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lvguang06 07-28-2011 03:25 AM


自打刚开始做哥凡尼冰晶画开始到现在,仔细算算时间也不短了。现在做这个项目的人越来越多,市场也越来越成 熟了,但是有一个东西没有变,就是我们对市场需求的关注没有变。经营哥凡尼冰晶画项目的人都是为着求财来的 ,所以赚钱是大家最关心的。而要赚钱就得有业务,要想有业务就得出去跑业务。所以能不能赚钱,根儿就在你会 不会跑业务,让人家买你的哥凡尼冰晶画。
说到这跑业务,实际上也是人跟人打交道。而要想跟别人打好交道,就得会做人。用俗话讲,就是要有“眼力劲儿 ”。咱经营哥凡尼冰晶画,挣钱最多的肯定是那些稳定的大活儿,而不是那些零散的小活儿。所以,这必然的我们 要跟那些装修公司、影楼、广告公司等单位打交道,济南广发科技有限公司。但是我们拿着样品去这些地方的时候 ,未必一下子就能见到老板,或者说能直接跟你拍板合作的人。
大家可能都听过一句话“阎王好过,小鬼难缠”。当咱们把来意说明白了以后,有些人就会把你当成普通的业务员 给你轰出来,或者敷衍了事。这个时候我们可能会在心里骂他们不懂事,不识货,而且还觉得自己的信心受挫。实 际上反过来想一想,人家凭什么要对我们的哥凡尼冰晶画表现出极大的兴趣呢?毕竟咱的哥凡尼冰晶画在人家眼中 可是一种新东西。
所以,从这一点上来讲,对于他们的态度我们还是释然一点好。当时我也吃过闭门羹,自己生闷气解决不了问题。 所以我们还得想法子让他们有兴趣继续跟我们谈,愿意跟我们谈。咱的哥凡尼冰晶画可不只有“大”的,还有不少 “小”的,你去跑业务得时候大方一点,随身带着点小礼物送一送,态度再诚恳一点。俗话说的好啊,伸手不打笑 脸人,这些人不会拒绝你的好意的,这个时候我们就可以得到一个进一步谈的机会了。
这实际上只是“会做人”中的一个小点,实际上有些人去谈业务被拒绝也是自找的。说到底我们也是老板,所以见 到别的地儿的不是老板的人,多少都会有点傲气,总觉着自己是跟人家老板是一个级别的,所以没必要跟手下干活 的人多废话,这自然就让人家不舒服了。所以就造成了任你哥凡尼冰晶画再好,人家就是不卖你面子的局面。所以 ,我们在无论在啥时候,即使是咱的哥凡尼冰晶画已经家喻户晓了,能谦卑一点是一点,让对方心里好受一点,咱 才能求到财不是。
话说回来,我们把下面的人哄得再好,他们也只是干活的,做不了主。所以要想把业务谈成了,让他们买咱的哥凡 尼冰晶画,关键还得看这老板的态度。跟这些老板谈,他们一般不会拒绝跟你合作,就看你能给他们多少好处。毕 竟哪个行业都需要新产品提升竞争力,而且咱的哥凡尼冰晶画确实好,下面的人看不出它的市场潜力,可这些老板 看的出来,要不这些人怎么当老板呢。所以,从某种程度上讲,跟这些老板谈跟简单一点,只要把利润跟人家留足 了就行。
这就是找对人,找到那个能拍板跟你合作的人,那你这笔业务就算完成一半了。接下来那一半就是具体合作了,看 看怎么把咱的哥凡尼冰晶画推出去。这时候我们要找的人就不是老板了,而是那些干活的人。毕竟老板再认可的东 西,如果手下的人只是应付了事,你的冰晶画再好,它也退不出去。所以,这时候你前期做的努力还得继续,甚至 是加强,时不时的给这些干活的人些好处,你的哥凡尼冰晶画会比其他同类产品推的更多,就因为这些人念你的好 ,他们才是决定你的产品销量的关键所在,他们哪怕只跟顾客多说一句好话也能帮你多卖一块产品。虽然说得有些 夸张,但事实就是这样。
在对的时间内找到对的人,时时刻刻做好人,有眼力劲儿,会办事儿,经营好哥凡尼冰晶画,没问题 。

07-28-2011 04:05 AM

Weather is getting hot, I often eat cold things, so I doing it again, and always left lower abdominal pain, faint, like pins and needles just as bad. My fault for many years, when the doctor diagnosed the Because pain is not often, I do not care too much. Coincides with the last night because the weather is too hot, I'm greedy and son on a piece of old Qiangzhao Chi popsicles, that feels really cool cool thoroughly. But not wishing in the middle of the night, I was experiencing severe pain to the pain woke up, the pain was overwhelming so I felt cramps, can not lie can not be lying. Pain of my husband to wake up the sleeping, and caring husband to get up to take me to the hospital,mbt uk, because it is late at night, I did not should be, he would get a piece of hot towels to me on the heat, this eases my pain, and then stumbled to sleep.
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to me, blonde doctor with a very unfriendly tone said to me: Side probe touched lightly on my belly on the sweep a few times, I tear a piece of toilet paper, said: , took me 60 yuan worth of color Doppler ultrasound to done. I stood up to put on pants, standing there waiting to get results. At this time, the door was pushed in. A description of about 30-year-old eyes were too black female doctor, she entered, he scolded me: arm pushing and shoving to put me in Canada in the door, I refute the sentence: finish, ?
but when I saw the ultrasound report card of that moment, I was angry and almost fainted, I was stupid I can read again the above description: echo homogeneous, endometrial thickness is not centered, the location of intrauterine contraceptive ring normal, left and right sides of ovarian Exploration and 1.9 respectively by 1.8cm, 2.9 x 2.2cm, no echo, rules, through the sound can be. : Bilateral mature ovarian follicles. God! This is irrelevant to my illness, had no relation to the statement. And this can only report card that I was a normal woman with no other substantive things. No matter less that the money spent,mbt sport shoes, ultrasound is also done, this report card, or holding it again asked the doctor, the results do not ask better, a question I almost fainted. That seems qualified physician enthusiastically arrange things deep in my report card on the rough took one look,cheap mbt shoes, said one: again. I just like thunder and the top, really do not believe my ears. I finally broke out which grievances: . it to be a gynecological examination. How the hospital now? Now how the doctors? In their eyes, really full of cold and realistic? Are they not parents, and his children? Their eyes, can see is their own and not others? Or is it just too small I just ordinary people, not high-brow it? What inconstancy of human relationships, unpredictable people ah. Old saying: I do not like change: Today, I was thoroughly tasted the bitterness.
go angry angry, but I have to rule the disease. Tomorrow, tomorrow I have a friend in the hospital any higher, as it happens tomorrow, he was patient to find him. Alas! Morals, ah, the never-yourself my good doctor was also forced to the back door. Alas! No way, people under the eaves, forced to bow to, ah, Who we are sick of it. Now this society, in order to survive, we must make their own calendar to Make a chameleon to adapt and respond to a variety of exclusion and helplessness.
Well, I do not wordy, because my stomach is still a dull pain, not to say, what the outcome tomorrow, look at it ... ...

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