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中国新闻周刊报道 肖传国前传
中国新闻周刊记者刘子倩 有些人的名气是他的对手成全的,肖传国就是一个例子.如果不是"雇凶袭击方舟子",他无非是病人眼中的"肖 医生",学生眼中的"肖老师"……可是现在,他瞬间"成名"了.众声喧哗中,人们似乎并不在意去探寻一个复 杂的故事.而在现实中,很多人的故事都是复杂的.从教授、科学家,到突然成为一个和暴力有关的犯罪者,肖传 国的故事显然不会简单…… 9 月21日之前,尽管与"科学打假斗士"方舟子进行了近10年的网络论战,甚至数次对簿公堂,但公众对肖传国 这个在中国泌尿外科界有些名气的名字并不熟悉. 9 月21日晚,北京警方举行新闻发布会称,方舟子、《财经》杂志编辑方玄昌被袭案告破.21日下午5时许,该 案主要犯罪嫌疑人肖传国因故意伤害罪在上海浦东机场被警方抓获. 9月19日8时38分,肖传国还在微博上感慨阿根廷的讲学经历:讲了一天课,开了8个刀.仅50多个小时之 后,做完手术的双手就戴上了陌生的手铐,而且,他将在狱中度过自己的55岁生日. 一时间,关于肖传国的各种头衔成为舆论的关键词:国家973科研计划项目首席科学家、著名泌尿外科专家、博 士生导师、"准院士".而肖传国似乎也成为"人肉"的目标,一些肖传国的零星的故事在网上蔓延,亦真亦假, 不一而足.人们试图还原一个真实的肖传国,一个学者如何演变成故意伤害的犯罪嫌疑人. 干部家庭子弟"弃军从医" 1955年12月,肖传国出生在湖北省蒲圻县,在1998年更名为赤壁市之前,外地人很少知道,这里便是三 国时期的古战场.肖传国一家七口,一个弟弟,三个妹妹,父亲在公社上班,母亲是小学老师. 当时蒲圻人口突破20万,这个盛产粮油棉和茶麻竹的农业大县与长江流域的县区并无二致,人们大部分务农,但 因父亲工作关系,肖传国在镇上度过了自己的童年.据邻居们回忆,当时的肖传国就比同龄的孩子聪明、调皮,经 常挨父亲打. 三年自然灾害时期,肖传国上了临近的车埠小学.同班同学邱卫民仍然记得,肖的学习成绩一直名列前茅,四年级 时,肖传国就抱着大部头的书看了,而10多年后,两人成为蒲圻县人民医院外科同事,甚至在20多年后成为泌 尿外科的同行,这些都超出了他们的童年时的想象. 小学毕业后,肖传国顺利进入距赤壁古战场仅数里地的小柏中学.其时,文革正处于如火如荼之中,少不更事的肖 传国并不清楚这场运动意味着什么,但其中的一个重大事件却离奇地改变了他的命运. 按照肖传国的打算,初中毕业便想去内蒙当兵,而他的祖父当时正是内蒙古军区一名高级军官,但那年震惊中外的 "九一三"事件发生后,全国停止征兵.肖传国的军旅梦想就此化为泡影.若干年后,朋友问肖传国,为什么不让 爷爷给想法子呢?肖传国认真道,"那时只认大军区首长开的条子". 然而,祸兮福倚.1970年开始,高等学校在停止招生6年后,恢复部分学校的招生,而所有的学员都是"工农 兵学员".新的招生办法无须进行入学考试,由群众推荐、领导批准和学校复审.于是,肖传国于1972年进入 湖北医学院(现武汉大学医学院)临床医学系学习. 三年大学毕业之后,肖传国并未留在武汉,而是回到老家,成为蒲圻县人民医院外科的一名普通医生.在医院老人 们的印象里,这个20岁的年轻人工作之余,除了偶尔打打篮球就是读书. 那时,为了应付急诊,肖传国住在单身宿舍,随叫随到."年轻人那个时候都出来搞运动,医院受到冲击了,有好 多人都闹革命不上班,他没有参加任何帮派,只是一个人读书."一位医院退休职工回忆说. 但他给蒲圻医院老人们留下最为深刻的印象就是聪明,业务触类旁通,进步迅速.有护士曾问他,你为什么这么聪 明啊?