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Orthodox Church (Eastern Orthodox Church) is one of the Christian factions, mainly refers to the Roman Empire, followed by the Eastern Christian tradition handed down by the Church, it is with the Catholic, Protestant Christianity side by side one of the three major factions. And the Catholic Church is different from being taught by some called These churches are independent, but share a common faith.
directory Basic Introduction to the fifteenth century, the seventeenth century of change and reform, Old Believers split the reform and expansion of holy religion religious meetings fin desiècle Background to move to new Constantine action king and the pope's rule system is the historical development of theology and religious sects and reform of the Orthodox Church Patriarchate independent thinking liturgical and sacramental theology, the seven sacraments of baptism by the holy oil coated priesthood confessional marriage ceremony of unction of blood characteristics of the Eucharist the church features festivals and religious calendar organization system in China, the basic profile spread of the Orthodox cross Orthodox [1] (English: Eastern Orthodox Church), also known as Orthodox, Greek Orthodox, Oriental Orthodox, one faction of Christianity, mainly refers to follow from the East Roman Empire (also known as means orthodox. If the Orthodox Church in Europe (regardless of what side) is the oldest Greek Orthodox church. If the English-speaking countries of the West preferred to the use of points, different church.) Fifteenth century, the Russian Church during the 15th century is vital to the survival of the state in Russia and lives. This holy city map Radonezh Sergius and Alexis to help national economies to withstand years of Tatar oppression and spiritual expansion. 1439 a group of the Committee in Florence Catholic and Orthodox Church leaders agreed to the unity of the Christian period of two branches. Moscow, Russian basil Prince II, however, rejected the concessions in Russia and the Catholic Church's actions against the Commission announced that 1452 reunion of East and West in the short-lived after. Isidore is a big city from out of the same year, his position as apostates. In 1448 when the Russian bishops elected their own patriarch, the Russian Church became independent with the bishop of Constantinople positions Jonas did not rely on the city of Constantinople and the Russian church since then autocephalous. Jonas gave the city the title of the urban population of Moscow and all Rus'. He was in Constantinople, Alexandria, Antioch and Jerusalem patriarch accepted the honor later in the fifth grade. Five years later, when Constantinople fell to the Ottoman Turks. From this point forward-looking Orthodox Church saw Moscow as the Third Rome, the legitimate successor to the patriarch of Constantinople and Moscow as head of the Orthodox Church. Dynasty Ivan III of change and reform and heresy and controversy plagued many of his successors. A party, is leading the requirements of zero Sorsky and Vassian Kosoy Popular monastery property. They are from the influential Joseph oppugned Volotsk missionaries to defend the land and property ownership. Undermined the position of monarch, but he eventually threw his support of Joseph. The new faction emerged, some of which tend to restore the law of Moses shows: for example, convert the main priest Aleksei met to determine the future of Judaism in Zechariah Jews. Monastic life flourished in Russia, focusing on prayer and spiritual growth. Disciples St. Sergius left Troitse-Sergiyeva Lavra monastery to be found across hundreds of Russia. Some of the most famous monastery in northern Russia, to show how faith in the most inhospitable land may flourish. Medieval Russia's richest landowner, including Joseph Volokolamsk Abbey, Kirillo-Belozersky monastery and Solovetsky monastery. In the 18th century, the three greatest monasteries were recognized lavras, while those subordinated directly to the religious meetings were marked stauropegic. In the 1540s, metropolitan Macarius the church held religious meetings many times, a hundred times in the culminating chapter Synod 1551. This compilation of the overall territory of Russia into one of the church ceremony and responsibilities. The needs of the Church hierarchy the government canceled the tsar's justice in the God of this age. Seventeenth century to early 17th century proved to be difficult times for the Russian. Poles and Swedes invaded Russia from the west. In this time of trouble before the Russian Church in the People's fulfilled its patriotic duty to honor, it had previously done. Patriarch Germogen (1606-1612), will be tortured to death by the invaders an ardent patriot of Russia, is led by Minin and Pozharsky charge the spiritual leader of many. Heroic defense Trinity St. Sergius Lavra in 1608-1610 from the Swedes and the Poles for the