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07-31-2011 10:46 AM

Pandora Charms How to create a great prezi by Adam
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How to produce an excellent prezi - Wherever prezi excels - Produce making use of frames - Check your overview - Use a Route - Nonlinear discussions
Josh Hudson:
Very excellent, your appropriate, my fist prezi was only a PP presentation with fancy animations, with all the assist of this as well as a scaling guide the same information it much a lot more intriguing. Nonetheless not really as flowing as yours, even so its only a quick one particular created to get a 3minute speech.
Moira Erwine:
DID anybody who took time to comment bother to notice the spelling mistake?
INTERACTIVE not iteractive
florine lazard:
yes, it bothered me. many thanks for noticing also; even they can't manage this thing.
Stefan Unger:
isn't that meant like a mixture between interarctive and iterative? ;)
Matthew Abendroth:
That is not a spelling error, that is a vocabulary shortfall on your end. Did you bother to notice the Wiki entry right in the prezi? Ever heard everyone say something like "allow me to reiterate," after which they basically repeat themselves? Prezis are not interactive, they are iterative.
Moira Erwine:
Thanks to the clarification.
Michael Armiger:
Iterative; if you were reading, it mentioned that this word is about repeating a process, for emphasis really. Get it?
Adam Somlai-Fischer:

3alyOosha=) Mohammed:
I agreeeeee . genuinely it is a nice one particular =) creative =)
Derek Schiefer:
Alex Crawford:
kemba walker:
i need to know the best way to do this?
Derek Schiefer:
wat do u need
Riley Mickelson:
ask a computer freak how you can do it if you don't know how
blake presley:
i love preziiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii its the best ive never had soooooooooo much fun in class in my freaking life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!! yeahhhhhhhhhhhhh
Latrina Gipson:
this is my first time making use of prezi nd its freaking boriiiiiing..i guess i'll get the hang off it !
Reegan F:
This is the best in my life to!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reegan F:
Me toooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Abby S:
Me TOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
kemba walker:
how u do it
Reegan F:
It is hard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Patrick Rice:
amazing but easy
Sophie McCann:
Thanks. Love Prezi. Fast question: In your presentation, you were able to add text in an image. Whenever I've tried it, when it zooms on the picture to get to the text, the image disappears and I only have a white background. How can I make the picture stay in the background? Thank you.
Jacob Ellis:
I have that same problem yes how did u do it
Dekaylen Groman:
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!one
Reegan F:
cool !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Abby S:
Alex Crawford:
Adam Somlai-Fischer:
Thanks Sophie. images disappear if they get too big, too pixelated. try utilizing larger images if you want to zoom into them and write on them!
Reegan F:
who is Sophie
Travis loggins Santiago:
Mr. Somlai- Fischer I truly like prezi even so I am trying to produce a fantastic presentation but Im stuck. Can anyone give me some pointers or assist me?
Adam Somlai-Fischer:
dear Travis, numerous thanks!
please have a look at
also, there are a lot of professional services like
blake robertson:
thanks i mite try this ckeck it out go on prezi search and type in battle of kettle creek
Mila Jacobson:
this is absolutly amazing and wonderful
Trish Petrie:
Wonderful demonstration! I'm working on my first Prezi, and you're correct - currently it is only a fancier, but boring, slideshow :) More work needed!
Toby Treacher:
Prezzi requires some careful planning, why not approach it like a script writer?
Pratima Lata:
I totally agree with you that planning and preparation is a must for such requirements.
Nina Ioannidou:
Hey Adam,
Truly nice presentation!Do you know if there is the option of adding some sound? Im new at prezi...:)
Adam Somlai-Fischer:
not directly. a workaround is put the sounds into a video file
Ben Sanford:
Ben Sanford:
thats cute:D
Melanie Ingram:
caleb clark:
thanks :) love yah as well
Jonny Appleseed:
Deryl Stepaniuk:
(Spider) Elephant Bug:
Love ur prezi!!! :D
Dino Might:
I like it, but i'm producing my first prezi and it is tedious...
Brad Nelson:
I was starting to find that also, then I discovered the utility of hidden frames - that, and copying "slides" for reproduction of similar "slides" (employing the shift-drag to select a few items collectively and and Ctrl-D to copy makes it a great deal less tedious - for me)
Juls M:
In my opinion, the hypermedia spaces in the Net are excellent for human relationship as soon as it allows people to communicate in the most similar way as possible as they do in physical spaces.
Juls M:
Excellent thing Prezi allowing to bring to the eyes of the others, words and geometry, but in physical space, people also use the ear to nurture the brain of the others,Tiffany Charm Bracelets, for that reason, Demostenes manufactured so a lot of efforts to improve speech; the cinema one day ceased to be silent, etc.
