Genuine Office 2010 blog zune-vs-ipod-and-being-hi
I will need to briefly depart from the topic of interviewing to reply towards the complaints and kudos I have received about my final two blog posts: namely my remarks in regards to the video iPod and the hiring practices of Google. Some readers wrote to commend me on my honesty and risk with these topics, Microsoft Office Pro Plus 2010, while a few others wrote to condemn me with all the worst insults I can imagine: “You are too old” and “You don’t get it” With regard to the iPod, some of you think this is the equivalent of wearing final season’s shoes. Zune users have been quick to point out that the Zune plays xBox games, and that the hippest game the video iPod has is Sudoku (which, Genuine Office 2010, ok - I love). And while my iPod usually does make me feel hip, the fact that I can’t play downloaded digital music and audio books through the public library on my iPod (so I sit at the coffee shop with my white headphones plugged into my laptop) does make me feel a little… um... dumb. Still, Scoble agrees with me that the iPod is cooler, but since he was born inside the year 1965, I suppose it’s possible that he's also too old to understand the merits of music swapping. And then the “You are too old to understand” insults followed with comments on my Google post. Readers were quick to point out that within the world of Facebook and MySpace, filling out an online profile without the immediate expectation of something in return was the new form of communication. The days of the phone and also the personal touch are gone, Office 2007 Activation, and it's more about speed, Microsoft Office 2010 Pro, multi-tasking and maximizing your chances. It seems many of you think that the best applicants will take the time to fill out “an elaborate online questionnaire” because they understand that this is the way the world now works - and it’s people like me that are stuck inside the past. So, Office 2010 Product Key, you tell me what you think… but please just don’t use the word “old". I far prefer “retro”. - Jenna