Russian state and Russia, between the church records were inscribed. Old Believers split primary and tragedy in the 17th century was the Great Schism, the so-called Old Believers split from the main church in protest against the patriarch Nikon missionaries from the reform. In the period after the invaders were driven from Russia, and Russia in the church to participate in one of the most important of its internal tasks, namely, introducing corrections into its prayer books and rites. Enormous contribution to this by the Patriarch Nikon, a bright personality and outstanding church reformer to do. Some of the clergy and people do not understand and was not placed to be introduced by the Patriarch · Nikon and refused to obey the liturgical reform of the ecclesiastical authorities. This is how Old Believers split emerged. Nikon, the pursuit of God,shape ups skechers, the ideal political state, Orthodox Church in Russia trying to establish the first in the state, and his commitment to Orthodox texts and rituals but also a detailed amendment to an agreement to lead them into the rest of Eastern Orthodoxy. In 1652 Nikon solve the local distribution of the power of concentration, when the same Orthodox rites and ceremonies of those when the Greek Orthodox. For example, he insisted that Russian Christians cross themselves with three fingers, rather then the traditional two. This aroused resentment in the style of worship was changed to see as heresy among the followers of a solid part, although they have only a small ceremonial significance. This group became known as Old Believers Old etiquette believers or refuse the new patriarch of the teaching. Tsar Aleksey (who also focus on political power) was maintained Nikon changes. During the ceremony the so-called believers from the Orthodox Old Raskol be separated. Avvakum Petrov, Boyarynya Morozova and many other dissidents forced or voluntary burned the anvil. Out of tens of thousands from the official church and the state of intense persecution. In order to escape persecution, they moved to remote areas of the territory and to balance overseas. Many go to Siberia and other inhospitable land, they will be living in semi-seclusion until the modern. In 1666, when Nikon was abolished, but retained the Russian Church split sharpening his reforms and anathematized those who continue to oppose them. Old Believers and the formation of a vigorous dissent in the Orthodox Church within the body for the next two centuries. Expansion in the late seventeenth and early eighteenth century, the Orthodox Church to experience the phenomenon of geographical expansion. In 1684, the Moscow Patriarchy of Constantinople, Kiev Metropolia job request to subordinate to Moscow, but the request refused. . In the end, 1686, in the patriarchal Parthenius IV IV by the Dionysius, after following the agreement of secondary importance after it Metropolia Kiev to Moscow. But a year later in 1687 this subsidiary was widely condemned by the bishop of Constantinople, the post because of bribes, and the monks who are responsible for lifting post. In any case that has had tens of thousands of faithful and half a dozen dioceses in the Orthodox patriarch of the pastors and under administrative care. In the following two centuries,skechers outlet, missionary efforts to extend across Siberia into Alaska and then into the United States in California. Prominent people in the missionary efforts include St. Innocent people Irkutsk St. Alaska Herman St. Siberia and Alaska innocent people. They learned local languages and translated the Gospels and hymns. Sometimes those translations required the invention of a copy of the new system. Holy Synod of reform and the early 18th century in Russia by Peter the implementation of fundamental reform of the instructions I. These reforms did not leave the Russian Church untouched. Adrian in 1700 following the death of Peter the great chiefs to prevent a successor is named. In 1721 he abolished following recommendations Feofan Prokopovich Moscow patriarachate and replace it with a holy and supreme religious meetings, not a single church governance Archbishop. Holy Synod of governance in the Lutheran Church of the country's religious establishment in Sweden and Prussia after the meeting was created and is tightly controlled by the state. Half of the 19th century, the primary agents of religious meetings, get the position of minister level officials from the Church to exercise effective management control until 1917. This control, in procuratorship period (1880-1905) archconservative KP, most of the political subordination of the clergy to promote higher, in particular, have been marked. Pobedonostsev. Synod Church in Russia is still the supreme church body almost two centuries. In its history during the religious canon law from 1721 to 1917, the Russian Church in the province of religious education to pay a special attention to the development and mission. Restore