Tiff Tong:
I think that it is wonderful...but I'm not sure cos something wouldn't work so yeh....but I'm convinced that it'll be great!
Gergő Orendi:
It would be excellent, if a video, that I've started in the beginning of the prezi, don't stop, when I move forward in the path of the prezi.
Lior Paz:
Hey Gergo You can do that by clicking on the Play button in the video to start it instead of utilizing the focus to start it.
Madi Flake:
Looks great! i might not need to zoom on anything but this should be PERFECT for my presentation in Ecology :)
Jose Gallegos:
Nice. Actually excellent Prezi. Hope you win that iPad (hint,Pandora Charms, hint)
t w:
i like it a good deal!
Alex Munoz:
iAgree ^^^
Erin Schneider:
So how can students get access to this if they don't have a school issued email?
Adam Somlai-Fischer:
Erin, our 'public' account is free for any person, you can use any address. Just visit and click signal up now
Celina Medranzo-Millzerz:
This is truly excellent! Super helpful Glad I saw this :)
Graeme McConnell:
paulina fafalios:
it is cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!
Brady Kuntz:
i know
joette tizzone:
i don't know, lots of zooming is dizzying.
Brad Nelson:
Yes, I had to limit the amount of zooming - to create it a lot more purposeful - and not use it just because I could... I guess it is an art. . .
blake robertson:
I like it, but i'm making my first prezi and it is not any good and i was hopping you could support me out with mine
Adam Somlai-Fischer:
can you share the link here to your prezi?
karem salvador:
Jo Davis:
Could you fix the spelling of interactive? Loved it otherwise.
Adam Somlai-Fischer:
actually its iterative on purpose
Jo Davis:
OH!!!! I get it, like reiteration only without the re. Sorry. I did try to figure it out on my own, but kept pronouncing it wrong so couldn't get it. Thanks for your vocab lesson, as well as the lesson on how you can make an excellent prezi. I'm working on my first one now.
Takedric Anderson:
I don't understand why it's so much stuff inside that little
Trupal Ahir:
Thanks for that prezi you show me. but I like what are doing but make it longer and the topic should be exciting.but i say it is very nicely done. but remeber what i said.
kade sibert:
you just manufactured my life of evil spanish school projects in sixth grade a lot easier! :D
i would like to know if there's a free method to create mind maps like the 1 showed in this prezi ! Thank you !
Adam Somlai-Fischer:
i used its mac, iOS only.
thanks Adam ! but I use Windows 7 .. may be I can use it whenever I obtain a Mac then. tx for the info !
Saul Lopez:
Hi PRASHANTH. For windows, you can use Xmind. There is a Free (open source) version that is truly excellent:
Thank you Saul .. I'll check out that for sure. by the way I've been using free mind : for past few days and it's excellent at least to make the basic mind maps (meeting my needs for now) Thank you once again :)
Saul Lopez:
You're wellcome. And certainly, Freemind is good and offers a lot of options but I think Xmind is lighter and much easier to use. But don't take my word for it and try it for yourself. Regards.
Robyn Ford:
Hi Saul, how do I upload my Xmind map onto my prezi? I'm having some difficulties!
Saul Lopez:
It's a shame, but the free version of XMind doesn't have an export to PDF option. However you can use PDFCreator ( When you install it (if you don't like browser toolbars, make shure to uncheck the bowser toolbar option from the install wizard). Continues...
Saul Lopez:
Once you install PDFCreator, you'll obtain a new printer to choose on the print dialog of any Windows program including XMind. So, in the print dialog you select the PDF creator printer and then hit the print button, you'll be asked some information about the PDF, click Save, set the filename and voila!.
Sabrina Foux:
so cool
Robyn Ford:
Thank you so considerably Saul!!! That worked!
Saul Lopez:
An additional notice about PDFCreator: Maybe you'll need to configure the page to be generated in landscape mode. You can do this by selecting the PDFCreator printer from the print dialog an then clicking on the settings button.
Adam Somlai-Fischer:
export as PDF if you can, that will work w prezi
Elana Karshmer:
There are some problems with your spelling..and usage of contractions...just saying.
Adam Somlai-Fischer:
Thanks Elana,Cheap Tiffany, i am by significantly not a native English speaker, can you please point me to some specific errors?
kemba walker:
how u do this'
Elana Karshmer: should review each utilization of the word "its" to determine whether you mean to use "IT'S" (a contraction of the words it and is or has) or "ITS" (the possessive form of it). In most instances in your prezi, I think you mean to the contraction form--it's.
