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07-23-2011 10:36 AM

Calendar of Events, updated July 20 : Musical Instruments
Calendar of Events, updated July 20 Wed., July 20 • Fire safe meeting — Fire Safe Council of Siskiyou County meeting, 6:30 p.m., Klamath National Forest Headquarters, Cedar Room, 1312 Fairlane Road, Yreka. Info: 926-2089. SIR meeting — Sons In Retirement Branch 154 regular luncheon meeting, 11 a.m., Lalo’s Restaurant, Mount Shasta. Luncheon cost: 14 each. Speaker: Siskiyou County Sheriff Lopey. all retired men are invited to attend and consider joining the club; 926-2584 or 859-2277. July 22, 23 and 24 • cool Summer Nights — Mount Shasta Recreation District is offering cool Summer Nights skating at the Siskiyou Ice Rink in Mount Shasta each Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. through September. Bring your own skates, or loaner roller and in-line skates, in kid and adult sizes available. Helmets and <a href=""><stro ng>christian louboutin sale outlet</strong></a> pads also available. Long socks are advised. Portable basketball hoops have been placed on each end of rink; loaner basketballs on-site. Families are encouraged to bring picnic baskets. Summertime tunes will fill the air. Light refreshments available for purchase. the Recreation District is seeking donations of used rollerblades, roller-skates, helmets and pads. Info: 926-2494.   Sat., July 23 • Horses for Heroes — McCloud American Legion Cheula Post 92 barbecue to benefit Stable Hands’ Horses for Heroes program, 6 p.m., American Legion Hall, 232 Broadway, McCloud. Beef tri-tip and chicken served. Cost: 12, adults; 5, kids under age 8. Advance tickets at American Legion Hall, 964-2030 or (530) 598-2310. Horses for Heroes is a local horse-riding program offered at no cost to US war veterans as physical, mental and emotional therapy. • Skate-a-thon — 10 a.m. to noon, Shastice Park, Mount Shasta. Derby girls from Mt. Shasta Mighty Rollers, Sis-Q Rollerz and Shasta Derby will be gathering pledges for each lap they complete within a one hour period of time. Event includes demo derby scrimmage, family skate time, BBQ and bake sale.  Info or to make pledge: (805) 235-5192 or 925-2481. Proceeds go towards digital mammography machine for Mercy Medical Center, Mt. Shasta. Laarkmaa — Pleaidian channeling on Mayan Calendar and Unity Consciousness, 4 to 6 p.m., the ############## in the Black Bear Building, downtown Mount Shasta; 926-2334. Trail rides — Backcountry Horsemen, top of the State trail rides at Deer Mountain Snowmobile Park, Highway 97. Registration, 8 a.m. top prize 20 bales of grass hay. Competitive Trail Trials (judged) places to 3rd, open to all: 20, BCHC member, 25, non-member. Schooling Ride (judged): 15, BCHC member; 20, non-member. Jingo Ride (no judging): 5, per Jingo Card or three for 12, winner receives 1/2 the Jingo pot. BBQ to follow. Bring salad or dessert and drinks. Limited overnight camping. Bring your own stock water. for entry forms/rules: Info: (530) 468-2715. Golf tournament — Weed-Lake Shastina Kiwanis Club golf tournament fundraiser at Lake Shastina Golf Resort. Check-in for players: 8:30 a.m. Cost: to play, 75; to sponsor, 50. Proceeds used for scholarships and other youth services in south Siskiyou County. Info: 926-3444, days; 938-4026, evenings. Walk to remember — Siskiyou County Chapter of the Compassionate Friends Walk to Remember, 9 a.m., Upper Greenhorn Park, Yreka. to memorialize all children who have died too soon and help bereaved families in their journey through grief. Bring a balloon for the balloon launch. to register, pledge or for info: (530) 355-2501 or email: Mossbrae Festival –The 6th annual Mossbrae Music Festival at Dunsmuir City Park, Botanical Gardens. Gates open, 3 p.m. Music starts at 4 p.m. Food and drink vendors. No pets or coolers allowed. Pre-sale tickets: 30 (through July 