the old church, and the new church construction. The early 19th century work by the brilliant theologian instructions. Russian theologians also made history as the development of this science, linguistics and Oriental studies. Here the 19th century saw increased starchestvo Paisiy Velichkovsky and his disciples Optina monastery. This Westernization after a long period of instruction in the Russian church starting point for a major spiritual revival. Fin desiècle religious students at the Royal command during the last decade education in Russia, many Russians came back to the church and seeking to recover their faith. Less obviously not the spirit of the road do not meet the traditional standard search to find God known. Writers, artists and intellectuals were drawn to the large number of private prayer, mysticism, spiritualism, theosophy and Eastern religions. Fascination with the forces of nature is full of feeling, and unconsciously, and myth, and the subsequent surge in catastrophe and redemption with a vision. God can be seen in the form of search is extensive. A series of 'Philosophy of Religion Conference' held in St. Petersburg 1901-1903, bringing together prominent intellectuals and monks way of reconciliation in the church to explore the growth in our education if the undogmatic desire in life is spiritual meaning. Especially in 1905 after the emergence of a variety of religious, although religion is a big change in informal: circles and salons, séances, private prayer. Some monks also seek the most famous to the orthodox faith, recovery of Kronstadt attractive father, John, until his death in 1908 (although his followers to remain active long after), is emphasized Christian living and sought to restore the magic and the emergence of warm In the liturgical celebration. In 1909,skechers shoes, the capacity to create the feeling of essays appeared under the title Vekhi (landmarks or road signs), created by a team led by leftist intellectuals, mainly the former Marxist materialism and atheism with respect to negative control of the idea for generations of intellectuals, such as inevitably lead to failure and moral disaster. You especially after 1905, major changes seen in the religious life update of the strong similarity and variety, and spirituality among the lower. Among farmers in the spirit of our literary and moral norms do not meet the traditional moral and spiritual point of general interest in sports; climax of the pilgrimage and sacred space and the love object (in particular, as); adhere to the belief in the supernatural presence and power ( illusion, property, take the dead, demons, spirit, miracles and magic); vitality; and what the proliferation of orthodox creation of branded as 'sectarianism', including two non-orthodox Christians, units of measurement, notably Baptists and the Orthodox variety of unusual and mysterious universal. Background If the Orthodox Church in Europe (regardless of what side) is the oldest Greek Orthodox church. If the English-speaking countries of the West preferred to the use of points,skechers women, who is different church). Christian Studies Early Christianity took place in the year 1054, the Great Schism of Christianity, the church is divided into east and west from here the two churches. Both sides believe that their church is the Christ / Apostles apostolic church to create the most original, and not let each other have this title. Eastern Church in their own names inside with a Some people think that the Roman Catholic Church on behalf of the All Orthodox churches can be traced back to their pulse of up to five early Christian Center: Church of Rome, the Church of Jerusalem, Antioch, Alexandria and Constantinople Church of the Church. Although all Orthodox churches recognize the patriarch of Constantinople as the supreme leader (the official title of Constantinople, New Rome and Ecumenical Patriarch Archbishop), but not completely integrated between the church, but in each other recognized independent state. Because of its emphasis on the Orthodox; and as the spiritual center of the church in Greece, and Greek is the main language of the ceremony (the other main languages are Russian, Slavic, etc.), it is also known as the Greek Orthodox Church. According to 1990 statistics, 170 million people around the world there are believers. [2] Western Church Church Political background: This accounts for a Christian tribe of one-sixth of the Christian world, has a long Christian tradition. They did not seem like a Western church, religious reform, the division situation. In fact, they have always believed that their land is the real If those who claim that Western Christianity separated itself out of the Eastern Church, then, would refute the Western Church Eastern Church, that is the Western Church and the Historical facts, but the Great Schism of Christianity is not the first recovery school reform, the sixteenth century, but the