Adam Somlai-Fischer:
thank you, i corrected these
Matthew Sheedy:
Matthew Sheedy:
come check mine out its about sweden
Ben Jacobs:
Hey guys, for all of you that are saying you hate it because you want to win the iPad, this guy literally invented Prezi. I'm just saying.
jevel white:
woah thats a long prezi showing the best way to make a prezi. Many thanks for the video i could use some tips aboutprezis because mine need to upgrade
Zhen WANG:
Hope this service last
Adam Somlai-Fischer:
I've been presenting like this since 10 years by now... We'll last :)
Noraa Abdulkarim:
This was excellent! Im gonna go make a prezi now :)
prezi40 prezi40:
your indian
daquala downing:
that was kinda cool... i think . ??
michael vaughan:
Hi Excellent intro for us newbies. I have a question on utilizing different fonts, how do you switch from font to font in Prezi?
Adam Somlai-Fischer:
Click 'Colors and Fonts' on the bubble menu, and choose the Theme wizard, this is how i did this one also.
Carlos Gonzalez:
Just great! thank you for share it.
Andrew Glaza:
Thanks, your presentation has helped me produced great prezis of my own!
Adam Somlai-Fischer:
Glad to learn!
gust roj:
fermin saldana:
francisco santoyo:
Prezi is AWSOME!
qwer qwerty:
this stuff is real amazing
Jonny Appleseed:
whats your name delicat
hyun jung lee:
sabrina ismail:
Sarah Latcham:
Cool Prezi but very long!!!
Courtney Rodrigues:
I truly liked this prezi because it showed each of the things prezi can do but it was a little long which produced me dizzy when I was going through it. It would have been easier to follow if it was shorter and less chaotic.
kristen mayville:
i just joined and im trying to figure it out still can any 1 help btw nice presntation
Veronica Holbrook:
good details ... the word 'interactive' is spelled incorrectly each time you use it. On the politician image- exporing should be exploring.
Adam Somlai-Fischer:
thank you! - fixing exploring - iterative is used on purpose
Neha Muley:
Hi Adam, ur prezi has shown how to make my prezi more exciting, but I couldnt understand the use of frames...
Adam Somlai-Fischer:
well, basically i sometimes put frames in before i write anything, so they act as placeholders to fill out or i use them to group a number if texts into a set... but most importantly, they show your audience what are the main parts, some sort of structure of the ideas what you zoom in and out
rudy devora:
thank you!!
Derrick Carolin:
I understand the reference to iPad in terms of flow, etc. But with iPads not playing Flash, I would this be presented to someone using Apple products?
Derrick Carolin:
That should read 'how would this be presented'.
Adam Somlai-Fischer:
Derrick Carolin:
Ahhh... I see. Thanks, will give it a go! Nonetheless considerably work to be done before the iPad stage!
autumn persefield:
how do you do this(:
Elizabeth Jestrab:
i know how! I'M LIKE HELPING A whole lot OF PEEPS. leave a comment on my video with questions!
Mahboba Begum:
Thanks for producing this! I'm a beginner and I truly needed this. It's phenomenal
Bryan Herman:
UR PRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Alex Crawford:
i know
uilani spencer:
good comment!!!!!!!!!<3
illiana rubio:
tht was good!!!!!!!!!!
Saul Lopez:
Hi. Fantastic Prezi. I've found a material on The Open University: Effective ways of displaying details. I think that this material can be very useful to have even more effective Prezi's:
Adam Somlai-Fischer:
this is actually exciting, thanks!
Odie Roy:
[1/2]Hi Adam, phenomenal - Prezi in general, and this prezi in specific. Wanted to know a few things:
1. The way to use different fonts - not just in 3 settings (Title, Head, Body) that the wizard allows but much more fonts
2. The way to add background music - if i put it in a video will it play thruout?
Adam Somlai-Fischer:
Odie - thank you!
fonts: you can only use 3 fonts in just one prezi, and only the ones we offer in the themes and the wizard
music: if you can, put the music into and SWF file, and upload that. it will just loop. make sure the put some graphics too, so you can delete it if you want to remove it.
Odie Roy:
[2/2] 3. Can I add a background image instead of the color gradient that the themes allow appropriate now?
4. Is there a place in which I can find coding for various functions like font, color, etc? Many thanks in advance - keep up the amazing work
giligili cheers!!
Adam Somlai-Fischer:
3 - just scale up and image, and use as being a background. see here: 4 - sorry don't know exactly what you mean. can you please explain?
Odie Roy:
Thanks for your reply. I meant in your advanced option, an HTML coding window opens up. So it might be possible to code features into a Prezi. Exactly where do I find a guidebook for that?
Adam Somlai-Fischer:
there is a PDF documentation linked from the guide page:
Volf Big_bad:
Is there a way to add animations that will work? Or even videos with option ,,Load file,, or is Youtube only ,,moving,, thing that can work ? Since when i use Prezi in palces that don't have internet i can't use videos ...any ideas the way to fix that?
