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学英语就是要抓住要点方能事半功倍 首先,我要说的是,我们用于学习英语的时间有限,所以学习要有目的性。 如果你是中学生,把学英语的近期目标定位在高考上,那么对于课本教材的掌握就要多花些时间。如果你是大 学在读或者快毕业的学生,有心要考四、六级、托福、GRE,那么对于大量的单词的掌握就是首要的条件。把自 己有限的时间花在刀刃上才能取得最大的效益。 英语,作为一种语言,学习的方法和另一种语言——汉语,有很多的共同之处。也许对于英语,我们可能一辈 子也学不到像汉语那样熟练的程度,但是,很多我们学习汉语的方法是很值得借鉴的。很多语言虽然千差百异,但 都是一些共同的元素,比如,语言的基本组成单位(字、词或者单词)、约束语言的规则(语法),和一些历史上 形成的特例(俗语、俚语、诗词等)。 掌握了这些元素,也就基本上掌握了一种语言的用法。想想我们小时候学习汉语的时候,我们最早学会的是一 些最基本的词,比如苹果、猫、狗等我们不会说话的时候就经常见的东西。随着词的积累,到了幼儿园的时候,父 母和老师就开始教一些语法规则。学会了必要的词汇和基本的语法规则,这时候我们已经可以进行简单的汉语的对 话了。到了小学,我们更系统地学习语法,再加上日常生活的运用,我们对日常的汉语已经很精通了 。 我们学习英语,由于我们起步晚而且锻炼的机会比较少,到大学毕业时,我们对英语的掌握如果能达到我们汉 语的小学毕业水平已经是很不错的了。通过我们对自己学习汉语的分析,我们可以发现有几点值得我们的注意:首 先是对词的积累。有道是“巧妇难为无米之炊”。如果你不知道一种东西用英语怎么说,你是很难让别人明白你的 意思。我们中学课本和大学课本里的单词虽然不少,但是总的来说是不够的,就像我们语文课本的词只是我们日常 生活中使用的词汇的一小部分。举个例子说,英语课本里有“衣服”这个词clothes,但是细节上就省略了 ,比如羊毛衫(knitted sweater)、西装(suit)、礼服(full dress)、运动衫(jersey)都是用不同的单词来表示的。在课本中我们只能学得到“衣服”怎么说, 具体的各种衣服的单词需要我们从课外阅读中获得。 我的经验是多翻翻英汉词典,不光用到不明白的单词是翻,有时间的话能背背词典也是很有帮助。如果觉得这 种方法比较枯燥无味,那么可以选一些英文的小说或者科普读物来看。比如很多英文的文学名著国内都能买到。最 好是近几十年的小说,比较能反映现代英语的发展,如《教父》(Godfather)之类的。看这些小说的时 候,应该注意情节是次要的,主要是记下不懂的单词和不明白的句子。如果要能上网的话,可以浏览一下一些美国 报纸的网站,比如纽约时报、华盛顿邮报、华尔街时报。这些网站里面的英语就是现在美国人在日常生活中使用的 英语。除了单词,再就是语法。对于我们来说,中学,只要学英语课本里的语法已经是足够用的了,关键是真正熟 练掌握。我们用英语造句的时候,经常会想是不是词序、时态搞错了。 但我们用汉语的时候就根本不会有这种情况,好像不经过脑子话就从嘴里出来了,而且不出错。这里的区别就 在于我们对于汉语实在是太熟悉了,经过了无数个条件反射的训练,想出错都已经是很难了。学英语语法也是这样 ,http://matget.com/pg/blog/boden4455/...rs-see-me_2271,需要高强度的训练。只要你还在英语语法上出错,那就说明这种训练还不够多,一定要形成条件反射这种程度才 算出师。这种训练靠读课本读小说是不够的,一定要多说、多写才行。也就是得强迫自己多用英语造句,不能只看 别人是怎么写的。根据我自己的经验,很多时候把应以背得很熟了,读小说的时候也注意语法了,但是收效仍甚微 ,jean diesel,http://matget.com/pg/blog/boden4240/...financing_1512。只有多说、多写才能真正提高英语的表达能力。 掌握了单词和语法,我们就已经算是学会了基本的英语。当然,如果要想像掌握汉语一样熟练掌 握英语,http://www.home.zj.com/space.php?uid...blog&id=305863,那就得靠终生的努力了。这涉及很多细节,比如一些约定俗称的俗语、俚语,还有对语感、语言美感的掌握。如 果生活在讲英语的环境中,我们可以对这些慢慢领悟。总的来说,我们应该具有一定的语言知识和语言能力。我常 听人说“我的英语听力不好”,“我的阅读能力上不去”或者“我的写作能力提不高”等等。诚然,影响能力发展 的因素是多方面的,但是我们首先得问一下自己“我的词汇量有多大?”“我的语法知识的系统性如 何?” 我的个人经验是:近期内迅速提高英语水平的切入点就是突击好单词和语法,在此基础上在进行提高能力的强 化训练,这样做就定会取得事半功倍的效果。以上是我回顾个人学习英语的经历的一点所感所想,如果能对你有所 帮助,那是我最大的荣幸,或者提醒你对自己学习英语的目的、方法做些思考,起到些许抛砖引玉的作用,我也将 感到极大的快乐了。 本篇作文版权归英语作文吧所有。转载时必须以链接形式注明出处及本声明。 |
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Reprinted from 381928894 at 14:36 on December 3,mbt uk, 2010 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: Personal Diary accidentally deleted data recovery accidentally, delete the wrong,mbt shoes clearance, and also empty the Recycle Bin, the supposed ah? as long as three steps, you can delete and empty the Recycle Bin back your stuff steps: 1, click the Enter regedit (open registry) 2, expand: HEKEY--LOCAL--MACHIME/SOFTWARE/microsoft/WINDOWS / CURRENTVERSION / EXPLORER / DESKTOP / NAMESPACE outside the left margin click on , select: Recycle Bin . to redo the computer system, learn their own, can spend less money, ha ha [map] one, ready to work: how to reinstall the computer system First, start the computer while holding down the DELETE key to enter BIOS, select Advanced BIOS Features option,mbt anti shoe, and press the Enter key to enter setup. Select First Boot Device option, then press the keyboard Page Up or Page Down key to set the CD-ROM, so you can start the system to the disc. Second, the return to the main menu, save the BIOS settings. (Preservation method is to press F10, then press Y button) 1. Prepared to simplified Chinese version of Windows XP Professional installation CD, and check the drive is supported from the start. 2. possible, before running the installer with all the hard disk to scan the hard disk error checking and repair, or install the program is running, such as checking that there is an error that will be hard very troublesome. 3. file with the paper records the product key to install (installation serial number). 