Church of the East-West split. The separate incidents in 1054 into the white-hot stage. East-West division of the church is not made overnight, to understand this period of history to have the political and theological aspects to explore. [3] to move the actions of Constantine in AD 330, Constantine the Great moved the capital of the empire of Constantinople Bosphorus location, here in the commercial trade channels, In addition to commercially valuable, but in the military, is also a very good position, with a barrier against alien invasion. But the church split in the religious make more certain, but also because of reduced political power, no longer susceptible to jurisdiction. Bishop of Rome Rome, of course lost the political importance as the capital, but on the other hand, the power vacuum caused by migration of the Government, have made the Bishop of Rome the opportunity to increase his worldly and spiritual matters in the impact on the force. Bishop of Rome and the Pope was gradually won strong political power. Constantine moved the capital from 330 to 1054 East-West divide during the official church, the Church faced the center of the two against each other. Especially when Charlemagne was crowned in 800 years, in essence, become another Roman Empire, the East-West disputes become more obvious, almost to the relationship between the degree of separation. At this point in the political arena, there were two emperors strife and debate. In religion, the Roman Pope and the Archbishop of Constantinople, also competing for power. [4] system, the rule of the king and the Pope and the King religious systems In the East, the Archbishop and the rulers, and not, as the Roman Pope and the competition between imperial situation has emerged. Initially, the Eastern Church in Constantinople and governance leaders to keep a close cooperative relationship. Relationship is so close,shape up skechers, and the church members by Western historians as Byzantine historians, however refuted this accusation, pointing out that the emperor is not a priest, and Archbishop of the right to get rid of his religious citizenship. Orthodox theologians would rather support the use of Harmony means that mutual support of religious and political power, the leader of a Christian church for management of state; but the whole society is favored by the gods, the king is anointed by God. At the time, for hundreds of years the Western Church, religious right is trying to fight for the position higher than the government. [5] theology in general, Orthodox theology and the interpretation of the Scriptures are to follow the early rise of Christianity as passed down model. All their efforts are to continue and continue to pass on his first apostles of Christ, and the Apostles of the early church's theology and beliefs monks. Innovation often brings theological question; if an opinion is really the first church teachings and different, then this view may be regarded as heresy. However, further detailed explanation of the traditional theology is acceptable. Western Church never insisted on prohibition of images to worship, while the Eastern Church eventually give up the image of worship. In fact, the two sides have set up boundaries for the image worship, and to make the rules. However, when the problem caused by the Church and the conflicts, the East-West relations to the church suffered severe damage. 726, Emperor Leo III issued an order against image worship, which the Bishop of Rome to denounce him, and led to the emperor retaliation, withdrawal of Roman rule in many parts of the right. Rome in the loss of valuable land at the same time, a spate of other things, affect the status of Rome, directed and thus redirect the Eastern Church, the King and Pope point out the tendency of the system. Emperor interference problems many religions. Historical development of the public meeting after 325 Nicaea to Constantinople as the center of the Church of the East and West as the center of the Roman Church, the result of political, economic, and cultural differences, contradictions increasingly acute. Constantine I moved the capital to Constantinople in 330, the two factions in the chief position of the Church who ranks on the issue of fighting pang. After 6 to 8 after the century East Church Church of the East from the 9th century onwards, has been gradually to Bulgaria, the development of Kievan Rus and other countries. After 1054, the country is increasing, and the decline of the Byzantine, the Roman Church continues to seek residence status of the whole Christian world, chief. 1096 Pope Urban II organized the Crusades. 1204, the Fourth Crusade captured Constantinople. In 1206, the Orthodox Ecumenical Patriarchate was forced to move to the Nicene. 