Adam Somlai-Fischer:
SWF animaitons work fully, you can even have basic interactivity if you know how to do AS3. if you load the videos as files, and not youtube, they will be part of the prezi, nad you can use them without the internet. on your prezi's page, choose download - portable prezi.
Adam Somlai-Fischer:
or use the prezi desktop to be able to work fully offline
exin gou:
good job!
Elliot Field:
I like it :)
teressa tolon:
how do u do diz
Sophia Stolfo:
It helped me a good deal many thanks
Tina Miro:
i started making use of ms. powerpoint 2010..
but this one particular is cool..
quite cool graphics.
Kitten Kitten:
Prezi Is Way More Better Than PowerPoint xD
chenell potts:
Tanya Fedchyk:
wow =] =}
chenell potts:
Linda Dorn:
makes me dizzy
cartre link:
like qwerty
Sam Jay:
ittttt was great
Minh On:
That was excellent!awesome!
Jared Wood:
i love prezi !!!!!!!!!
Joshua Zhunag:
Prezi is just an advanced MS Powerpoint.
Jason Terry:
that whole presentation was confusing. Great eye candy though.
John Shaia:
THIS IS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!:)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lily Dhillon:
Madison Kelly:
wat is this???? =/
Courtney White:
roman jennings:
Bri Jensen:
this is cool .
lily alaska:
thank you it took some time thow
roman jennings:
but your not
Joachim Thornström:
Hi! Nice prezi! I´ve just translated it into Swedish. You can see it here:
Adam Somlai-Fischer:
amazing! thanks so a lot! (tack)
Takasha McCoy:
ur welcome
Soniya Gaikwad:
brainstorming work you got
Sina Wu:
Lily Dhillon:
are you dumb?
Erin McKechnie:
How do you do that? It is sooo cool :D Seriously..... you're so pro :D
roman jennings:
go such chicken
Takasha McCoy:
This thing is sooooooooooooo ...........................
Eric Uresti:
Adam, would you have an interest in creating a quick, 3-min creative prezi for my company? Email me at
Adam Somlai-Fischer:
Thanks Eric, its truly kind of you, but sadly I don't truly have time for you to produce prezis for others (I'm founder and CDO of Prezi) but there are some excellent teams like: who do this truly properly...
Lee Brown:
I noticed that some Flash animations would start only when the Prezi zoomed in to that specific area; the Flash would then stop if the Prezi presentation proceeded forward or went a step back. How was this acheived?
Lily Dhillon:
Adam Somlai-Fischer:
Hi Lee, in which did you see this? While you can put button, mouse actions into swf files, by default they will just loop in prezi....
yaneli nieto:
its not that bad ^_^
roman jennings:
how did you do that?!?
Katie Ahn:
This is truly good :)
Cyrus Chung:
Prezi is awsomer than I thought thanks for that tips.
Freya Zok:
i used this and my teacher went crazy over my prezi thx for producing it
Arthur stewart:
i have seen better
Takasha McCoy:
sabrina ismail:
Lily Dhillon:
I will
brandon lierman:
thats cool
brandon lierman:
Tyler Stein:
Helpful and fascinating :D
Charlotte Bruce-Hannah:
hiii :)
mark rodman:
this is a prezi that deseves a name as swopin as supercalafrecalisticexpaldoshis
roman jennings:
natalie hamren:
nice job it will really assist ople
near britt:
hi i a'm wondering will i able to use my own font or at least paste it from somewhere like word to here and use it?
Adam Somlai-Fischer:
Hi - sorry, you can only use the fonts you find in prezi. (theme wizard has a smaller selection)
Campbell Turner:
What?!!!!Explain please.
jenny pervez:
it rocks!!!
roman jennings:
it stones
david goh:
thanks Adam ! but I use Windows 7 .. may be I can use it whenever I obtain a Mac then. tx for the data !
Madison Skinner:
weirdo's (;
Ciar Noble:
When you're creating a prezi learn to spell first; 'iterative' im supposing it's supposed to be interactive but obviously you play World of Warcraft all day as well as all you're other sad little freinds and don't bother about school
Amber Miller:
Did you mean "your?" "Iterative" is a perfectly acceptable word. I think you should consider focusing more on your own schooling. You know what assuming does...
Adam Somlai-Fischer:
please look up iterative in the dictionary
Mary Macapagal:
Funny how a lot of people think that you misspelled iterative. :) Wonderful prezi. And wonderful work ON prezi itself. Many thanks for creating it free.
hudson mcgregor:
this is soooooooooo goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood even thogh i haven't used it :P
Lily Dhillon:
dosn't make sence
Lalika Dhillon:
I know
Macy Fenech-Brebner:
i love this its so cool
roman jennings:
loves a strong word just like hate
Tameika Beach:
this is sooooooooooooooooooooooo cool
felix sandström:
hey guys, i havent used prezi as all i have seen tutorials and stuff but could someone of you assist me out, i am gonna have a 15 min speech about youtube in english (i am from finland btw) and 3 mins is allowed for a video.So some of you experts could maybe help me together with the layout?!
felix sandström:
intrested send me a msg to thank you!