20). Beginning July 21 ticket cost: 40. available at the chamber of commerce, Dunsmuir Hardware, and Video Station in Dunsmuir; Village Books, Mount Shasta; Ellie’s Expresso, Weed; Nature’s Kitchen, Yreka; Bogbean Books &amp; Music, Redding; or at: Proceeds benefit Dunsmuir Chamber of Commerce. Info: 235-2177. Growers market — Dunsmuir Growers Market 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 a.m. Fresh picked produce, crafts and food items, and a special quilt raffle this month. Evelyn Horner and her Berryvale String Band perform, 10 a.m. to noon; 235-4034. July 23 and 24 Yard sale — Sisson Museum’s annual fund-raising yard sale, Saturday July 23, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.; and Sunday, July 24, 1 to 4 p.m. at 1 N. Old Stage Road, Mount Shasta. Sun., July 24 • ‘the No Show’ — Rev. Eleanor Richard’s message, “the No Show” revealing the number of times we often negate rather than support during each day, 11 a.m., Center for Spiritual Living, 4303 Oak Street, Dunsmuir. Music by Gerry Smida. Refreshments; 938-2930. • Mime and statue — will Shakespeare will share stories of his life behind a mask and lead the audience in fun mime activities, 1 p.m., A Melo Place, 412 S. Mt. Shasta Blvd., Mount Shasta. Info: Bike ride — Free mountain bike ride for intermediate level, sponsored by Scott Valley Bikes &amp; Sporting Goods. Meet at 8 a.m. at shop, 11223 Highway 3, Fort Jones and truck pool to ride location. Helmets, water and mountain bike with at least front suspension required. Info: 468-5672. Mon., July 25 Meditation talk — Aspects of the Serene Reflection Meditation Tradition, 7 p.m., Mount Shasta City Park, lower lodge. Presented by Shasta Abby monks. Topic: “the Buddhist Precepts.” Teaching on how foundational Buddhist practices are relevant to daily life in 2011. Free, donations accepted. Info: 926-4208, Farmers’ market — Mount Shasta Farmers’ Market every Monday, 3:30 to 6 p.m., between Castle and Alma Streets. Local fresh produce, honey, meats, herbs, flowers, handcrafted food and craft items. Tue., July 26 Nepal ministries — Mt. Shasta Aglow Community Lighthouse meeting, 6:30 to 9 p.m., Coffee Connection, downtown Mount Shasta. Guest speakers: missionaries Joel and Tammy DeBortoli with Iris Ministries of Nepal. Joel will relate what they’re seeing happen in Nepal and surrounding areas; and will minister to those with physical and spiritual needs. July 26 and 27 Church day camp — Lake Shastina Community Church will host “Cooking With Christ,” a children’s church day camp Tuesday and Wednesday, July 26 and 27 from 9 a.m. to noon. Parents are invited back July 27 at 6:30 p.m. for a presentation by the children and to feast on their cooking projects. Pre-register at: 938-2525. Wed., July 27 • <a href=""><stro ng>christian louboutin outlet</strong></a> Outdoor creative arts — Outdoor Creative Arts for Older Adults group (age 60 and over) outing to Mount Shasta Resort. Meet at 10:30 p.m. at Mount Shasta Community Resource Center, 109 E. Lake Street. Self-guided exploration of watercolor painting and drawing. Free art supplies provided, or bring your own. Bring bag lunch. Requested 1 to 2 gas contribution. Volunteer drivers needed. to pre-register: 926-1400. July 28 • Senior hike/walk — Group will go to Castle Crags river trail and suspension bridge. Group will leave Mount Shasta Community Resource Center, 109 E. Lake Street at 10:30 a.m. and return about 2 or 3 p.m. Bring packed lunch. Pre-register by Tuesday, July 26 at 926-1400. July 29 Benefit gala reception — Music by the Mountain Summer Festival benefit gala reception, 7:30 p.m., Mount Shasta Resort, Siskiyou Room. Live music from Cole Porter and Gershwin to all-time opera favorites, silent auction, appetizers, no-host bar. Tickets: 35, each; 65, couples; at Village Books, Mount Shasta; Nature’s Kitchen, Yreka. Proceeds benefit free musical