Microsoft Office 2010 Pro Plus Zen Strikes Twice
week the Microsoft Silicon Valley Campus was lucky to host Presentation Zen blogger and author Garr Reynolds. on the origins of the Presentation Zen philosophy and style; how to bring Zen simplicity and clarity to your communications. Presentation Zen style is a very accessible and effective set of guidance and references for making your communications engaging and effective. Amazingly popular just five months after its publication, the book Presentation Zen has secured a number one position in Amazon’s Business, Windows 7 Professional, Communications, and Meetings & Presentations categories. The Presentation Zen blog continues a regular update of these concepts and comments on the general state of presentations and communications in business, education, and politics. the book and blog are highly recommended. scrambled back in March to get Garr in for a private presentation for the Windows and Macintosh PowerPoint teams, unfortunately there had not been enough lead time to throw the invitation open to the whole campus. Garr wrote about that experience with the PowerPoint team in his blog. this time we had plenty of warning, and opened the invitation to the whole Silicon Valley Campus. Garr had scheduled a trip in the States from his home in Japan, Office 2007 Enterprise Key, with an extended stay in the Silicon Valley. Microsoft employees really showed their interest in Garr's messages. We pretty much filled the main auditorium here at lunch time. Again, Windows 7 Enterprise Key, you can read about his take in a recent PZ blog entry. If you'd like to watch Garr tell the Presentation Zen story, Microsoft Office 2010 Pro Plus, you can watch a recording of his March visit to Google (just down the road from the SVC.) on this second photograph. If you look closely Garr may appear to have lost the audience's attention. But they're actually responding to his request that they take a moment to discuss what good and bad presentations they've seen in the past. The audience reaction was huge, Office 2007 Standard Key, so much discussion, hand-waving, and laughter! Check out the video as well... already a podcast available of my first visit with Garr from the beginning of this year. That recording features commentary from Nancy Duarte and Howard Cooperstein. You can listen to it here. We took Garr's latest visit as an opportunity to record a second session that will be available soon. Great evening, discussion revolved around the serious issues of audiences, humor and why presentations are like stand-up comedy. again Garr!