Rishi Chavda:
Prezi is amazing =D
Lily Dhillon:
no it it isn't
L M:
jared gafka:
Plz Plz, for your love of god, learn how you can spell interactive!
Adam Somlai-Fischer:
Iteration means the act of repeating a process usually with the aim of approaching a desired goal or target or result.
Elizabeth Jestrab:
you seem genuinely smart and funny :)
Daniel Coronel:
New to Prezi here!
roman jennings:
that didnt make any sense
Austin Smith:
Prezi is AWESOME
Lily Dhillon:
Sienna Ross:
Interesting..... But long!
Havana L:
Wow kinda long...
roman jennings:
your comment was long
Bob tomato:
kole sizemore:
its cool
Perla Rodarte:
this thing extremely cooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooolllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllll
Desirae Orlaski:
Hmm........................... Really fascinating but I don't think I'll be back here often it's kind of hard, just sayin
M.C Richardt:
omg you have helped me so a lot on my project
Miguel Carrillo:
roman jennings:
i like candy 2
Lily Dhillon:
that has nothing to do with PREZI
Taylor Hunyadi:
it does if you just watch it a couple of times then u will get it!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lalika Dhillon:
Autumn Biggie:
complicated completely !
Elizabeth Jestrab:
any questions? leave comments on my vids :)
LEE bok hee:
순천 청암 고등학교
LEE bok hee:
청암 대학
Madison Simonson:
anita maria:
Big Daddy Timmons:
Its pretty coolio.
Austin h:
thank you really muchees.
Brooklyn Lemky:
amazing prezi
Renè Mejìa:
It´s amazing, I actually likt it,
callum balme:
laura daniela:
is ok
Rachel Nickles:
Oh wow. Lot's of wordsss.... Confuseddishhhhh hahaha
Peter Eckstein:
This was great - i'm trying to learn how you can prezi - figuring out the zoom/focus. Also - how do you get text into text?
Lisa Hallam:
Prezis are so wonderful. =)
I learned the best way to use them in business I'm making use of 1 for a Science presentation. Love it. =D
How nice!
anthony billman:
cool this is good thanks for doing this so we can make a better prezi<3
elijah brown:
I need support with this prezi
jack kowalik:
Darlene Martinez:
<3 i know it helps so much =D
uilani spencer:
WOW Everybody WORKED Really HARD!!!!!!!Excellent JOBB.........<3
Lily Dhillon:
a whole lot:)
Lalika Dhillon:
That man or woman is not talking to you!!!:l
Aravind Seetharaman:
its awesome
donja niazi:
i'm loving this !!!(L)
Lily Dhillon:
are you in love with me baby?
Lalika Dhillon:
lily love time is not know.
Azhar Khan:
Fantastic! Since I have began utilizing Prezi, I've always wanted to see a Prezi which makes the transition from Powerpoint to Prezi. Fantastic way to point out the common mistakes created by first time users.
Thanks very much!
Adam Somlai-Fischer:
glad to hear, thank you for sharing
Daniel Kraemer:
Really helpful introduction. Feelin' prezilicious now ;-)
jordyn samuels:
this is very good i dont kbnow how you can make a very good prezi!
mackelle johnson:
i love prezi
Starlet Rose:
How du ad animations
The-Little-Ninja That-Could:
Hey yaaa i know u, u know me.!!!!
James Clark:
Wow. The floor plan/flow comparison gave me an aha. I'm excited for my presentation, Thank you!
seungkuk yang:
thanks!!!! it's a amazing prezi!!!
i dont get it.... :(
but i think this is wonderful!!!!!!!
Rhodesia Butler:
I love the prezi presentation. SWEET =o)!!!
Mackenzie Kinney:
very nise prezi! :)
Mackenzie Kinney:
Roze Lakanaviciute:
thats just amaizing
im merely a starter so for me that is amaizing
wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow;)
Collin Hanes:
Shaina Gambles:
wow wow
mathan geurtsen:
this is a great prezi!
Shelsie Popp:
how do you get those little words on the pictures in the little circles
Adam Somlai-Fischer:
you zoom in, and write text there, it will be tiny
Jesse Hunter:
Very effectively done. I just started making use of Prezi and this has showed me a whole lot on the best way to make things flow nicely.
juanita garcia recio:
im only a starter here its amazing and is quite cool
Forrest Ridings:
i thought you produced videos in prezi. I did not know that prezi was a ppt. thing of some sort. Can you make videos in prezi?
lachlan Bailey:
✔ Just do it
brooke walker:
who new that school could be soooo FUN!!!! :)
Jonah Hoppe:
umm kool
Caroline Johnson:
i have to generate a prezi for a technology project but the bad thing is we have to do it on " Viruses" on a computer.