4. possible, with the driver backup tool (such as: Driver Genius 2004 V1.9 Beta.exe) all under the original Windows XP driver backup to disk ( such as: F: Drive). Best to note the motherboard, network card, video card type and other major hardware manufacturers, pre-download the driver for use. 5. If you want to format the C drive during the installation or the D drive (recommended format the C drive during installation), back up the C drive or D drive useful data. Second, start the system with a CD-ROM: (if you already know the way, go to the next step), reboot the system and the CD-ROM set First boot disk, save the settings and reboot. The XP installation CD into the drive, restart the computer. Just started, as shown when there is press the Enter key when the fast, otherwise the system can not boot XP CD. If you do not know the specific practices, please refer to the same with this -> how to get into pure DOS system: CD-ROM from the start, if no accident to see the installation screen will appear as shown in Figure 1 ; View Original prompted all Chinese, View original license agreement, there is no choice, according to partition, format the C drive if you have select the C partition, select a good partition and press format, which convert the file system format, or save an existing file system, a variety of choice,mbt chapa, but note that the NTFS format to save disk space, improve security and reduce disk fragmentation but there are many problems and MacOS 98/Me can not see the NTFS partition, here, choose Figure formatted C drive warning, press F key will be ready to format the c drive, there is shown in Figure 6 under the original view the space as C is greater than the selected partition 2048M ( or 2G), FAT file system does not support more than 2048M of the disk partition, so the installer will use the FAT32 file system format to format C drive,mbt trainers, press the br> View original image in Figure 7 is formatted C partition; only start with the CD or install XP Setup boot floppy disks to provide during the installation process format the partition option; If you use MS-DOS boot disk into DOS, run i386 winnt to install XP, install the XP partition without formatting options. Format C partition is completed, there was under the filter shown in Figure 8 ad View Original Figure 8 to start copying files, copy the file after the installation process initializes Windows configuration. and then the system will automatically restart in 15 seconds. restarts, there is shown in Figure 9 under View Original 9 View Original than 5 minutes later, when the prompt appears when needed 33 minutes following figure 10 View Original choose regional and language settings The default value can be a direct point of the , click point Please remember this password, Administrator System Administrator has the highest authority in the system, usually landing system does not require the account. Then click set do not say the election GMT, click br> View original allows you to choose the means used by the network installation, select a typical set point View Original continue the installation, here after do not you participate in, the installation program will automatically complete the whole process. automatically restart after the installation is complete, the splash screen appears, as Figure 19 View original first start takes a long time, please be patient,mbt shoes, followed by the welcome screen, set the system prompt, as shown 20 View Original click the bottom right corner View Original here to create a broadband dial-up connection, not dial-up connection on the desktop shortcut, and dial-up connection the default name Connection Wizard after the establishment of broadband through dial-up connection, the dial-up connection on the desktop shortcut, and the default dial-up connection named Skip 22 shows View Original Telecom or China Unicom are currently using (ADSL) Residential users have accounts and passwords, so I chose step dial-up connection the name of the shortcut menu, and if left blank the system will automatically create a file called > dial-up connection has been established, Microsoft certainly want you to activate XP you, but even if there does not activate the 30-day trial period, why the hurry? choose button, as shown in Figure 25 View Original you normally enter a user name to login the computer, click the Next button appears as shown below 26 View Original Click Finish to complete the installation. the system will log off and log a new user. landing desktop as below 27 View Original six, and find common icons On the desktop, point to Start -> Connect to -> broadband connection, as Figure 32 View original left point to the desktop space, you can see the desktop more than a property the bottom left of the graph click on the |
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