performances in local schools; 926-5942 or July 29 and 30 • WHS reunion — Weed High School Class of 1961 will hold its 50th class reunion Friday and Saturday, July 29 and 30. Friday gathering from 6 to 8 p.m. at Mt. Shasta Brewery in Weed for visiting, snacks and drinks. Saturday dinner at Lake Shastina Golf Resort with cocktails at 5 p.m.; followed by dinner at 6 p.m. if a classmate hasn’t been contacted call 938-2619. July 29, 30 and 31 Lumberjack Fiesta — McCloud’s 64th annual Lumberjack Fiesta, July 29, 30 and 31. Includes Little Miss Fiesta/Little Logger Contest, kids dance contest, vendor booths, softball, bocce ball and horseshoe tournaments, pancake breakfast, ax throw and logging contests, kids activities, live music, and more. Info: 964-2718. July 30 • Firehouse Fiesta — Castella/Dunsmuir Fire District and the Castella Community Education Organization will host a Firehouse Fiesta adult fundraiser at the Castella Firehouse in Castella. No-host beer, wine and margaritas at 5 p.m.; dinner at 6 p.m.; followed by dessert/gift auction. Menu: BBQ-style dinner of ribs by Tony and beverages. Tickets: 15 each, available at Castle Rock School office, 235-0101 or call 235-4495. Proceeds benefit both fire districts and CCEO. • Saturday Night Live — Free community dinner and outdoor concert held the last Saturday monthly at Lake Shastina Community Bible Church on Jackson Ranch Road. Dinner, 5:30 p.m.; concert, 7 p.m. Info: 925-2368. Genealogy meeting — Genealogical Society of Siskiyou County monthly meeting, 1 p.m. Research Center, 912 S. Main Street, Yreka (behind museum). Short business meeting and educational program. Everyone is welcome. Info: Tango del Cielo — Music by the Mountain, 7:30 p.m., Evangelical Free Church, Mount Shasta. Innovative theatrical program featuring flamenco and Argentine tango music and dance. Tickets: 25, adults; 5, students; available at Village Books, Mount Shasta; Nature’s Kitchen, Yreka. Info: 926-5942. ShastaYama — the 7th annual Taiko Festival, 6 p.m., Shastice Park, Mount Shasta. Gates open at 5 p.m. Lawn seating. Bring blankets, lawn chairs, warm clothes and flashlight. Food and refreshments available for purchase. No pets or glass allowed. Cost: 25, adults; 20, ages 13-17; 15, <a href=""><strong>How much are the ######## chanel watches in Chinatown? | High Quality ...</strong></a> ages 5-12; free, ages 4 and under. Tickets: Village Books and Soul Connections, Mount Shasta; Yreka Chamber of Commerce; Bogbean Books &amp; Music, Redding; and at the gate. Or by credit card at 800-926-4865, extension 203 or Info: 859-8686. July 30 and 31 Yard sale — Sisson Museum’s annual fund-raising yard sale, Saturday, July 30 and 31, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.; and Sunday, July 31, 1 to 4 p.m. at 1 N. Old Stage Road, Mount Shasta. July 31 Chamber music recital — Music by the Mountain, 4 p.m., Seventh Day Adventist Church, Mount Shasta. “Favorites and Finds” from Viennese Classical tradition to gypsies of Czechoslovakia. Special guests: violinist Dawn Harms, San Francisco Opera soprano Nicolle Foland, mezzo-soprano Sally Porter Munro, and pianist Laura Dahl. Tickets: 15, adults; 5, students; available at Village Books, Mount Shasta; Nature’s Kitchen, Yreka. Info: 926-5942. Aug. 5 • Herbal pet health — Herbal Alternatives for your Pet’s Health class, 3 to 4 p.m., Alpine Veterinary Hospital, 210 Main Street, Weed. Facilitated by herb specialist Sandy Patterson. Talk on what herbs are historically used for specific ailments and how to strengthen the different body systems. Info: 938-3907. Aug. 6 Art on the Block — Siskiyou Arts Council’s Art on the Block and Musicians Swap Meet, noon to 6 p.m., N. Mt. Shasta Blvd., Mount Shasta. Features wide variety of local artists’ visual arts and crafts. plus a downtown Art Walk with tours of ################## and art displays in windows. the Musicians Swap Meet enables you to buy, sell and trade instruments, gear, sheet music, recordings, media players and other music-related items. Vendor applications are  available at Siskiyou Arts Council ############## or 938-0130. Tickets: 1 each; or 5 for six; available at SAC ############## or day of event. Info: 925-2770.   