Yaffa Holland:
thanks! this is very helpful
assantae hardin:
im juz getin started n this is funer than i thought..............join nowww
Dipesh Patel:
chicken runnn:
Elizabeth Jestrab:
check out my prezi's and leave comments!
DaHye Jeong:
haha this is pretty cool
Emma Wilkins:
check out my prezi on the future it is super cool
Kenedy Mergen:
Taylor Dauch:
That was great!
Julia Goldmann:
lol our I.T. teacher absolutely HATES powerpoint, and spends whole lessons telling us how prezi rules.
Conan Tran:
Could you tell me the way to add music to prezi and the best way to start it automatically?
Elizabeth Jestrab:
hit insert and hit the youtube button. when it asks for your url, just type in what the address bar says on your youtube page. then hit ok, and your music will pop up. when your route gets there just hit the play button. :)
Kenedy Mergen:
You Are the best one particular yet i think. Just to let you know you so cool
Manuel Gutierrez:
Makaya Blacksmith:
plzz verify out:
antonio ruiz:
i going to verify it, thank you
clarisse simonek:
Why do I not get sound when I press play on this presentation?
antonio ruiz:
because it don`t has sound
kriss Li:
good job!
Dion Hodge:
I find it funny how you produced a Prezi on how to make a Prezi.
Emily Snell:
thats truly cool:)
Jordan Dicocco:
Prezi is weird.... :D
debbie frederiksen:
Can you put music on your prezi? If you can, how?
Elizabeth Jestrab:
yes you can. click insert, and hit youtube button, when it asks for the url, they are asking for what it says in the address bar on youtube when you get to your video or music your looking for :)
any questions? leave a comment on my vids!
Raymond Salzwedel:
are you able to resize shapes and frames after creating them?
Elizabeth Jestrab:
yes. just hit edit prezi, and click what you want to resize. then the zebra will pop up, and you can move it larger or smaller, or whatever you want :)
Zaid Hamdallah:
Raymond Salzwedel:
um, what I mean is, change the aspect ratio? wider or narrow frames after you have placed them.
Elizabeth Jestrab:
Raymond Salzwedel:
The thing is: you can scale a frame but can you change it from a tall narrow rectangle to a flat wide one?
jacob matesic:
cute prezi
jacob matesic:
it looks very good
Perple Individual:
This thing is so amazing
Brandon Enarson:
i wish i knew how you can make prezis like that sigh
Elizabeth Jestrab:
i can aid you make it very fun and cool, and so could Adam. just leave a comment on my video!
Gregorio Elizondo:
Adam, can you please tell me how can I add a chart an excel a single. or an activity plan with dates and responsibles. I´m thinking on converting it into an image, buy nonetheless not possible.
Addison Prince:
This is SO confusing
Lily Dhillon:
Lily Dhillon:
Shelby Sroufe:
It like doesnt even tell the best way to make it
Jeffrey Miller:
Its a little complicated for me.
Elizabeth Jestrab:
i could assist, just leave a comment on my vids
Rafael Lima:
Lily Dhillon:
Jack Hawkins:
its amazing
Jack Hawkins:
I <3 prezi
Brittnee Hughes:
Victoria Tyson:
u made it a little long......
Judy Johnson:
yayy, Prezi :)
Laura Pope:
it is good
Lou Mang:
It's kinda like someone over utilizing the zoom function on a video camera. I'm gettin dizzy. It might be good to use in moderation.
Ivan Lopez:
Ian Johnson:
Hello im neww to this,Tiffany & Co!:D
Lindsay Union:
I am new to this and I am having a problem trying to get stuff from the background to edit them
support asap!
Elizabeth Jestrab:
do you mean edit the typing? if so just double click :)
Lindsay Union:
and some are in the background but you don't see the words it zooms in the front picture
Luca Müller:
dana myler fletcher:
looks like funn
Austin Howard:
Im doing a science project with it
malisha marmontel:
its genuinely realy great quite very good i like it really really a lot,Pandora Jewelry Review! tinkiet
Liucija Snitkaite:
can you tell me how download prezzii
adryana perez:
how do you manage to set up your prezi right in the center? how is it that you have to think about the whole space and its position in your screen?
Christina Corvin:
"Interactive" is spelled incorrectly.
Christina Corvin:
Woops, never mind. I just can't read. Sorry,Tiffany Co Rings!
keikeibadez123 brown:
i am going to generate 1 of these
keikeibadez123 brown:
McKenzie and Amber 4A:
haha yeah, cool is proper!
This is the best presentation I have ever seen.
summer shrake:
so rad!! amazing job!! :)
Bolton Hence:
nice createtivity .haa!