肖传国半开玩笑地说:"要不是小的时候我爸经常打我的头,我更聪明." 从县医院考上首批研究生 聪明的肖传国等来了机会.1977年10月,国务院批转教育部《关于高等学校招收研究生的意见》,研究生教 育得以恢复. 回想起肖"考研"时的情景,赤壁医院原麻醉科主任杨庆远记忆犹新.当时,县里开展医疗队下乡服务,杨与肖分 在一个医疗队.每天看病就已非常疲倦,但每晚肖传国都会学习英语,雷打不动.杨庆远跟肖商量,白天的活儿他 揽下来,腾出更多的时间让肖传国学习. 距武汉仅150公里的赤壁,夏天的日子并不好过.邱卫民还记得备考的那年去肖的宿舍,发现他蹲坐在澡盆里看 书. 事实上,除了读书,肖传国在医院里也做过不少手术.赤壁一带盛产红薯和辣椒,困难时期,便成为主食,大多都 落下胃病.文革后,许多病人都是来做"胃大部切除手术".而工农兵大学生分进医院,只要吃得起苦,跟着医生 学,进步要比市里医院快得多了. 这让肖传国受益匪浅,多年以后他向老友回忆,因在基层医院的三年锻炼,读研究生时,协和医院某些一线的医生 做手术都比他逊色不少. 1978年恢复研究生教育并实行学位制度时,初试科目包括,政治、外语、基础课和专业课,全部由各招生单位 命题.当年全国报考研究生的人数为6.3万人,经过考试,录取了1万人.肖传国报考了同济医科大学(现华中 科技大学同济医学院)泌尿外科,初试成绩优秀. 复试由著名泌尿外科专家熊旭林主持.据说,熊旭光原本指定招收自己的一个学生,但经过面试后,熊旭林放弃了 自己的学生,决定录取肖传国,肖也因而幸运地成为1万名首批研究生中的一员. 同济医学院教授张齐均告诉《中国新闻周刊》,肖传国学习非常刻苦,善于攻关,课题当时也比较前沿,他研究的 是"微量元素对泌尿系统结石形成的影响". 一位同济医学院老教授在了解到肖传国的家境后更对其刮目相看:"他父亲是县级干部,但他一点不像娇生惯养的 孩子,他不仅聪明,还比普通学生更加勤奋." 这位年愈九旬的老教授向《中国新闻周刊》回忆,当年同济宿舍冬天还没有暖气,协和医院一位老师路过肖的宿舍 ,回来后对熊旭林说,你的研究生太刻苦了,裹着被子,一边啃馒头,一边看书. 在老师和同学眼中,肖传国聪敏好学,实验又做得好,三年之后,便顺理成章地留校了.同学们觉得,肖传国性格 上好强,有股不服输的劲头,留校工作不久发生的一件事,让同事看到这个文弱书生的另一面: 时值同济医学院扩建,中午嘈杂的施工让原本有午休习惯的员工不胜其烦,可大家均忍怒不言.肖传国为此找到医 院基建科科长理论,但科长并没有把这个刚刚毕业的医生放在眼里,骂了肖传国两句,两个人开始推搡起来,肖传 国使劲攥住科长的一根手指,竟然给掰骨折了. 同事对这个毛头小子有了新的认识,觉得肖传国给大家出了气,最终领导并没有追究他的责任,此事 便不了了之. 吴阶平曾关心其回国的安排 到了80年代中期,留学热渐进高潮."当时同济的设备条件比较差,他又对科研很感兴趣,医院已满足不了他的 科研要求."张齐均说. 其实,早在肖传国研究生入学之时,中国就拉开了第三次留学潮的序幕.1978年 6月23日,邓小平指出,留学是提高我国科学水平的重要方法之一:"要成千成万地派,不是只派十个八个". 邓小平的指示打开了青年学生走向世界的大门,迎来了中国的第三次留学大潮. 为了出国留学,肖传国拼命学习英语.当时肖传国患上肺结核,吐得满地是血.张齐均和同事鲁功成、曾蒲清等去 看他时,发现他手里仍然攥着书.随后同事们把他送到黄家湾结核病医院进行治疗. 同事们已记不清肖传国是以何种方式出国留学的.其简历显示,从1988年 8月至2003年,分别在伦敦大学、美国东弗吉尼亚医学院、纽约州立大学和纽约大学医学院担任研究员、教师 、助理教授和副教授等职.