Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2010 blog the-c
The content material is closed, Office 2007 Professional, and I am make sure you to announce a winner: Haroon Saeed I asked Haroon to tell us a little about himself: My age is 24. I have done B.Sc(Hons) with major in Computer Science from University of The Punjab’s (Punjab University College of Information Technology). I took my HSSC examinations from Government College University and SSC Examination from Crescent Model Higher Secondary School all from Lahore, Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2010, Pakistan where I live since birth. I presently work as Software Engineer for Techlogix, Inc. which is global information services company excelling in providing services to all sorts of businesses. I started doing programming with BASIC in around 1996. I then resumed programming and Computer Science in late 2000 after a gap of almost 4 years. I am very passionate about writing computer programs and algorithms but I'm more interested in excelling in real Computer Science and problems solving as a whole. Artificial Intelligence has also fascinated me a lot during my course work. I'm also good at numbers and mathematics. I'm kind of person who is interested in knowledge of all forms. I code professionally and for fun both. My activities include, Office Pro Plus 2007, programming competitions, Microsoft Office 2007 Pro Plus, solving puzzles/brain teasers, and learning about latest technology in my field. I certainly want to pursue a Masters degree some time in future. Also, microsoft Office 2010 License, a big shout out to two other entries that came close to winning: Julio Casal and Haonan Tan. To everyone else to entered: thanks for your time and persistence. I do know we had some struggles with the “automated replies” (we are after all recruiters and not engineers), so thanks to all of you who persevered. Congratulations, Haroon, you have entered the Coding Master Hall of Fame… - Jenna