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-   -   佛山市第一人民医院感染科主任罗红涛滥用药品大肆敛财 (

rmjdwrmjdw12 08-06-2011 01:54 AM

作者:记者 朱瑞峰 来源:人民监督网

人民监督网讯(记者朱瑞峰):人民监督网接到举报,广东省佛山市第一人民医院感染科主任罗红涛以规范科室用 药为名强制执行其自行制定的全国独一无二的印刷医嘱,实施商业贿赂交易,大肆非法敛财,坑害患 者。


举报者告诉人民监督网记者,佛山市第一人民医院罗红涛进行商业贿赂病房交易门诊代理品种为(药商包给她一个 人的,其他医生用了也不给回扣的):参灵肝康胶囊,罗红涛坐专家门诊时开出的处方大概有1/4的病人在用, 每个月约1000盒×12=12000×10元=120000元(可到中药房查销量)。而罗红涛她口头上则 不断强调为了减少病人的负担,严令其他医生尽量不要用中成药。

佛山市第一人民医院感染科主任罗红涛每年中秋节和年终以科室聚餐或吃团圆饭、开年饭等名义分别向以下代理药 商或公司以及外资公司——葛兰素史克(药物:贺普丁、贺维力、复达欣针)、罗氏(药物:派罗欣针)、施贵宝 (抗病毒药物:博路定)、诺华(抗病毒药物:素比伏)等每家索贿约3000—10000元,总合计约150 000元,其中大部分落入其口袋”,举报者如是对人民监督网记者说。

佛山市第一人民医院感染科主任罗红涛每年以召开感染病学术年会和举办人工肝学习班的名义分别向葛兰素史克、 罗氏、施贵宝、诺华等公司每家索贿约3000—15000元,总合计约250000元,余款大部分落入其口 袋。据统计2006年9月仅葛兰素史克一家公司就赞助感染科主任罗红涛9万多元;2007年9月罗氏则独家 赞助感染科主任罗红涛15万多元。

佛山市第一人民医院感染科主任罗红涛每年以参加各种国际学术会议的名义被葛兰素史克、罗氏、施贵宝、诺华等 公司赞助出国旅游约3—4次,每次均有出国零花钱10000-20000元,约计60000元,还不算她的出国所需费用。

本图: 佛山市第一人民医院感染科主任罗红涛


凯时针(PGE1):每天用量(下同)36支×350天=12600支×12元(回扣,下同)=15120 0元。



苦参碱针 :120支×350=4200×2=84000元。


甘利欣针: 150支×350=52500×1.5=78750元。

肝苏冲剂 :20合350=7000×7=49000元。

当飞利肝宁胶囊: 10合×350=3500×7=24500元

佛山市第一人民医院感染科人工肝全国有名,是指例数在全国前三甲,每年约有1000余人次。其中耗材如:血 浆分离器、过虑器、管道等消耗惊人,每次的耗材费用约3000—4000元之间,根据行规耗材的回扣约15 ﹪, 感染科主任罗红涛每年可得约500000元。具体拿到钱后她跟佛山市第一人民医院院长和医院设备科长怎么分 就不得而知了。

由于感染科的人工肝做得实在是太滥太狼,收益令人眼红,故有其他科室的主任开玩笑说感染科的人工肝机一开, 白花花的银子就像自来水一样的流出来啦,人工肝机还好过印钞机,甚至比印钞机还来钱快啊,为医院、科室和罗 红涛主任不断的印钞票啊!

根据以上粗略合计佛山市第一人民医院感染科主任罗红涛每年见不得光的黑钱最少100万元以上,佛山市第一人 民医院感染科主任罗红涛从2005年6月起强制推行以上政策以来估计不法收入达300—400万元。资金去 向——买房,据调查资料大部分买基金了。


从2005年6月起以规范科室用药为名强制推行其自行制定的全国独有的印刷医嘱(也算是她罗红涛的一大发明 ),或口头协定医嘱(如重症病毒性肝炎),其他医生一律不准随便加减(印刷医嘱有归档的病历资 料为证)。