1261, Byzantine emperor Caleb VIII 帕利俄罗戈斯 recover indemnity capital to move back to Constantinople Patriarchate. [6] in the 12th century, the Byzantine Empire, the risk of frequent foreign concern. East Church Archdiocese of the original four have two (Antioch and Alexandria) to the Muslim occupation of Jerusalem was another diocese established the Latin Kingdom of the Crusaders occupied. 15th century 30's, the Ottoman Empire, the Byzantine attack on Constantinople to the West for help, Pope Eugene IV in 1438 took the opportunity to hold public meeting in Florence, designed to yield the Eastern Church, the Pope established the head of the Christian position in the . Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople Joseph II, on behalf of the Orthodox Church, led 700 participants. Meeting purgatory, and the clause debate issues such as doctrine. As Orthodox concessions signed the following year in July the meeting what the Church through the unity of resolution confirming the pope as a Known as one of Florence. Church of the East after the opposition because of the boycott, forcing the meeting a statement signed by representatives of the East is invalid, one finally did not succeed. In 1453 the Byzantine Empire, Constantinople became the capital of the Ottoman Empire. Sudan, for political considerations to take tolerance policy against the Orthodox Church to recognize the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople was conquered Orthodox Explorer, the control includes four Orthodox Patriarchate. Ottoman Turkish Empire as the state religion of Islam, Patriarch of Constantinople, although claiming to be a universal value, in fact, is the conquered status. After the 16th century, some national, regional and national Orthodox Church has set up independent churches. Christ Church of Constantinople is based on the established district. 1589, achieved independent status of the Russian Orthodox Church, the establishment of Patriarchate. Then, using the Russian Orthodox liturgy of the Church, often known as the Russian Orthodox Church. Is sectarian and religious reform is the reform of religious sects and not experienced, and the Church of Christ Protestant denomination's attitude is from the beginning has been unclear. Maintained on both sides of the beginning of a warm and friendly relations, but the basic differences remain dogmatic theology out highlights, especially on the sacred traditions of the Holy Spirit / Holy Spirit by the parent-child separation, free will, the sacred book, justification (release sin), the sacraments / the number of sacraments, baptism (being sectarian, p> are sectarian, of the saint, saint statues and relics of prayer, fasting and other church traditions. Because of these differences, resulting in between the two stops. Autonomous Orthodox Church and Orthodox Church Patriarchate in the Byzantine Empire, the Orthodox Church is the state religion of the Empire, it is largely dependent on the secular regime, appointment and removal of the Archbishop, bishops convening of the meeting, the interpretation of the doctrine , controlled by the emperor to master. Led by the Patriarch of the daily charge. The early days Patriarchate has 4, that is, Constantinople, Alexandria, Liberia, Antioch and Jerusalem. After the fall of the Byzantine Empire in the 15th century, national, regional and national has set up independent churches. Late 16th century, from the Constantinople independent of Moscow Metropolitan, the establishment of Patriarchate, formed using the Russian Orthodox Church Slavic, Orthodox Eastern European countries one after another declared independence. Each bishop will have separate regulations and administrative autonomy, and the Archbishop of choice, but between faith and holy things in common. Autonomous Orthodox Church has 15, the Constantinople Orthodox Church, Orthodox Church of Alexandria, Antioch Orthodox Church, Orthodox Church of Jerusalem, the Russian Orthodox Church, Georgian Orthodox Church, Serbian Orthodox Church, the Bulgarian Orthodox Church, Romanian Orthodox Church, Cyprus Orthodox Church, Greek Orthodox Church, Orthodox Church of Albania, Poland, Orthodox Church, Orthodox Church of Czechoslovakia, the U.S. Orthodox Church, also in Japan and Finland also have self-government church. 60 years of the 20th century, the Orthodox churches have held several joint meetings worldwide to discuss their doctrines, rituals meet the requirements of the times, and equal dialogue with the Roman Catholic Church to participate in [7] Orthodox Church does not recognize papal authority and leadership, its own Patriarchate, Patriarch of the capital of a number of areas under the jurisdiction of the diocese. Head of the diocese bishop, the following are the priests and altar. Recognition of the Patriarchate Orthodox Patriarch of Constantinople as the But this is only an honorary position, Ecumenical Patriarch of other Patriarchate does not have any real leadership. Patriarch of Constantinople Church of the East District of the original chief Archdiocese. According to legend, Apostle Andre cathedral was built here. Summit