Terry Duffina:
what's the disl-in information for that thursday webinar? I missed today's but want to see a demo from a real individual. i'd love to learn this tool!
zahara hawkins:
this is my first prezi, and so much i do not how you can work it but i hope i can catch up
Elizabeth Jestrab:
if you need help zahara, just post a comment on my videos. Many thanks!
zahara hawkins:
this is so frustrating and i am about to go crazy
Nelson Ong:
My teacher is appropriate this is my new best friend!!!
McKenzie and Amber 4A:
woooooowwwwwww how did you make such a excellent prezi?????
Nicolas Marin:
Wow. What this actually helped me understand was the power of frames, zooming and flow. Indeed PREZi is superior to PowerPoint because you have an infinite amount of space to work with, and you can play with all the flow, and there are no slides. You can just type info on and then make a route.
jack middleton:
Travis loggins Santiago:
can everyone help me with my prezi please?
Elizabeth Jestrab:
i don't know what you need assist with so just comment on my videos, and leave your questions for me too answer. if you could be so kind to only leave questiions or comments on my We are who we are lyric video prezi ONLY!! many thanks. :)
Janez Novak:
Jecoy Julius:
Liyana Nor Hisham:
Elizabeth Jestrab:
Wow this is helpful!! :)
Cadence Riedel:
this is really helpful! I have a major project coming up REQUIRING a power point so Thank you!
Cadence Riedel:
and this is awesome ^^
Jesus Verduzco:
Pure Awesomeness!!!!!one
cody ogden:
Sara-Lynn Makekau:
Chanapa Itdhiamornkulchai:
Cool !! I like your design of this presentation, especially the zooming which makes it more exciting. ^_^
Maile Amos:
my dad showed me this and i put together a USH project in 3 hours and my teacher loved it. My dad learned it from some online class. Although my prezi was a little scattery in reality, ideally it looked excellent :) A+ baby jk...i did get a good grade tho!
damian reddington:
im a bit prezzied out, or maybe not
abraham castillo:
its awsome
Adomale Kiobel:
Your prezi is good
Tamás Ungvárszki:
Adam, the Prezi is amazing,Tiffany & Co How to Surround Yourself with People! I have a question: I put some text plus a youtube video into a frame, and they are shown with each other, as expected - but the video does not start. It starts only if a separate route bubble is placed on it, but I would like it to go in frame. Hope your aid, many thanks
Adam Somlai-Fischer:
great idea, thanks for sharing. sure, this makes sense. we'll look into it!
Md. Shewan-Ul-Alam:
I have a single query, can I export the prezi as any type of video format in the end? Obviously I need to prepare a video, so am thinking of doing it through prezi!
Adam Somlai-Fischer:
please use a screen capture software - this is how we generate our videos of prezis - at
Elana Miller:
I love your Prezi, now I know that what I do is just a fancy and a lot more slick version of a powerpoint. Thank you!!!!!!
Kim Jun Yeong:
very very good
Jess Schlu:
This helped me out A great deal!!! It genuinely showed me how much more effort I can put into my prezies
Cameron Miller:
I just love this presentation,Tiffany Heart, its just the best 1 ive seen in a while...makes my stuff look like doo doo
zachary kirby:
little garcia:
Lasacha Williams:
this is great i love how creative the video was ;) great job!
Corinne Mummau:
wow that is exciting. I'm pickle guy.
Mustafa Dansoko:
Dayne Gellner:
I love the creativity used to describe a very good prezi, wonderful job!
kailey amaya:
jim Mc cat:
prezi smells
jasmine diaz:
i love it,it's awesome. wonderful job,i leaned the way to work it now.
Hussein Zohni:
i genuinely like it
Rickie Holt:
thanks adam prezi is great
Mytania Johnson:
hy how u doin. I was wodering if u can support me with my prezi because I am trying to put pictures on there but it is not working. Hope u get this messege
Hans Peter:
very nice
cyrena valdez:
this was an excellent example to demonstrate how an incredible prezi should look.. :)
Daniel Sanchez:
Can you see my 2 Prezis? I want an opinion from you on my first 2 (and currently only 2) Prezis. If you can give an opinion on them put them here in comments.
Nick F:
shut up no one wants to see your prezis
Daniel Sanchez:
To find my first Prezi search "2Pac Album", and you'll find a Prezi that says "2Pac Album History". For my second one particular type "Mortal Kombat Characters" and you'll see it. :)
Daniel Sanchez:
The MK Prezi is on the 2nd page
Kemba Walker:
i love this ! this is excellent !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Riley Mickelson:
i luv prezi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it is so awsome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
nitish shah:
i really think that the writing on the numbers is a fantastic idea how did you do that and zooming in to something to write something else.