关于口头协定医嘱,罗红涛规定重症病毒性肝炎必须用的药针剂是凯时、甘利欣、古拉定、复达欣等,口服必用肝 苏冲剂。医生如有不执行的,轻则罗红涛亲自改过来,重则查房时破口大骂强令下面医生必须改过来。即使病人病 情有变化时,下面医生也不敢轻意更改其医嘱,这使下面医生无所适从,颜面尽失。就连护士都笑称感染科医生连 普通实习医生也不如,只有写病历史的份,没有开医嘱的权利;执行几个月后病房新收病人,护士都不用问医生用 什么药,直接按印刷医嘱加针剂抓口服药,然后才叫医生补签个名了事。

由于罗红涛的跋扈专横,贪得无厌,和反复无常的性格,致使科内医生无所适从,怨声载道,敢怒而不敢言,导致 近年来科室流失骨干医生三人,科室严重缺员,医生疲于奔命。

佛山市第一人民医院感染科医生接受人民监督网记者采访时说:“罗红涛之所以胆敢如此胆大妄为,独断专行,全 院闻名(因独创全国独一无二的印刷医嘱),冒天下之大不讳,她是有后台老板的,他就是原佛山市第一人民医院 院长、市政协副主席、前全国人大代表谭家驹。”

罗红涛是谭家驹亲自提拔的,缘起罗红涛搞人工肝需购买约500万元的进口设备,原科主任不配合,挡住了谭家 驹发财路,即免掉,委任罗红涛为主任。他们两个心照不宣各取所需,一个袋袋平安,一个抓住了你的把柄,嘿嘿 !上任后我罗红涛搞钱出了事,你老谭要给我挡住,罗红涛也暗自发笑。熟不知引进人工肝后,罗红涛为名利所驱 使,多做滥做,不断扩大人工肝的适应症,该做也做,不该做也做。感染科医生幽默的对人民监督网 记者说。

据其科内医生反映,其每年1000多例人工肝至少有一半以上是没有人工肝适应症而滥做的。这回病人就惨咯! 幸运的就倾家荡产,医死的就人财两空,二者均一定是债台高筑。最终的结果是病人因病致贫因病返贫!最冤的是 那些没有必要做而滥做的那部分(没有人工肝适应症,不做也可以通过用药物医好的)病人,不但耗费了巨额的金 钱搞得倾家荡产、债台高筑,而且无端端被输进了大量的比别人多的血浆(输血的风险以及其后遗症众所周知), 真可谓后患无穷的灾难啊!

罗红涛所开展的人工肝疗法对悲惨的病人所犯下的罪恶真乃罄竹难书!所以说佛山市的人工肝例数在全国前列,可 以不断的举办人工肝学习班,是在可怜的病人的血迹斑斑的金钱和一堆堆白骨上建立的!

举个很明显例子就足以说明罗红涛滥做人工肝的程度:中山市大学第三附属医院感染科肝炎病人和重症肝炎病人的 病人数是佛山市第一人民医院感染科的3倍以上,还有大量的肝移植病人需要过渡要做人工肝来维持生命,但他们 一年下来人工肝例数也不会超过800例(这里边除了中山市大学第三附属医院血浆来源较困难的客观因素以外, 主要是因为他们是严格按照人工肝适应症来操作的),这组数字的对比就足以说明罗红涛是多么的唯利是图、贪得 无厌!这同时也反映了医院领导层的眼睛也跟着掉进钱眼里了,彻底违背了为人民服务,千方百计为病人解除病痛 的建院宗旨,科室的经济业务是否增长成了考核科主任的唯一指标,可悲啊!也就是因为有了这祸害了无数病人的 人工肝(每年产值1000余万元),使罗红涛统治下的暗无天日的感染科被评为佛山市特色专科。

这回可是要有更多的病人遭其毒手啦!呜乎,哀哉!有谁来揭开这一层层医疗黑幕,还佛山市第一人民医院及其下 属的感染科一片晴天,驱逐歪风邪气,造福一方病人,感染科医生气愤的对人民监督网记者说。

当然要想进入其印刷医嘱或协定医嘱不付出一定的代价是不可能的,为此各厂家,公司和药商之间各显神通,削尖 脑袋往里钻地行贿,唯恐其不收也(毕竟进入了,就保证了用量,完成了销售指标,也就能拿到奖金,也就有源源 不断的钱赚),至于具体该送多少、怎么送、还是利润分成也就只有天知地知,药商知她知咯!