CMA fellowship ride — Christian Motorcyclists Association/Siskiyou Servants 1st Saturday Fellowship Ride begins at 9 a.m. at the old Boston Shaft parking lot in Yreka (weather permitting). all are invited. Info: 598-0608. Aug. 6 and 7 • Yard sale — Sisson Museum’s annual fund-raising yard sale, Saturday Aug. 6, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.; and Sunday, Aug. 7, 1 to 4 p.m. at 1 N. Old Stage Road, Mount Shasta. Aug. 5 • Herbal pet health — Herbal Alternatives for your Pet’s Health class, 12:30 to 1:30 p.m., A Melo Place, 412 S. Mt. Shasta Blvd., Mount Shasta. Facilitated by herb specialist Sandy Patterson. Talk on what herbs are historically used for specific ailments and how to strengthen the different body systems. Info: 938-3907. • indicates new listing Calendar of Events, updated July 20

m2ag5zut00hh 07-23-2011 10:58 AM

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Reprinted from 310527814 at 12:56 on September 17, 2010 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: Personal Diary

one shortly after the couple married the day. once in two dinner time. girls suddenly the boy said. If one day I'm dead. You will marry its her woman? the boy said. Ae. may be right. It was really dead,mbt shoes uk, so you can say. the girl heard angry and said: you hate me so?
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girls happy laugh. hiding in his arms and said: good it. Even if you married. I would not blame you. I will always love you ...
not imagine in a short period of ten days after that. girl to do with the boy away from the yin and yang .
girl died of an accident. all come so suddenly. then. girls are ready to go where they are ready,mbt chapa, after holiday travel. That car is washed out rapidly. girls death is not painful. a moment to lose conscious. the girls died. She felt that people are busy divvying up the Bata Tai on the ambulance. and she just thought it was funny. because she knew it was superfluous. When the girls realize that they have died. and that after his soul left his body. she was not sad. because she did not have any friends. In her life the only boy. She just always see him. girls very happy. Then she step back to the home.
girl through the walls. back to the home. stroll around in the house. stroked the house so much. so much the boy had sent her a gift. tears stayed. Then girls realized. had died also have tears.
girl sighed. back to her and the little boy lay on the bed. unwittingly fell asleep. wake up. the sky is already dark. She was a hint of chill. in the heart to complain about her boy even forgot to put a blanket to help her. is planning to complain about her boy up. Then she remembered. she was dead. has been from the boy's life disappeared. and is so thorough. the boy never saw her again. and a long sigh.
girls then got up. started around the house looking for him. Finally, in the bathroom to find her beloved boys. he lie on the bath on. in the bathroom filled with alcohol. on the ground by the boy spit the mess. girls your nose. squatted down to see him. they discovered that the boy, his face full of tears. Even the eyes swelling up. God. her boy always been so strong. The first time I saw him cry so sad. girls good feel bad. She tried to pull him up. can proceed through the boy's body. girls tried again and again. until the fall. the first time. she know how incompetent they are. girls dragged the body slowly and gently kissed the boy on the lips. and then sat down beside him. In addition to the case. She could not think of any other way out.
