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Super multi real object,GHD Hair, the Internet is tantamount to a junket to the city excursion! 37. also net ---- too simple song, a music site too simple http://www.1g1g.com/ 38. a share according to their own preferences of music sites, the absolute digit you can not find good melodies! http://www.songtaste.com/music/ 39. a infrequent foreign mp3 free website http://beemp3.com/ 40. to aid you slumber music (air, rain, no reading sound ~ ~ ~) http://www.soundsleeping.com/ 41. act all it can to collect the sound (total / / www.soundsnap.com/ 42. you type a word to be a Cantonese-language Web site (nobody to learn on the 2 Cantonese) http://tdc.putonghuaonline.com/tools1.html 43. 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Like the DJ's friends not to miss 48. The true size of the whale image http://www.wdcs.co.uk/media/flash/whalebanner/content_pub_en.html a little fear 49. Accompaniment Network http://www.fcmp3.com/ 50. Science squirrels will http://songshuhui.net/ 51. Movie Network http://www.m1905 . com / (movie resource updated soon) 52. love humorous books (there are popular animation oh) http://www.imanhua.com/ 53. a simple, clean, smart photo site http://www.topit.me/ (aesthetic ah! visual banquet Oh) 54. 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Station Cool http://www.zcool.com.cn/ designer interactive platform 60. how to decorate your house (life neatness should look) http://www.apartmenttherapy.com/ 61. to know the most genuine European and American civilization and customs (one for a long exposure of the bbs oh !) www.2hoox.net 62. proper direction Translation - Online Translation Oh (You can translate the all website) http://fanyi.youdao.com/ 63.avatara free Create your own online Selected for you pick a variety of network message website. (I like to call it ) http://jandan.net/ 66. humorous advertising video site http://www.veryfunnyads.com/ 67. scorer, membrane subtitles search http: / / www.shooter.com.cn/ 68. Time Online Film Critics (very professional movie review) http://www.mtime.com/ 69. Trailer World (-to-date HD video trailers) http://www.yugaopian.com/ a good area to watch trailers 70. rotten tomatoes rotten chip selection http://www.rottentomatoes.com/ 71. now found the coolest online electronic journal platform (if it does not cool, I bound from the first layer of the basement!) http://www.szishow.com/ 72. made fun viewpoints site! ! ! http://www.matchingbus.com/zui.asp point you to express it! 73. Full Record http://okaydave.com/ unique design of the site is like a sign, click on the above picture will have interesting movie images, of course, need your fun excavating 74 . let you High up vigor (efficacy is magical 75. Alternative Animation (playable look bored) http://fsk.deviantart.com/art/Line-Rider-beta-40255643 pen to paint a line along the villain line running, you can somersault to decline, N different results all in your hands ~ 76. Where - travel search (must move! special fees Oh!!) http://www.qunar . com / 77. http://www.51phone.net/ call number only for entertainment value assessment of a circumstance, are still very interesting 78. test in English to donate rice http : / / www.freerice.com/ public welfare website, this site is very interesting, if you're here for each correct answer a question in English, the site will donate ten rice to needy zones. It is said that the site has donated 10,238,535,870 rice, about 204 tons, ha ha, is not it interesting? 79. Star Astronomy Network (Star shine ice extraordinary!) http://www.cosmoscape.com/ 80. Desktop cities (professional wallpaper download) http://www. deskcity.com / 81. can masquerade to be your desktop's website Oh http://www.zuotui.com/readwork/ b. Here, you can do online to be a coin in their own people photos The coin pictures, cool Oh! ! http://onlinewahn.de/generator/m-maker.htm 82. World Bank http://us.worldviewbank.com/cn/ attractions homes, perceived the world. Simple picture, music,GHD IV Salon Straighteners, silence. Summer enjoy yourself, 心静自然凉. 83. panoramas ----- is displayed inside the scenic specks nigh the world panorama, very pragmatic oh http://www.panoramas.dk/ http://www.chinavr .net / index.htm (China Panorama) 84. This site has many of the world's online camera, can see that place in the real world, worth, oh. http://www.ptzhu.cn/realworld/default.htm 85.IQ Superman (active your head ~) http://www.iqsuperman.net/ 86. designers Its Web site describes go, using the (Shock and reverence of the design!!!) Http://www.nagaoka-id.ac.jp/##############/##############.html 87. Magic bottle http://www. bascule.co.jp / excellent network site to assure namely you have not seen dragging the right side of the scroll bar into the site, drag the bottom point of the little man took the bottle, ha ha see what the drag. Other prodigies of this station for you to find friends. 88. the world's smallest web http://www.guimp.com (its size is equivalent to a page icon, in adding to nothing. Although the design of small, merely peerless fashioned,GHD Blue Straighteners, which There are games, blog, photo albums, etc., but this site is test your eyesight, and perhaps see to see.) 89. a lot. . A lot. . A lot. . Personalized picture http://www.88tou.com/ 90. For folk who absence it is a treasure for those who do not absence grass (what stuff? Curious about it, take a look forside ) http://www.xiangdang.net/ 91. God, tattoo http://www.checkoutmyink.com/ 92. peppery free trial resource information http://www.atgoo.com/ 93. practical! Online Hair Design http://www.cnmeifa.com/ 94. Super change! Change! Change! Http://www.mono-1.com/monoface/main.html actually marvel! Organs have the sorcery mouse click changes the face! 95. Chinese dialects Network - provincialism of great cultural interchange http://www.er66.com/ 96. Holistic Network - a powerful person meat search engine http:// www.quanren.com/ 97. send a self-destruct after reading the personal memoranda https: / / privnote.com / input the information you send, you can get a correlate, this link by email to your friends. When he read the information, you will be informed swiftly, meantime a valid link, read instantly after the self-destruct. 98. free online read today's Can look at the your site to train listening a. National Public Radio NPR: http://www.npr.org/ Standard American English. British Broadcasting Corporation BBC: http://news.bbc.co.uk/ standard British English pronunciation b. Weber dictionary: http://www.mw.com/ world, and Wei dictionary, pronunciation absolute standard, very helpful for the correct pronunciation. c. memorizing words, I want to dead test web vocabulary exercises: http://www.51mokao.com/Users/UserPosts.aspx?id=373&type=languages online vocabulary exercises, no boring, high efficiency In answer to the sheet can also listen to word pronunciation. d. practice reading Reuters: http://www.reuters.com/ characteristics: wealthy and full. Articles because the criterion English, is also advantageous to peruse the prose. advice: spend twenty minutes a daytime, choose one treatise to read their own interest to nationwide reading based. For the pronunciation of words, you can retard with the Weber site pronunciation glossary. The words and sentences do not understand, you can use Google Translation to translate. |
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