据其科内医生向人民监督网记者透露,为了掩人耳目,安抚大家,罗红涛每年的春节前都会象征性的发给下面的医 生每人2000—2500元过年,当然不是她亲自操作,而是由其助理龙某负责代为操办,也不说是什么钱(科 室究竟有无存在小金库就不得而知)。不过大家都心知肚明,也拿得心安理得,只不过是罗红涛为了内心稍微好过 点,从她手指缝中漏出来的一点点掩口费罢了,对她来说,九牛一毛!想借此笼络人心,难啊!


美国雅培公司医药代表告诉记者,2006年初雅培公司(药物:思美泰(腺苷蛋氨酸)针,一种公认的疗效肯定 的的护肝退黄独家品牌药物)在赞助罗红涛出国开会旅游回来后,其代表和地区经理过来科室找到罗红涛,要求其 关照上上量,罗红涛提出先赞助人民币6万再商量考虑。

这一下就把美国雅培公司医药代表都吓呆了,从来就没有听过有人胃口那么大的,加上思美泰在佛山市第一人民医 院的用量一直都不太好,而且它的临床费用很低,没有药品回扣的,一支75元的针剂,临床费用才只有4元,( 毕竟它是美国正规大药厂出品的好药,而且是国际市场的上独家品种)那要用多少量才能赚回6万啊,公司和她们 个人也不可能贴钱做啊。而赞助罗红涛出国的费用也要算到她们的公关费里头的,她们回公司汇报给上级经理后决 定放弃感染科(也可能与雅培是美国的正规大公司,而美国公司对反商业贿赂法较敏感有关吧),回复拿不出这笔 钱,出不了数。

罗红涛很生气没面子,数天后即在交班会后召集科室所有医生宣布说该药太贵,疗效一般,命令予停用,并强调以 后最好都不要用。

美国雅培公司医药代表对罗红涛的翻脸不认人的绝情做法很愤慨,毕竟是刚刚花了一大美金请你出国啊!哪有这样 做人的道理啊!这事件也就在医药代表间传开了。罗红涛的贪得无厌,心狠手辣的本来面目也就彻底的暴露出来了 ,令人心寒啊!至于07年后该品种在药物招标时没中标究竟跟罗红涛有没有关系就不得而知了。从这一实例暴露 出罗红涛的胆有多大,心有多贪,人有多疯狂!知情人如是对人民监督网记者说。


据其科内爆料,罗红涛的大部分在所谓核心期刊发表的论文都是在其随意篡改实验数据的基础上拼凑而成的,通过 付出巨款贿赂其认识的或熟悉的同行教授编辑和交版面费而发表,或交由以上四家大的外资公司由他们可以掌控的 核心期刊来发表,当然费用由大公司出。

不过这也是行内公开的秘密,不足为奇。业内学术腐败和学术造假的潜规则由来如此。就是她的最有份量所谓获得 佛山市科技进步一等奖的二个有关人工肝的科研成果,也是如此。由科室一个硕士研究生毕业的医生专职亲自操刀 运作,根据科研课题需要的能有明显疗效的结果随意篡改实验数据和化验结果而在电脑键盘上敲打杜撰出来的,再 加署上谭家驹的大名就大功告成了。

下一步是在有评审资格的专家库里精心挑选数个自己熟悉的和巴结得上的估计不会刁难自己的同行专家教授,邀请 其过来参加评审,包往返机票,精心接待,并根据具体各评审专家在业内的地位,对自己科研课题的吹棒奉承的效 果和通过其课题所起关键作用的重要性,除了医院科教科正常支付的评审费外,额外还分别奉上3000—150 00元的好处费。这样,二个所谓国内领先,国际先进的科研成果也就横空出世啦!不过这大概也是国内学术界的 行规和潜规则吧。

佛山市第一人民医院感染科主任罗红涛接受人民监督网记者采访时说:“举报者是因违纪被开除后的医生,三年前 他写信给纪检监察部门举报过我,你们现在采访的内容与三年前写给纪检监察部门举报信内容一样。你们人民监督 网可不能被这些人利用,刊登不实的报道我要追究你们的法律责任。”

记者不得不佩服罗红涛主任的神通广大,三年前举报人写举报信给纪检监察部门,罗红涛主任不但没有被纪检监察 部门查处,举报信反而落到毫发未损的罗红涛主任手中,举报人落下被开除的悲哀下场。