Resident Patriarchate Cathedral. From 1586, the northern part of France located in Istanbul's St. George's Church of Seoul that (see the Greek Orthodox Church.) Alexandria Patriarchate of early Eastern Church Archdiocese of one of the four. According to legend, St. Mark's Cathedral was built here. Association is based in Greece phenanthrene West Asia (see the Greek Orthodox Church.) Patriarchate of Antioch Church of the early East Archdiocese of one of the four. According to legend, the Apostle Peter cathedral was built here. Are always located in Damascus (see the Greek Orthodox Church.) Jerusalem Patriarchate Early East Jerusalem Patriarchate Church of the Archdiocese of four. According to legend, brother of Jesus James Cathedral was built here. Jurisdiction of the Palestinian Orthodox Church (see the Greek Orthodox Church.) [8] Russian Orthodox Church in the Orthodox tradition of arranged in a title, and ranked fifth. Achieved autonomous status in 1589. Later in North America, Finland, Japan, Korea and China have established under the jurisdiction of the Church and its parish. Russian Orthodox Church has its own features. Patriarch system currently in place will always be based in Moscow. Rebun worship with Church Slavonic language. Georgia, the Georgian Orthodox Church in the 4th century church is the Archbishop of Antioch area. According to historical records, during the reign of Roman emperor Zeno, it has achieved autonomous status, and with the Patriarch of Antioch, Since then, church leaders known as 卡托利科斯 Georgia. In 1801, Georgia into Russia, the Church in 1817 by the Russian Orthodox Church to appoint bishops and supervision of jurisdiction. After the Russian October Revolution, the church autonomy 卡托利科斯 reconstruction. Cyprus Orthodox Church Orthodox Church in the old one independent. Church in Cyprus in the Greek national independence movement has played a leading role (see the Greek Orthodox Church). Serbian Orthodox Church Diocese of most of its own in this Yugoslav territory of Serbia and Macedonia. Jurisdiction over 31 parishes (including three in North America.) Bulgarian Orthodox Church 927 years, the Bulgarian church became the Archdiocese, the Church is under the jurisdiction of Constantinople. Ottoman Turkish rule in Bulgaria is 500 years, the Patriarch of Constantinople by the Greek clergy to manage the church. Governor of Bulgaria established in 1870, the diocese until 1945 was recognized as the Patriarch of Constantinople. 1953 Patriarchate restored. There are currently 12 parishes. Romanian Orthodox Church Romanian Orthodox Church in 1865, Romania's independent church was established. Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople in 1885 received the first recognition. Romanian Orthodox Church was established in 1925 Patriarchate. In 1950, Transylvania back to the Orthodox Catholic Eastern instruments. There are 12 parishes. Liturgical use of Romanian. [9] the Polish Orthodox Church established in 1924. Originally belonged to the jurisdiction of Moscow Patriarchate. Moscow Patriarchate in 1948, agreed to their autonomy. Commonly known as the Greek Orthodox Church Greek Church. In the Byzantine Empire and the Ottoman Turkish Empire,skechers shape ups, the Greek Orthodox Church are of the jurisdiction of Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople. In 1850, the Ecumenical Patriarch recognize their autonomy. After the independence of Greece, the Greek Orthodox Church became the state religion of Greece. Supreme Leader said that the Archbishop of Athens and All Greece. 19th century Orthodox Church of Czechoslovakia, the Czech regions to establish the Orthodox Church. In 1910, more than one thousand believers. Austria-Hungary in 1918 after the disintegration of the Serbian Orthodox Church Patriarch of Bohemia and Moravia in the formation of the Orthodox Church. 1921, set up in the Carpathian mountains muka Chievo diocese. After World War II, muka Chievo region into the Soviet Union. Meanwhile, in the Soviet Ukraine, V Walsh, Virginia 10 000 regions of the Czech immigrants Orthodox faith back to Czechoslovakia. There are 4 parishes. In 1951, the Moscow Patriarchate Russian recognition of its autonomy. Albanian Orthodox Church of Constantinople Ecumenical Patriarchate under the jurisdiction of origin. Achieved autonomous status in 1937. American Orthodox Church Russian Orthodox Church in 1794 was still the Russian missionaries in Alaska church. In 1872, in San Francisco is the first Russian Orthodox Church Cathedral. In 1890, North America has 50 million Russian Orthodox immigrants. In 1905, the parish center moved to New York. After the October Revolution in Russia, the United States is the church to sever relations with the Russian Orthodox Church. Some non-Russian Orthodox peoples have with the nation's independent Orthodox Church of Constantinople Ecumenical Patriarch area or contact. In 1922, the Constantinople Ecumenical Patriarchate Greek