Then the boy with eyes closed,mbt shoes clearance, mouth silly earth: girl. do not go. ...... girls do not know if what he said was drunk. but still in the heart of the boy: little fool. I love you so. how away what you are willing to reason.
six months. the house nothing has changed. life gradually returned to normal. the boy is still on time punctual to work. just not laugh. back often to the house to lie on the table late at night. and girls. has also been home with the boy. but in another way.
until one day. a strange woman broke into their home. this woman very nice. keep long straight hair. wore,mbt lami, whether you ######y. who exudes a touch of. good smell perfume. when girls can not help but looked down at his body doll dress and bunny slippers. they knew that they to like a child. In this six months. she loves the boy had become so good. only to find the dead girl. She seemed to him anymore.
accompanied with a strange woman and then do a good job boy the dinner. But since they entered the house later. boys and women are not always spoken. although sometimes a woman will say a few words. But the boy still did not answer. finally dinner. The woman spoke: Hee total . I really like you. She is not a long time you have left you. Do you have a lifetime guarding the house. a person to go on it? please accept me. ok. I will love you like her. the boy still did not speak. eyes quietly looked on the wall hung pictures of girls. it all. died within sight of girls. But all the boys she has never seen.
time. That woman spoke again: Hee. To come to your home with you to eat dinner times. I ask you so many times. Do you say nothing. For me to go? Why you what people are so cold. Then . a woman in tears. now the boy finally spoke: ting. you will not for this dish is too light. girl said she was not allowed too much salt. So I can not put in more. She made the dish these days eat. Every time I do her. I have to give me her personal folder. right. do you like this small wooden tables. that she bought with me. And her love of eating out when the old chopsticks .. cried every time I go and change for her. really naughty. Speaking of this time. the boy innocently smiled: she had lost each time. She is always so capricious. I remember one time not to eat barbecue in the outdoors Be careful to eat a hot pepper. insisted she told me to go and buy a delicious brand of mineral water .. because the other could not drink the water she used to hurt me .. that .. I'm looking for a long long time ... hehe. There time. She gave me for surprise. 5 am and more to get up and do breakfast. the result is all the breakfast television .. get burnt ....... knew this little idiot. half an hour later. continued the woman, the boy said he and her had together bit by bit. this time. The woman stood up: Hee. I understand. finish. tears away.
girls know at the moment . that she was the boy she had in mind bit by bit so clear .. girls .. cry again moved slowly at this time the boy came to her frame before. gently stroked the picture the. girls face. .. again and again stroked the boy crying near a good cry out loud ... a good loud. boy against girl picture, he said: girl. Why are you so early. then you threw me back . you .. how could you leave me .. I have a lot of words to say to you. There is also a lot of things you do not .. I know I've done many of them not good enough. I want to go make ah. The boy continued crying: my dear. you know. In this 2 years. Ting has said the first four woman like me ah .. I'm afraid. I better Payouyitian I can not help. . I'm afraid .. afraid you will blame me ... I'm afraid I'm afraid to see you cry ... Even in my dreams .. .. ooo, ooo dear. You asked me a question. I answer you right now .. if one day you die .. I will not marry another woman ..
boy cried himself to sleep .. eyes. face the tears have not kill.
after the original died. not only to tears. .. can feel the pain alive than any of the pain more intense. more memorable. That is:
heartache after death ..
After reading a message is not reproduced
..,mbt shoes! Health and family die without a burial place!

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