08-06-2011 02:28 AM

Chinese top-level domain top level domain that is China. Cn,Chi dazzle flat iron,. Cn domain names by the State Ministry of Industry and Information Technology Management,. Cn domain name registration authority for the China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC). As of the end of June 2008,
CN domain name registration advantage of China's national top level domain. CN Development Events. , identified a significant role, reflecting its values and positioning. CN domain name is the concept of the Internet in China. After China joins the WTO, the increasingly frequent international exchanges. CN domain name can have a better internationalization of Chinese enterprises, but also enable better integration of foreign enterprises in China. Chinese enterprises have a CN domain name, you can better attract global interest in Chinese culture and Chinese business users. Many foreign investors seeking partners in China, the custom search. CN under the site. CN domain names with international companies, you can tell the Chinese users, this is a market for China to realize the localization of the service site. 2, the applicable laws of China, fully protect the interests of users. According to international practice, the domain name disputes, domain name registration authority normally applicable law of the location. According to the mandate of the Ministry of Information Industry, CN domain name registry is a China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC). CN domain name disputes related to, our bodies will be under our law. Domain name registered abroad to avoid facing the international litigation risk. If registered by foreign agencies responsible for managing the foreign domain, may face domain name disputes from around the world, or even legal proceedings. The last two years, China has received a number of sites from abroad court indictment. Lack of understanding of foreign legal systems,chi pink dazzle limited edition, are unwilling to pay the huge costs of international litigation, in addition to language barriers on the exchange, a number of websites operated for many years was forced to abandon the hard domain, resulting in unnecessary losses, and even the loss of the user. 3, the entire Chinese services, safeguard the consumers right to know. For the CN domain names, from the Registry policies and regulations, and registration services to the user signed up for agreement, then the future up for service notifications sent to users, are all Chinese service, the user can clearly know rights and obligations. The domain name registration abroad, although some domestic agents can be completed, but is closely related to the interests of users of various documents, including agreements to comply with the registration, policy, renew notice, dispute settlement, etc are all in English, words more, such as domain name registration agreement in English to foreign countries for up to 10 pages, many users did not read to accept the premise that the future use for the user to leave a lot of hidden dangers. For example, some domestic websites as read, or did not receive dunning letters from abroad led to delays in renewals domain name be deleted. 4, CN domain is rich in resources, can achieve satisfactory domain name. CN domain names are more short than abroad, and the CN domain name resources. To the foreign domain. COM, for example, short basic domain resources have been exhausted, has been difficult to find a good fit with their image of the logo. The end of 2005, CN domain is only 109 million domain names registered, you can develop and use more space, the user can select the most satisfactory to their own domain name. 5, registration is simple and fast. Under the new registration method, the user CN domain name application for registration, just fill out the online registration through the Internet can be. During the transition period domain opened within 5 working days to run. Of course, if the government domain name application for registration, have to submit a written formal materials. 6, CN domain name, using the more secure. In most cases, CN domain name's name servers primarily through domestic resolution, users access the CN domain name is more stable and quick. If the international channel of China's Internet problems, such as occurred in 2001 Sino-US undersea cable interruption, you can avoid the impact or reduce the impact. Meanwhile, the CNNIC is responsible for CN domain name resolution, respectively, in the five regions of the country set up a secondary DNS server, greatly improving the stability of the CN domain name. 7,chi pink dazzle hair straightener, from the perspective of national security is very important to consider. Once the special events occurring in the future, the foreign domain name for our company no longer provides domain name resolution services, all of the registered foreign enterprises and individuals will not resolve domain names can not be accessed. The CN domain name you can take certain measures to ensure the country can still get around. Chinese top-level domain. CN Development Events in October 1990 on behalf of China Qian Tian taught formally in the Internet domain name registration distribution management center of China's top-level domain
Qian Tian taught