但自1997年开始,他便回国担任同济医科大学泌尿外科主任,而国外的相关职务采 取兼职的方式,这种双重身份也成为方舟子指摘其不符合评选院士条件的依据.肖的在同济的同事对其在国外的情 况并不了解,即使过年时大家见面,对于他在国外的研究和生活情况聊得也不多. 当时,肖传国把其科研成果带回国内,并拿给时任同济医科大学协和医院泌尿外科主任鲁功成,但鲁并未表态.肖 便到北京找到中国泌尿外科奠基人之一、任职全国人大常委会副委员长的吴阶平院士,后者曾召集了泌尿外科和神 经外科的专家进行讨论,之后对当代中国外科学有开创性贡献的同济医科大学教授裘法祖院士希望在武汉也开一个 类似的会议,肖劝裘说,北京开过,武汉就不必再开. 1996年前后,肖传国产生了回国的想法.他曾征求过邱卫民意见."当然是回来了,回来更利于发展." 当时已是蒲圻市人民医院的泌尿外科主任邱卫民劝肖说. 回国之前,深圳几位政府官员曾到美国与肖传国面谈,希望他能到深圳人民医院工作,但被肖婉拒.他事后告诉友 人,深圳医院并不是教学医院,很难开展教学工作,还不能挂教授的头衔,只能是主任医师. 在闻知肖传国有意回国的消息后,吴阶平曾亲笔写了一个邀请信,邀其到北大泌尿外科研究所,但肖传国说,"北 京水深得很." 吴阶平的学生郭应禄当时任北京大学泌尿外科研究所所长,郭同样是全国知名的泌尿外科专家、中国工程院院士、 教授、主任医师、博士导师.回忆起这段经历,他对《中国新闻周刊》记者说,他(肖传国)原来要到我这儿来, 和我谈了几次,吴阶平找我让我收他.可是他当时向我了提了个条件:"到你这儿我就听你一个人的".我觉得这 个人太骄傲,最终也没有要他过来. 就在肖传国考虑回国的时候,同济医科大学党委书记刘树茂找其谈话,劝他回归,为母校服务.1997年6月, 肖传国回国任同济医科大学协和医院泌尿外科主任. 张齐均说,肖传国担任主任后便对泌尿外科进行细分,划为神经泌尿、肿瘤泌尿、肾脏移植等.细分之后,研究方 向更为确定,各科室提升速度很快,医生也各有所专.当主治医生面临较为困难的手术时,肖传国大都会参加会诊 ,或亲自操刀.他对下属要求严格,"脾气很厉害",但对于晋升或调动,他从不卡人. 面对赤壁老家的旧故,他极为热情.曾与肖文革时一起下乡的杨庆远有一次为弟弟的病去协和医院找他.杨庆远记 得,肖凌晨4点肖刚刚从黄石出差回来,只在办公室里躺了两个多小时便为其弟检查开单,令杨异常感动.赤壁人 民医院偶尔会请肖做手术,他大都应允.即便在国外,也会尽量安排好.据称,肖家在赤壁有着不错的口碑,肖传 国父亲曾是蒲圻县副县长,在纪委书记的位子上退休,而弟弟在另一地方的政法部门任职,父子三人均进入了《赤 壁人物志》. 聪明?糊涂?仗义?骄傲? 在邱卫民的记忆中,肖传国对恩师们均极为敬重.一次,肖传国陪裘法祖到河南探访病人,但河南医学会并未买到 回程的卧铺."他当时非常生气,说裘教授都八九十岁了,是世界知名的外科专家,还睡不上一个卧 铺?" 2002年,肖传国硕士生导师熊旭林去世,他在美国专门写了一幅悼词,裱好后托人送至熊家.此后数年,每到 大年初一,他都会带着学生来熊家拜年,并给熊旭林遗像嗑三个头. 在同事们看来,肖传国还是仗义执言的典范.因返聘老教授的工资问题他直接找院长理论,在工作问题上从不留情 面.有的人从外地回来,会给领导和同事带些小礼品,他却从来不会.一位同事说,他就是一个学者,一心学术, 也许是在国外呆的时间太长,为人处世的方式方法发生了变化. 面对朋友、同事和学生,他几乎不会提及他与方舟子的"十年论战".2006年肖传国在武汉起诉方舟子,他周 围的许多人是看了《武汉晚报》的报道后才知道肖方积怨的.