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Moderator: In our opinion, the 12 years of age or a child, most of them are being carefully nurtured with parents, or parents around like a baby's age, especially boys, that is so young, the most important when playing hearts. But then we say this little boy, named Shao Shuai, Xuzhou, Jiangsu, although aged only 12 years old, but he did something that even we adults are not easy things to do. That is, to save his mother suffering from leukemia, and donated his bone marrow. The morning of February 24, Beijing Dao Pei Hospital has successfully completed their mother's bone marrow transplant surgery, then Shao Shuai Shao Dan and his mother, what would happen to the current physical condition it? guides: one year old, lost his father loved, twelve years old his mother suddenly suffering from leukemia, bone marrow transplantation as the last hope! year: Shao Shuai righteous good boy, his mother decided to donate bone marrow, Shao Shuai shock you with filial piety and courage of my mind year: love people This is a story of a sense of heaven and earth, this is a pool of love to pass. transplant surgery, which is flesh and blood mother, the body to restore what? Please watch explanation: weak body, but assumed a major responsibility, a very young age laugh at pain, picture of the handsome little boy named Shao, February 2010, he became a warm corner of the human heart. June 2009, Shao Shuai Shao Dan's mother was diagnosed with acute leukemia, the need for bone marrow transplant, the best source of bone marrow from their brothers and sisters, but Shao Dan, the only sister in a foreign country, far from the hydrolysis not be forthcoming. Panic, Shao Shuai offered to put their own bone marrow transplant to her mother. mother earlier: grandmother earlier: Commentary: Shao Shuai and the mother's feeling good, he said that his mother is all, in one of his year old when the parents divorced, and has been Shao Shuai mother, grandmother, grandfather had each other. But perhaps for this reason, let Shao Shuai have long known the meaning of responsibility. Shao Dan illness, his duty-bound to take up the burden of caring for her mother. grandmother earlier: Commentary: February 24, 2010, 12 years old Shuai Shao, Dao Pei Hospital in Beijing received a bone marrow transplant, donate to save the mother bone marrow. Shao Shuai year: Commentary: Shao Shuai so with a smile into the operating room for bone marrow transplantation. grandmother earlier: subtitles: at 8:10 on February 24, 2010 Beijing Road, Pui Shuai Shao doctors to extract bone marrow blood stem cells Commentary: Because the surgery is carried out in the sterile area, the reporter, who can only wait anxiously outside the operating room, a few hours later, Xiao Shao Shuai pushed out. Shao Shuai year: subtitles: at 8:30 on February 25, 2010 Beijing Road, Pui Shuai Shao doctors to collect peripheral blood stem cells Commentary: As the mother of Shao Shuai and is consistent with the type of only half, so even a second surgery, February 25, 2010, Shao Shuai once again pushed the operating room, a second peripheral blood stem (gan Article four tones) cell collection. The operation lasted four hours. Shao Shuai year: Commentary: caring people, timely help. Shuai Shao things are in major media reports, the day set aside dozens of people came to the hospital to visit Shao Shuai,mbt shoes free shipping, donated money and goods. This is a pair of couples who requested anonymity, they Shao Shuai and his mother brought a $ 100,000 donation, I hope to help them survive. Shuai Shao and mother before him, similar to that, two people must be strong, not cry, now Shao Shuai and mother have done. Shao Shuai year: in short, I was not afraid, she may finally have hope, I had her body is blood flowing, she now is my blood flowing. Commentary: Shao Shuai from donated bone marrow has been in the past half a month, in the end, after he was discharged, how physical and living conditions like? Reporters rushed to the women's shelter in the Fragrant Hills. year: Reporters and grandmother say hello. Commentary: Reporters at the door, Dang Guoying,wholesale ed hardy shirts, we found grandma's face, filled with heartfelt joy. When our crew arrived, Shao Shuai is prepared to give my mother and grandmother do lunch. The doctor said, to Shao Dan's health, family members of each meal must be personally cooking to ensure food is absolutely clean and sanitary. year: xx can not put cooking. Commentary: The grandmother told us, Shao Shuai donate bone marrow finished the first 2 days after discharge, the body has not fully recovered, but to the mother immediately assumed the task of cooking and delivering meals, today, he noon to give my mother is cooking tomato slice. year: Explanation: see Shao Shuai ramen is not the way the film is very skilled, Shao Shuai said, as long as my mother likes to eat, he will learn to do a do . year: explain: You see, from taste to taste, it touches a little chef's appearance, I do not know how it taste it? year: Commentary: In order for a comprehensive nutritional supplement her mother, Shao Shuai every day and changing the law to give her mother exchange a different taste, really make life difficult for him. 2 minutes later, patches are almost ready to pot, and allow us to strange, Shao Shuai Why would pot the oil slick, carefully written out of it? year: trailers: 12-year-old, donated bone marrow to save his mother, Shao Shuai