Deven Tran:
WOOhoo this is cool :) lol
Hetal Patel:
Guys how do you zoom into a image and show a certain section?
Do you actually need to have like a circle or something there to indicate that particular part?
Adam Somlai-Fischer:
yes you do. you can use frames / hidden frame also if you want to hide this spot from our audience
Brittany States:
woow that was an incredible presentation omg i am so amazed like i loved it like i will never ever ferget it because yaa that is it
Samantha Bassett:
ME 2!
Maryse Arseneault:
i agreee with brittany :D
Super Arceus88:
Makayla Bowman:
Oh My Ge! Thuis Is So Kewl It Has Helped Me Figure Out How you can Make One particular Now!
Nick F:
But unfortunately, he can't aid you with right spelling or punctuation.
Adam Somlai-Fischer:
You see i'm not native English, haven't even lived in the US. If you point to any errors I'd be grateful and right them!
Derek Schiefer:
hi travis
Sydney East:
how do u rotate the the text,Pandora Leather Necklace!?
R R:
salma mohamed:
how does this work?
Baljinder Mann:
I like to eat apples and bananas.
Samantha Bassett:
if i didn't know how to do a Prezi, i'd've been helped!
peter thomas:
oh no excellent
sean king:
make it a lot more simpicstic
Michael Neubauer:
go twins! and spikes, my favorite asian.
Ifeanyi Akunna:
Hy dis site s so hrd! m frking ot! someone hlp me!
Sophia Hanna:
Preziis so a lot fun but soooooooo hard to figure out!
Tori Grace Chaplin:
I Love this 1 ^_^
hahahaha Peace y'all ;)
darwin minotta:
Isha-Marie Koroma:
i don't like it but my teacher does i pretend that i like it and i have to do a presingtation on this so then that is that
soulhawk 7:
cool! I like prezi. My best friend showed it to me!!!
Hyrra Chughtai:
u ppl should watch toronto in 2012 it is so intriguing truly not saying this is bad just saying watched it today so wonderful
edward tam:
nice just signed up
nathan spry:
Nick F:
good contribution to the discussion
brittany pollock:
it seems a little complicated for a blonde to understand, i should know, i am a blonde
Jacob Ellis:
Really, i don't agree whoever you are Don't call yourself that
tiara wise:
Dylan Roski:
Azalia Anchondo:
I love it it is the BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
XXz !:
Add your Comment
Kamila Nowak:
hi prezi is rly gr8 :)
Emily Zekany:
yo, this helped me a whole lot
Emily Zekany:
it helped a whoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooole good deal yo
the prezi is so cool
it is soooooooooooooooooooo awesome
Liane K:
Wow...I never knew that there were so a lot of things you needed to incorporate into your Prezi to generate it look professional, and eye-catching. This is probably an excellent basic structure of a Prezi.
sharnique williams:
shelley heeger:
ummu zubair01:
how can i get it free
panda kim:
ㅠㅠ 이거 완전
Isaias Ramirez:
it is free
Brittany Williams:
how do you Work this ?
Angela Lee:
Thanks. I think it will help we alot to create perzi.
Gregory Kehoe:
Cant see because i dont have adobe flash player
Mehrdad Zeinalian:
Hi, Please add a written support part, because here the internet's speed is low.
the Best
i wuv it :D
gabson anthony:
prezi is the bomb because elmur fudd got one particular to :D
victoria kazancioglu:
i <3 prezi
Deseree Martinez:
This was very helpful
Rachel C:
i shoudnt hav said i liked it...
awesome prezi, btw
Monika Kurlander:
I am so impressed how the founder Adam answers all our questions and concerns. What a great guy.
Sarah Bender-Prouty:
too long
grace pinto lousa:
não sei falar inglês po favor como traduzir os videos
Paulo Silva:
também não sei. Sorry
Andrew Ruiz:
thats one particular cool prezi
Rachael Aulelio:
WOW this is my first time making use of prezi and its awesome
chyna roger:
prezi is awsome and I havn't even been on prezi for a minute
lorena cuervo:
^_^ Greatttt!!!! There are some prezi in Spanish?? I would like to see some ^_^
Brandon Nault:
Mahn Excellent Thing I joined Prezi For my grade 7 Exloratory cause It's actually preety awesome June,2,2011. P.S I'm Bored
Trevor Gann:
Please, tell me... Just HOW A lot route did you use for this?!
Adam Somlai-Fischer:
about 80 steps
Ken Chu:
love it.
Jonathan Ding:
Bob Loblaw:
Loved this! This was the Prezi that started me employing the frames cause I had absolutely no idea what they were for.
Amir Khiabani:
Do you guys know the best way to add music or audio?
Jarod St. Louis:
Adam Somlai-Fischer:
if you use the free, public license, they are posted automatically. just share the URL of your prezi.

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