邱卫民曾问肖传国:你美国有科研项目,国内还有一 个科室,手里有上千万科研经费,还打什么官司?肖传国说,他(方舟子)就是烦人! 谈到"雇凶袭击方舟子"这件事,郭应禄似乎并不惊奇,"这和他这个人的行为(方式)也差不多.我们也习惯了 ." 对于肖传国的骄傲,郭应禄印象很深,"在圈儿内没有被他看得起的人."郭记得就在2008年由吴阶平创立的 北京大学泌尿外科研究所成立30周年庆典的时候,该所邀请了全国所有的国家级泌尿外科重点学科的代表来参加 ,"六个大学的代表发言,就他发言水平最低,只吹他自己,说他回国之后如何如何……" 郭应禄说,我曾经给裘老(指裘法祖)提意见说,"你们武汉做了一件事为我们泌尿外科界抹了黑,那就是肖传国 在《健康报》上写文章说,只有他从美国回来以后,中国才开始做前列腺癌根治手术."据郭介绍,事实上,在肖 传国回国之前很多年,南京的一位教授就开展了这一手术."他的事情我们不参与."郭应禄说. 肖传国事发后,国内泌尿外科界保持沉默.肖氏反射弧手术属于泌尿外科"尿控学组"的项目,可是,记者10月 12日专程前往北京医院,希望找到中华泌尿外科学会副主任委员、尿控学组组长王建业,对肖传国的研究和治疗 方法有一个专业的说法.王建业通过该院宣传处干部回复说,"王认为这件事是业内的事,他不便发 表评论." 72岁的张齐均最后一次见到肖传国是在今年8月的一个较为困难的手术上.他与肖合作,手术完成得极为顺利. 然而,当他再次看到肖传国时,却是在电视新闻中."原本以为武汉打完官司就完了,没想到现在还有事儿."张 齐均对此也颇感意外,如此聪明的人,怎么可能做出这么糊涂的事情?"我很震惊,也很痛心."肖传国的博士研 究生、协和医院泌尿外科副主任医师李兵告诉《中国新闻周刊》,他正在组织经肖氏反射弧手术治疗有效果的患者 ,来说明这个手术给病人带来的好处.李说,"历史会给他一个客观公正的评价." 在华中科技大学同济医学院协和医院泌尿科宣传栏的照片中,每个人都穿着白大褂,唯独肖传国身着西服站在自己 的办公桌前.在他的办公室里,存放着他与党和国家领导人的合影,这曾经是他的骄傲.如今,冰冷的手铐代替了 荣耀,当肖的远亲戴建湘举起铁锤的瞬间,似乎注定了今天的结局. 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Whenever you have a look at a property you possibly will not comprehend it, your talent are likely to be typically captivated by your house windows. Many people don’t discover this specific until they are often sad using windowpane treatments, and that they observe that these folks can’t cease checking out their unique wine glass windows, looking that can their look at the entire world ended up being unique. Once you learn you will need distinction in screen covers nevertheless, you don’t want shutters and you also don’t need drapes you may want to consider shutters.