shock you with filial piety and courage of my mind. how to face hardships and setbacks he twists and turns of fate? how helpless he laugh? Then please watch Commentary: Yin Wei grandmother's poor health, coupled with ability to walk is not convenient, so every day when delivering meals to the hospital, Shao Shuai insisted Burang grandmother to go. year: Commentary: The original, Shao Shuai from home in Beijing Dao Pei Hospital is 14 km one way, you need to take the bus 3 times, channels 19 points, nearly a full and a half hours. That round trip is 28 km, bus station channel 38, ran to about 3 hours. If you press and from 3 times to count, Shao Shuai station every day to take the 114 bus, nearly nine hours is spent in the bus. year: Commentary: As Shao Dan live in a sterile ward, so Shao Shuai meals a day can only be sent to the ward door, and then transferred from the inside of the medical staff to help to Shao Dan. year: Commentary: After rice in while stocks, Shao Shuai suddenly feel unwell, do not donate bone marrow is the body of his great influence? This reporter quickly asked our doctor - Wu Tong. doctor: no effect. Commentary: Dr Ng said Shao Shuai dizziness, nausea, the phenomenon is too tired to run around all day with him there, as long as pay attention to rest on the line. In order to facilitate the exchange of patients and their families, the hospital specially set up family connections between families and patients can be met through the video. Shao Shuai said he has no more than one month and her mother together, only in the noon day, and my mother in the video chat window on the half hour, so even though his body is not comfortable, but the sight of her mother, Shao Shuai but did not show it. year: Commentary: facing the video camera and a woman waving Shao Shuai Shao Dan is 43 years old,ralph lauren hoody, after a bone marrow transplant, her physical condition in the end how to it? Moderator: As Shao Dan live in a sterile ward, so now she can only communicate with the outside world video camera, prior to the shooting, our correspondent has a telephone and by Shao Dan, by phone sound We feel the spirit of Shao Dan is good, more resonant voice, more emboldened enough, that this is a good listen just finished not long after bone marrow transplant patients, the physical conditions in the end Dan Shao how it going? If all goes well, what time she can get out of sterile ward it? trailers: This is a story of a sense of heaven and earth, Shao Shuai filial piety and courage shock you with my heart. This is a pool of love to pass, we use warm and write the true feelings of both hands. what Shao Dan's physical condition? This is flesh and blood mother, when we can join? then please watch Explanation: After a bone marrow transplant, in the end how the physical condition of Shao Dan like it? doctor: Commentary: The doctor said, Shao Dan's situation after transplantation is relatively optimistic, we are a little big guy's heart to ease a little. Of course, the happiest people are still Shao Shuai. year: Commentary: In the shooting, Shao Dan also particularly want our camera to all those who helped her gratitude. year: Commentary: love in the pass, moving the spread. Many come here every day, good-hearted people to the hospital to visit and Shao Shuai Shao Dan. year: Commentary: A 70-year-old grandmother, after what I heard Shao Shuai, bring the family together to visit Shao Shuai. Interview: My first time is to look at the Commentary: less than 5-year-old grandson, will be their lucky money handed Shao Shuai hands. year: to give money to his brother, said to be strong. interview: to learn from him, they wanted to honor their parents, to honor grandparents, to honor their elders. Commentary: A middle-aged man, forty years old and even be moved to shed tears. year: Commentary: Currently, the community of caring people Shao Dan's surgery has more than 60 million fund-raising donations. Commentary: Considering Shao Shuai and grandmother to the hospital when delivering meals to the road too far, a good-hearted people helping them to find in a house near the hospital. This is four people with shared house, the house has communal kitchen, so can every day to cook Shao Dan. Shao Shuai and this is the grandmother's room, size 10 square meters, Shao Shuai's grandmother, said from the hospital very close to here, then walk six or seven minutes to get to. year: Commentary: As we take another shot when the grandmother suddenly we made a surprise move. year: Commentary: In our shooting, Shao Shuai also told reporters he is currently our biggest wish. year: eat a family dinner. Commentary: Shao Shuai of filial piety and courage shook the hearts of every one of us, saying, the essence of tradition. In his small wish and hope contained in the forward, we believe that day is not far. Moderator: Shao Shuai innocent face, we see the strength and courage, which had to let each of us may feel admiration, after all, he was only 12 years old, still a child. Our correspondent came back to tell us that Shao Shuai is a particularly sensible, special care children, our crew went to their first day of shooting when the Fragrant Hills home, Shao Shuai also kept on reminding us reporters, carefully in front of the pit, We wish to fight with the disease are Shao Dan a speedy recovery, and to wish Shao Shuai more than six months leave of absence, return to school as soon as possible. |
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