name. CN, and the establishment of CN domain name server of the first, since the Chinese have their own online identity, China's network has its own identity. At that time, China has not yet achieved full functionality with the Internet connection, China CN top-level domain server is temporarily built in the German Karlsruhe (KARLSRUHE) University. April 1993 Establishment of the domain name system as soon as possible, Chinese Academy of Sciences Computer Network Information Center, part of the network of experts convened in Beijing to investigate the national domain name system, and preliminary discussion of the domain name system is proposed. May 21, 1994 and Qian Tian taught at the University of Karlsruhe with the assistance of the Computer Network Information Center of Chinese Academy of Sciences of the Chinese top-level domain. CN server settings and change the Chinese. CN top-level domain name server has been put history abroad, by Qian Tian, QIAN Hua serving as liaison officer of CN domain name management and technical liaison. Chinese Academy of Sciences Computer Network Information Center began to provide Internet users in China in the CN domain names registered under the service and set up on the Internet through the WWW servers, Gopher servers, FTP servers. Whois server, News server, Mail server and other network servers, Internet users in China to provide directory database services, and information services. CN domain name server into China, according to national experts to discuss the program, initially established under the CN domain name system in China. CN top-level domain established under the second of two letters of the second type of administrative domain name and domain name, the user only allows registered three domain names. January 14, 1997, the former State Council Information Leading Group Office issued a set up the China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC) members of the Group, the appointment of Hu applied to any CNNIC fellow team leader, deputy leader of the white money days. Group's primary responsibility is: The proposed plan of setting up China Internet Domain Names; study proposed that the Internet domain name registration management; study proposes to apply the China Internet Network address management methods; make China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC) the implementation of the program proposal; China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC) assessment of the operation and management. May 30, 1997 the former State Council Informatization Leading Group Office issued At the same time, announced the establishment of working committees CNNIC, and formally authorized the establishment and management of Chinese Academy of Sciences China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC), the exercise of national Internet information center functions. improve and standardize the development track, is the Internet Development in China a major event. According to Select the secondary domain name registration. June 3, 1997 are subject to the State Council Informatization Leading Group Office of the commission, Chinese Academy of Sciences Chinese Academy of Sciences Computer Network Information Center was officially set up a China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC), the exercise of state Internet Network Information Center responsibilities. January 13, 2000 CNNIC Working Committee meeting to hear the work of 1999, CNNIC report, the proposed amendments to the Ministry of Information Industry, Subsequently, CNNIC launched a revision of research. July 6, 2000 Working Committee CNNIC CNNIC in principle the proposed domain name management approach proposed amendments submitted to the Ministry of Information Industry, a series of important proposals for reform of international standards. March 14, 2002 Ministry of Information Industry, Ministry of Finance held its 9th meeting to consider adoption of the new August 1, 2002 Ministry of Information Industry Minister Wu signed the Decree No. 24, issued September 30, 2002 November 22, 2002 issued by the Ministry of Information Industry of China Internet Domain Name System on the announcement,CHI Pink Dazzle Flat Iron, the Internet top level domain for China, CN, specific forms of Chinese domain names and structure of the detailed provisions. December 16, 2002 China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC) as a domain name registry domain name registration is no longer accepting applications for the user, the service is changed by the domain name registration service organizations. This is the domain name registration service system of a major change. March 17, 2003 CN secondary domain name was officially opened. Future top level domain users can directly register a domain name CN. This is an important management reform of the content domain is a major change of domain name system. December 20, 2004 December 21, 2004,chi iron, the state top-level domain. CN Shanghai node server signing ceremony held in Shanghai, which was the re-deployment of a national top-level domain name service system, the first step, but also the system of domain name resolution services to a strategic adjustment. December 23, 2004 CN IPv6 address of the server successfully logs into the global domain name root servers to support IPv6 network user's CN domain name resolution. February 4, 2005 China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC) released The release of the rule, will regulate the rapidly growing domain of domestic transactions, in order to promote the optimal allocation of Domain Name to provide strong protection. July 31, 2005, CN domain name registration reached 722,944, becoming the largest Asian countries registered top-level domain. December 2005, the Ministry of Information Industry and deployment of unified leadership, the China Internet Network Information Center of the four top-level node CN domain upgrade deployment, national top-level domain name resolution services has exposed the strategic adjustment of the system prototype. CN domain name resolution faster, more secure safety, improve the infrastructure of our network performance. December 31, 2005, CN domain name registrations for the first time exceeded one million, reaching 109, the world's sixth largest country top level domain. . has approved the entry into force, and automatically Now. According to reports Tencent microblogging users, Internet Society, held this afternoon, the Council upload a message to apply to join the Internet Society of China Internet Association. Internet Conference will be 17 this year opened an exclusive Tencent microblogging microblogging as an official co-operation. Artesyn