results to explore paleontology. It is very famous in China, Chinese language teaching in primary schools to be dedicated as a text tells the story of the Yellow River. Yellow like the fossils currently on display at the Beijing Natural History Museum paleontology hall. The current situation has become extinct, there are fossils to explore the article This elephant skeleton with 4 meters high, 8 meters long, in addition to other caudal vertebrae, all installed by the bones together. Look, the front is three meters long elephant tusks, then the skull

and the lower jaw, and even hard to find the hyoid bone is also preserved. In more than a block toe bones, and even thirty-four cm-long end of the toe has not lost. Ancient Yellow River like a complete skeleton of this can be preserved as fossils in the history is rare. Skeleton standing in front of people seem to see an elephant being proudly ahead. Well, this elephant fossil skeleton is how formed? One day about two million years ago, cloudless blue sky,skechers women, the sun baked the earth, seems to be burning up humilis Cong. Dai Li oak trees do not move, a group of a group of antelope and ostriches walk around. A winding river to the east shore slowly bloom clusters of beautiful flowers. A group of elephants, an older male elephants in the lead, riding a flutter flutter came out upon the earth from a distance. Fatigue and thirst, tortured them weakly. There is a river in front of a saw, they ran happily together. Like running in front of the old, first came to a river. It elongation of the nose to suction the water. But the river is very low, it is out of reach. It is thought that if stepped into the water,skechers tone ups, a perfect meal to eat drink, then take a bath, then how nice! So he took a step forward! Did not think it's right foot stepped on an oval-shaped stone, a stone down a notch, it is too late to recall the raised left foot, suddenly stepped into the river of mud, the deeply trapped inside. And how rotten and soft to withstand the heavy mud of the old like it? Like the side of the body from the old hard struggle, but the more the body more to the struggling settlement. It looked for help, but the water Mengguan immediately go to its mouth. Keeping of elephants in the back are stopped, looked in horror struggling in the mud of the old as they attend to scared to drink water, just stood shore, and there is no way ... ... stuck in Finally, as in the old mud could not move out. The days passed, the old alluvial river silt as being covered up. It's body decomposed, the bones and teeth of it slowly turned to stone the same thing. Two hundred years later, the earth has undergone tremendous changes. Rose into the plateau grasslands past, a towering mountains out of the ground seat, resting place of the old emerged as a new river - the Yellow River. Also I do not know how many years. The spring of 1973, Gansu Province, where some farmers digging in the sand, the sand suddenly found some white ivory. They immediately reported to the local government. Later, under the command of the local government to carry out excavation. Fossil was completely exposed, people can clearly see the skeleton of an elephant, slanting inserted in the sand, the foot with gravel. From its standing position, imagine that moment it slipped fell into the scene, from the bones of its parts interrelated circumstances, it can be Tuixiang Chu has not been moved after death, so this can be preserved intact. Because the Yellow River unearthed, this elephant is named as the Yellow River. Atlas Atlas entry for more extended reading: 1
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