A lot of people take into consideration shutters as well as sense they may be standard, even so this may not be legitimate in any respect. You will find typically shutters coming from all different styles, components, colors, along with fashoins. These days shutters are incredibly well-known because in line with the sources employed and also the residence they're spend, they might resulted in residence a lot more informal and cozy or maybe they are able to result in the house a great deal more classy. Who possess at any time deemed which shutters could be therefore flexible? Shutters are the ideal variety when you would just love to permit generally in most soft. Glass windows function many effectively availability of mild for that home, not forgetting they are a cost-effective way to obtain lighting. Anyone don’t need to switch over any exchange or perhaps invest the invoice, simply throw open your own personal shutters along with enable the lighting effects throughout. Several shutters will allow you to take care of the amount slight you need to enable within, is a great trait. Even though shutters certainly are a entertaining approach to let in light, also they are a powerful way to complete comfort. If you see in which window blinds in addition to draperies are certainly not your way of life but you even so wish to make absolutely certain you've got your own personal privacy in your home, shutters are a fantastic variety. Several shutters may be closed fully and that means you are unable to see inside or even over and above all of them. This implies that you will be able to firmly and also perfectly place in shutters also probably the most individual parts of your own home, much like the bathroom and area. |
Whenever you check out a home you possibly will not be aware of it, your skills are often normally interested in your house house windows. A lot of people don’t find this type of until they may be unsatisfied utilizing windowpane treatment options, after which it they see that they will can’t end checking out their very own glass glass windows, wishing that can their glance at the planet ended up being distinctive. If you know you will want difference inside screen coverings however, you don’t wish shutters and also you don’t wish draperies you might like to take into consideration shutters.
Some people think of shutters plus really feel they are classic, nonetheless this is simply not genuine in any way. You will find typically shutters of most numerous dimensions, factors, colours, and fashoins. These days shutters are extremely well-known considering that according to the assets applied along with the house they're devote, they can resulted in property far more everyday and comfortable or simply they could increase the risk for home a lot more classy. Who would have actually regarded as in which shutters could be consequently accommodating? Shutters make the perfect choice should you would certainly love to allow in most delicate. Home windows function nearly all effectively method to obtain soft to the residence, remembering these are an economical method to obtain light. An individual don’t have to switch over a exchange or even spend any statement, simply throw open your individual shutters as well as let the lighting effects during. Many shutters can help you take care of the amount of mild you need to permit inside, is also an incredible feature. Despite the fact that shutters can be a exciting strategy to allow see how to avoid, also they are the best way to accomplish comfort. Possibly in which window shades as well as drapes aren't your way of life however, you nevertheless want to just make sure you need your individual level of privacy in your house, shutters are a great choice. Numerous shutters could be sealed entirely so that you can't view inside of or perhaps past all of them. Therefore that you will be in a position to safely and securely and perfectly devote shutters also probably the most personal parts of your house, much like the rest room as well as place. |
Once you have a look at a house you possibly will not understand it, your skills are likely to be usually fascinated with your house windows. Lots of people don’t discover this specific till they could be unsatisfied utilizing screen treatment options, after which they note that they will can’t stop checking out their particular goblet home windows, looking that can his or her consider the planet ended up being distinctive. If you know you'll want big difference in home window treatments however, you don’t want shutters and you also don’t desire window treatments you may want to think about shutters.