Technologies has reported group organized micro-site micro-Bo Bo reported event. User eleven said: CN domain names in case. Why register. CN domain name? CN domain name registration has the following advantages: the identity of a significant role, reflecting its value and positioning; CN domain is rich in resources, can be satisfied with the domain name; applicable laws, fully protect the interests of users; all Chinese services, safeguard user right to know; registration procedures Simple, fast; CN domain name, using the more secure; is conducive to safeguarding national Internet information security. What can register a domain name? In. CN domain names registered directly. Secondary domain name registration advantages are: short and easier to remember and to highlight a reflection of Chinese concepts. Third-level domain can be divided into two categories: category name and the administrative divisions of the domain name. Type domain name is classified according to the nature of the applicant out of the domain name, specifically including: AC COM engineering research institutes,cheap chi flat iron, commercial, financial institutions and other enterprises EDU GOV government departments NET Internet, access network information center (NIC) and the Operations Center ( NOC) ORG MIL various non-profit organization of military units you can choose according to the nature of your organization to use for your unit of third-level domain. Domain name is in accordance with the administrative division of China made by the various administrative divisions, the division of the former State Bureau of Technical Supervision issued in accordance with standards of national standards may be, including . What are the limits to register domain names? Your domain name registration and use, shall not contain the following: (a) against the Constitution established the basic principles; (b) jeopardize national security, leaking state secrets, subverts the government, undermining national unity; (c) harm national honor and interests; (d) incitement to ethnic hatred, ethnic discrimination, undermining national unity; (e) disrupting national policies on religion, propagating evil cults and feudal superstition; (vi) spreading rumors, disturbs social order or undermines social stability; ( g) spreading obscenity, ########ography, gambling, violence, murder, terrorism or abetting a crime; (h) insult or slander others, infringe upon the legitimate rights and interests; (i) contains the laws and administrative regulations prohibit the other content. Where to register a domain name? Authorized by CNNIC CN CN domain name registration services is responsible for domain name registration. You may contact the nearest registration services related to registration. How to register. CN domain name? Up. CN domain names follow the Sign up for services with the online (or written) domain name registration agreement. The applicant shall ensure that the domain name registration agreements: compliance with laws and regulations of the Internet; compliance with dispute settlement and related regulations, and the revised version; domain name registration information submitted is true, accurate and complete. Submitted to the registrar domain name registration application and submit a written application materials. Application. Gov domain name must be the unit of government agencies, organizations and agencies code card contains the type of institutions EDU in the secondary domain name under the three rules of application for registration by the China Education and Research Network Center for separately. What kind of domain name registration good? We recommend that you can use your domain name the following information: Company name in abbreviation; registered trademark of the company's products; business advertising language; simple and interesting names, such as: hello, howareyou, yes, 168, and so on. If I wish to apply for the domain name is registered, how can I do? If you apply for the domain name has been registered by others, you can take the following measures: 1) the domain name has been registered on the plus dispute settlement procedures to resolve. How to do domain name disputes arise? Any organization or individual that registered the domain name to others with the legitimate interests of organizations or individuals in conflict, can make a complaint to the dispute settlement body. You may CNNIC accredited domain name dispute resolution institutions to contact controversial issues, the current dispute settlement body has two: China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission Domain Name Dispute Resolution Centre and the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre. Domain name registration is completed, pay attention to what? Time renewals; domain name holders need to pay the domain name registration services operation and management costs; domain name year maturity date of filing. Domain after the expiration of 45 days to automatic renewals. If the domain name holder in writing within the said period said they did not renew, domain name registration services have the right to cancel the domain name; if the domain name holder is not written in the said period said they did not renew, nor renewals, domain name registration services the right to cancel the date of expiry of the domain name. If the registration information changes, notify the domain name registration services to be changed; attention to save up for service providers to change the information for your password and registration services for the transfer of the password. How to use your own domain name? Establishment of one of their own email system, so that each employee of the unit can use their own company domain name address send and receive mail; the establishment of a unit's home page; your ad on their home page address marked; in your company business card Print your home address. Atlas Atlas entry for more extended reading: 1
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