Orthodox Church in the United States for the Archdiocese. The United States is divided into a number of churches by ethnic division of this parish, and in 1924 declared autonomy. After that, the diocese of the United States are in fact autonomous. Independent churches in the United States in 1970. The number of believers in 1978, about 100 million. Includes nearly 500 pastoral areas. Prayer mostly in English. In addition to the United States outside the Orthodox Church in North America there are under the jurisdiction of the Constantinople Patriarchate and the Ukrainian Greek Orthodox Church is the Church. Japanese Orthodox Church missionaries in 1872 Nicholas Russian Orthodox Church established in Japan La Sartre gold. 1945 to 1970, is under the jurisdiction of American bishops Russia. In 1970, the Moscow Patriarchate church recognition of their autonomous status. Sinai is the smallest autonomous Orthodox Church diocese, in fact, have jurisdiction only to St. Catherine Monastery, the monks more than 20 people. The organization is now saved a large number of early Christian Greek scrolls, manuscripts (see the Greek Orthodox Church.) Finnish Orthodox Church Finnish Orthodox Church autonomous church. According to the provisions of canon law, the Archbishop of the Church of autonomy by the respective Patriarchate specified. Church affairs, in addition to relations with other churches, the church may own decision. Upon Orthodox Finns from Karelia and more. In 1919, the Moscow Patriarchate agreed that it had autonomous status; into 1923 as an autonomous church under the rule of Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople. ① Characteristics of the previous seven doctrines of public meetings to keep creed, does not recognize the Catholic Church after the previous public meeting held. In , through the Incarnation of Christ and the mystery of the joint and become part of God, immortal life. In Orthodox theology, there is little corruption involving the contents of primitive human nature, therefore not much emphasis on atonement. On grace and original sin of the Orthodox point of view and the Augustinian predestination different. Orthodox believe that everyone in Adam's sin committed a crime, we must rely on their own salvation, we must rely on God, first and foremost themselves must choose the good, God can help them. Good work, but the conditions do not have the effect of salvation, only by the grace of God can be born again and saved. Sacrament of Christ's redemptive role in the blood of children born, is to give all people, who are willing to accept the faith and baptism, can be saved. That those who are willing to worship God, can be rewarded; ③ special emphasis on the worship of the Virgin. Trinity on the place, the worship of the Virgin reflects the faith needs a reliable In the Orthodox Church in the name of Our Lady of dozens. The independent or autonomous Orthodox churches, many in the church named after Our Lady. [10] theology in general, Orthodox theology and the interpretation of the Scriptures are to follow the early rise of Christianity as passed down model. All their efforts are to continue and continue to pass on his first apostles of Christ, and the Apostles of the early church theology and beliefs. Innovation often brings theological question; if an opinion is really the first church teachings and different, then this view may be regarded as heresy. However, further detailed explanation of the traditional theology is acceptable. Western Church never insisted on prohibition of images to worship, while the Eastern Church eventually give up the image of worship. In fact, the two sides have set up boundaries for the image worship, and to make the rules. However, when the problem caused by friction with the government when the Church, the Church of the East-West relations have been seriously hurt. 726, Emperor Leo III issued an order against image worship, which the Bishop of Rome to denounce him, and led to the emperor retaliation, withdrawal of Roman rule in many parts of the right. Rome in the loss of valuable land at the same time, a spate of other things, affect the status of Rome, directed and thus redirect the Eastern Church, the King and Pope point out the tendency of the system. Emperor interference problems many religions. Liturgical and sacramental doctrine of faith, the Orthodox particular attention to salute the Virgin Mary gave birth goddess, pay attention to the significance of the Incarnation doctrine does not emphasize human sin, so do not put great emphasis on Emphasized the salvation of the Orthodox faithful in trusting God to save the same time, should be through their own good deeds as the external performance. On the side of Christ, the Orthodox Church adhered to and recognized only after the establishment of eight public meetings 7th century, the doctrine stated, emphasizing the Trinity. . |
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