A lot of people consider shutters as well as feel they're standard, nevertheless this may not be real whatsoever. You'll find generally shutters coming from all various styles, parts, colours, along with fashoins. Currently shutters are extremely well-known considering that according to the assets applied plus the property they may be spend, they are able to resulted in property much more laid-back and cozy or possibly they could make home much more stylish. Who get ever before regarded as that will shutters may be for that reason flexible? Shutters make the perfect selection in case you would likely like to permit in most delicate. Glass windows perform the majority of efficiently way to obtain gentle for your residence, remembering they're a cost-effective method to obtain lighting. Anyone don’t have to switch over a new change or even invest the payment, basically open your own shutters along with let the lighting effects during. Several shutters can help you manage just how much moderate you want to let within, is a fantastic feature. Despite the fact that shutters can be a exciting strategy to let learn how to, they've also been a terrific way to complete privateness. Possibly which shades as well as curtains are certainly not yourself however you on the other hand need to make absolutely certain you've got your personal privateness at your residence, shutters are a fantastic variety. Many shutters might be sealed totally which means you can't observe inside or perhaps outside of all of them. This implies that you will be capable to securely as well as perfectly invest shutters also probably the most personal elements of your property, much like the toilet as well as place. |
Whenever you take a look at a residence you possibly will not understand it, your eye are usually normally interested in the home home windows. Many people don’t discover this specific until they are often unhappy making use of screen treatment options, then they see that these folks can’t cease examining their own goblet home windows, wanting that will their go through the entire world had been distinctive. If you know you will need difference inside eye-port linens however you don’t want shutters and you don’t need drapes you might like to think of shutters.
Lots of people think about shutters and in addition sense they are standard, nonetheless this may not be genuine in any respect. You can find generally shutters of most numerous styles, factors, hues, and fashoins. Currently shutters are incredibly well-known because according to the means applied plus the property they are dedicate, they are able to make home far more laid-back and cozy or simply they can increase the risk for property far more classy. Who'd have got at any time considered that will shutters may be as a result flexible? Shutters make the perfect assortment should you would just want to allow in most delicate. Glass windows operate most effectively method to obtain soft for the home, not forgetting they're an inexpensive way to obtain mild. An individual don’t must switch over a new exchange as well as commit a new statement, basically start your own personal shutters in addition to allow the illumination throughout. A number of shutters can help you take care of the amount of slight you want to allow within, is also an incredible trait. Though shutters are a entertaining way to enable learn how to, also they are a terrific way to attain privateness. If you see in which blinds as well as draperies are not yourself however, you even so want to just make sure you need your own level of privacy at your residence, shutters are a fantastic choice. A lot of shutters could possibly be shut totally and that means you are unable to view inside as well as beyond every one of them. This means that you'll be in a position to safely and securely and perfectly invest shutters actually probably the most individual aspects of your home, like the bathroom and room. |
When you have a look at a property you possibly will not understand it, your eye are likely to be generally fascinated with your home home windows. A lot of people don’t discover this type of until eventually they might be sad employing windowpane remedies, after which that they identify that these people can’t cease investigating their very own wine glass glass windows, wishing that will their own go through the world had been distinctive. If you know you want difference in windowpane treatments however you don’t desire
shutters and you don’t want drapes you might like to consider shutters. Many individuals think of shutters as well as feel they may be traditional, nevertheless this may not be legitimate whatsoever. You will find normally shutters of all various styles, parts, shades, along with fashoins. Today shutters are incredibly well-known because according to the assets utilized and also the residence they may be devote, they can increase the risk for residence much more informal and comfy or possibly they could make residence a great deal more stylish. Who would have got ever deemed in which shutters may be for that reason accommodating? Shutters are the ideal assortment in case you would just love to allow generally in most soft. Home windows work the majority of effectively method of getting mild for your property, not forgetting they are an inexpensive supply of lighting. You don’t need to transition a new exchange or even invest any statement, merely throw open your own shutters along with enable the lighting effects all through. Numerous shutters will assist you to manage just how much mild you wish to let within, is an excellent characteristic. Though shutters can be a exciting way to permit learn how to, also they are a terrific way to accomplish comfort. If you notice in which blinds in addition to curtains aren't your lifestyle however you on the other hand need to just make sure you've got your own level of privacy at your residence, shutters make the perfect choice. Many shutters could be closed fully and that means you cannot notice inside as well as over and above these. Therefore that you will be in a position to safely as well as flawlessly put in shutters perhaps one of the most particular person areas of your home, just like the bathroom and area. |
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