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Reprinted from alumni of the user at 09:16 on July 12 2010 read (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: Architecture force bars: refers to the arrangement of the lower part of the beam or plate. bear the tension of that part of the starting bar and bend shear reinforcement. hanging bars and so on. how to distinguish between the force plate with the distribution of reinforcement bars? to board the bay, deep into the span of distinction: If you are single board, then the direction parallel to the short cross-bar of steel is affected by force, the direction parallel to the long-span steel reinforcement is erect. If it is bi-directional board, then the long span and short span direction of all steel reinforcement force. come to distinguish between bar diameter: large diameter steel bars for the force, for the distribution of small diameter steel bars; come to distinguish the layout: the positive moment reinforcement bars for the next layout tendon force in the vertical distribution of the reinforcement on the distribution of tendons, negative moment reinforcement (such as the cantilevered plate) In contrast,cheap timberland boots, the next for the distribution of reinforced bars, as in force on the steel bars. distribution of tendons: in plate, arranged in the upper part of the reinforced, and the reinforced vertical. Is fixed and the reinforced role of the position and spread the load board reinforced on the stress, but also can prevent concrete shrinkage and temperature changes and other reasons, in the direction perpendicular to the reinforced cracks. Are structural reinforcement. (To meet structural requirements, not easy to calculate and does not take into account various factors, the set is constructed of reinforced steel.) Layout map for the next force of reinforced bars in the top of the vertical distribution for the distribution of steel reinforcement hoops: to meet the Shear Strength and join the main tensile steel and concrete compression zone to work together, in addition to fix the location of the main reinforcement of various steel beams form the skeleton of reinforced steel. Is the shear beam and column configuration of the ring (of course there are circular and rectangular) bars, is shaped mouth, and reinforced the upper and lower fixed up,timberland boots sale, while resistance to shear. erect bars: upper bar is the beam, only play a structural role, no real meaning, but in the upper ends of the beam frame studs to resist the negative bending moment, can not missing. (Erect steel beams set on both sides of the outer edge of the compression zone, to fix the steel stirrups and the formation of the skeleton. Such as the compression zone with a vertical compression reinforcement, the configuration can not erect steel. Erect steel span of the beam diameter and about.) through reinforcement is run through the elements (such as the beam) the entire length of the bar, in the middle neither bent nor interrupted, when the bar is too long may overlap or welding,timberland boots, but does not change the diameter. erect through tendons and muscle What is the difference? layout of the bar, erect steel is the arrangement of the cross of 1 / 3. In other words, about the existence of cross-bearing steel beams. pass a long bar is a full layout, erect ribs literally is to know the role played erect,timberland kids, such as a beam is only anti-stretch fabric and shear stirrups, while the compression zone of concrete strength is sufficient, without reinforcement, and that when doing the steel skeleton, the upper beam no vertical bars, stirrups corner points can not be fixed, it is generally 14 or 16 with two bars located in the upper corners, which is erect ribs, from the calculation did not suffer any power, but in fact pressure. Used to locate the later can not,timberland boots uk, without calculation, the frame structure shall be calculated studs. Frame compression studs play a role, to a certain extent, improve the bearing capacity of beams. These are two overlapping concepts. through bar is run through the elements (such as the beam) the entire length of the bar, in the middle neither bent nor interrupted, when the bar is too long or when lap welding, but does not change the diameter. Reinforcement can be either through the reinforced, the reinforced frame can also be. erect structural reinforcement is required by the force of the non-reinforced, generally arranged in the beam compression zone and the smaller diameter. When the bearings at the upper part of the beam negative moment reinforcement, the frame strength muscle can be arranged only in the beam cross section, both ends of the overlap with the negative moment reinforcement or welding. Lap length of lap time we need to meet the requirements and should be banding. Stand there through force of muscle, such as the Specification and the upper part of both sides of the frame in the beam must be through the force of muscle, tendon force at this time frame may also take place in the bearing part of the negative moment. If you have a long pass down the beam reinforcement, usually in the beam (compression zone) and the smaller diameter is the frame strength muscle, is under the beam are the reinforced. negative reinforcement: that negative moment reinforcement, the bending moment is defined as the lower tension is positive, and the location of the upper slab steel in the bearing position is generally based on the upper part of the force in tension, but also is under negative moment, so called negative moment reinforcement. (Bearing a negative reinforcement, is a relative term, generally refers to the beam should be used to offset the negative moment bearing parts of the steel, commonly known as Tam Tam tendons. General structure of the sub-component force positive moment and negative moment moment to resist the negative moment is called negative reinforcement with the reinforcement, generally refers to the plate, the upper beam steel, steel structure of some of the upper configuration is also known as negative reinforcement habits. When the beam, the upper steel plate through long, everyone used to call it the upper bar, beam or board gluten is negative reinforcement) tie bar: can not simultaneously in two or more components reserved between the role played Rachel is the tie bar reinforcement. Is to strengthen the framework for the wall and the column filled with links to the reinforced to improve the seismic stability and ability to fill the wall. lumbar muscle, also known as Some beams are too high, you need to add the link is in the middle of the stirrup bars (longitudinal side structural steel beams in practice, also known as lumbar ribs) in the high beam 450mm, it should be located along the beam waist high on both sides of ribs, so the number will not be less than 2. Waist diameter of the smallest bar diameter of 10mm, spacing should not exceed 200mm, while an area of not less than 0.3 percent reinforcement ratio,mens timberland boots, the longitudinal sides of the beam structure of reinforced (lumbar ribs) but also between the configuration of Rachel reinforcement. 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